Working with Items

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing Item ID Navigational Features

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Access Item ID Navigational Features

Page Name

Object Name



Item Search Criteria


Click the Item Search/Item Links button next to any editable Item ID or Product ID field.

On the Transfer page, click the Item Search or the Product Search link.

Increase the search speed for the item and product IDs when you process inventory movements, sales orders, and material stock requests.

Item Vendor Priority


Click the Item Vendor Priority link for an item line on the Item Search Criteria page.

View a list of vendors that are already established as suppliers of the item that you want to order. This page can help you make decisions about where to place an order for an item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Zero Fill Functionality

A zero fill feature is available for the item ID fields that appear in Update, Update/Display, and Correction item ID search boxes. When you enter item IDs in these search boxes, you can omit the leading zeros, and the system will add leading zeros before activating the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering New Item IDs Quickly

To enter new items, use the page transfer options that are available from:

Item Search/Item Links

On each of these pages, you can click the Item Search/Item Links button next to the Item ID field to access a transfer page, which lists several item-related components: Define Item (INV_ITEMS_DEFIN1), Define Business Unit Item (GEN_ATTRIB_INV), Copy Item (ITEM_COPY_INV), Maintain Item (INV_ITEMS_DEFIN1), and Maintain Business Unit Item (GEN_ATTRIB_INV).

When you select an option from the transfer page, a new session is established in a second browser window. When you complete the selected task, save the session, close the second browser session, and return to the task in the first browser window.

For example, suppose that you’re in the process of adding a new order by using the Create/Update Stock Request component and you come across an item ID that is not yet defined. Instead of canceling out of the order, click the Transfer button that is next to the Item ID field, and then click the Define Item link on the transfer page to define the item at the setID level. When you finish defining the item, save the component, close the browser window, and click the Define Business Unit Item link on the transfer page to define the item at the business unit level. Save the component, close the browser window, and resume the order entry task in the first browser window, which displays the Material Stock Request component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncreasing Search Speed for Item and Product IDs

Access the Item Search Criteria page.

Note. If you access the page from the Item Search link, the page name is Item Search Criteria: Item Information. If you access the page from the Product Search link, the page name is Product Search Criteria: Item Information.

The Item Search Criteria component enables you to display a subset of items or products that meet specific search parameters. You must enter at least one search criterion. Wild cards are supported for all of the search parameters.

Item ID, Item Group, Family, Mfg ID (manufacturing ID), Mfg ItmID (manufacturers item ID) Category, Product ID

Enter a specific value or a partial value plus an appropriate wild card.

Description, Prod Descr (product description)

Enter a complete or partial value. This field does not require wild cards and is not case-sensitive.


Click to retrieve any items or products that meet the criteria. The results of the search appear on the Item Information and Product Information tabs.

When you select the check box that is next to an item or product that is listed on the tabs, the Item ID or the Product ID field on the original page is automatically populated.

Click the Return button to return to the previous page without making a selection.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Inventory by Item Status

This section discusses how to:

The item status determines which item transactions are performed in PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management applications. By changing an item’s status, you control, for example, whether items are included on sales orders, material stock requests, requisitions, and purchase orders. You also control whether an item is picked and shipped, used in production, or replenished. The item status that is defined at the business unit level determines which item transactions are permitted in PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Manufacturing, and PeopleSoft Supply Planning. Valid item transactions in PeopleSoft Purchasing are determined by the item status at the setID level, except when the inventory business unit is referenced on requisitions or purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Manage Inventory by Item Status

Page Name

Object Name



Change Item Status


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Change Item Status

Define request parameters for the Change Item Status process (INS4000). The Change Item Status process changes the current status of item definitions to the future status that is defined for the items when the scheduled date of the future status is on or before the date that the process is run. The Change Item Status process generates the Change Item Status Exceptions report, listing the items that are scheduled for inactivation that could not be updated to Inactive status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Status

In PeopleSoft Inventory, an item definition at either the setID or the business unit level may have any of these statuses:

Under Initialization

New item definitions are added to the system tables at the setID level with a status of Under Initialization. The item definition maintains this status until you manually change the current status to Pending Approval on the Define Item - General: Common page. No transactions are permitted while the item definition status is under initialization; however, you can add the item definition to the business unit level and modify the item attributes. After being approved at the setID level, any valid definition that is created at the business unit level while the item has a status of Under Initialization or Pending Approval is updated to Active status.

Pending Approval

When you complete the item definition at the setID level, you must change the current status from Under Initialization to Pending Approval manually on the Define Item - General: Common page. In environments that do not require item approval processing, the item status is changed automatically from Pending Approval to Active when you save the item definition. In environments that process items by using manual approval, the item is available on the Item Approval page. In environments that process items by using workflow approval, setting the item status to Pending Approval triggers item approval workflow and makes the item available on the Item Approval page. If the item definition is approved, the item status is updated automatically from Pending Approval to Active when the Item Approval page is saved. When the system updates an item’s status from Pending Approval to Active at the setID level, any valid definition that is created at the business unit level while the item status is Under Initialization or Pending Approval are also updated automatically to Active. No transactions are permitted while an item’s status is Pending Approval.

Denied Approval

If the environment uses item approval processing, you can change the status of an item from Pending Approval to Denied Approval on the Item Approval page. When an item definition is denied approval, the item’s status at both the setID and the business unit levels is changed to Denied Approval, and no item transactions are permitted.


When an item’s definition is approved, the system changes the item’s status to Active, meaning that it’s available for all transactions across PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management applications. Items with an Active status that is defined at the business unit level are eligible for item transactions in PeopleSoft Inventory, Manufacturing, and Supply Planning. Items with an Active status that is defined at the set ID level are eligible for most transactions in PeopleSoft Purchasing; however, items that are included on purchase orders and requisitions that reference an inventory business unit must have an Active status at the business unit level.

You can change the status of an item with a Hold, Discontinue, or Inactive status back to Active at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page or at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page.


Items with a Hold status are restricted to warehouse movement, adjustment, return material authorization (RMA), return to vendor (RTV), receiving, and putaway transactions. You cannot place or fulfill material stock requests for items with a Hold status, nor can these items be used in planning, replenishment, production, purchase order, or requisition transactions. This status does not apply when you are creating orders in PeopleSoft Order Management.

You can change the status of an item with an Active, Discontinue, or Inactive status to Hold at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page or at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page.


Items with Inactive status are restricted to warehouse movement transactions, adjustments, RMA and RTV transactions, and receiving transactions. You cannot place or fulfill orders for items with an Inactive status, nor can these items be used in planning, replenishment, production, purchase order, or requisition transactions. You can remove item records with an Inactive status from the system by using the Inventory Data Purge process (IN_PURGE).

To change an item to Inactive status, enter a future status of Inactive and a future status date on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page for the business unit and item or on the Define Item - General: Common page, and run the Change Item Status process (INS4000). Items that are defined as manufactured items cannot be inactivated. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you cannot inactivate an item that is specified on a bill of material (BOM), whether it is defined as an assembly or as a component of an assembly. Nor can you inactivate an item if it has a routing definition, if it is defined in a production area, or if production IDs or schedules exist.


The Discontinue item status enables you to use up (phase out) on-hand quantity of an item. For items with a Discontinue status, you can place and fulfill orders, and you can perform warehouse movement transactions, adjustments, receiving, and RMA and RTV transactions. However, these items cannot be used in planning, replenishment, production, purchase orders, or requisition transactions.

If you generate plans by using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, the optimization process begins driving the inventory level of the discontinued item to zero, or as close to zero as possible on the future status date. The optimization process satisfies demand for the item with whatever quantity is on hand and does not create any new planned orders. This process determines a projected use-up date, which theoretically is the quantity that is on hand when the discontinued item is consumed. You can use the projected use-up date as the obsolete date for the component of the BOM. If you do not modify the obsolete date for the component, and if you use substitute items, one of the substitutes for the discontinued item on the BOM substitution list can replace it on that particular production order or schedule. If no substitute items are defined for the discontinued item, the discontinued item is short. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can always add production IDs and production schedules manually for a discontinued item if additional quantity on hand is required.

You can change the status of an item with an Active, Hold, or Inactive status to Discontinue at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page or at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page.

See Approving Item Definitions.

See Inactivating Items.

See Updating Item Status.

Understanding Item Status Requirements by Transaction Type

Item definitions with a status of Under Initialization, Pending Approval, or Denied Approval cannot be used in a transaction within the PeopleSoft system. Only items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, or Inactive are eligible for transactions and only Active items are eligible for all transactions. This list details item status requirements by type of transaction.

Order Transactions

Include all transactions that involve creating or modifying sales orders, material stock requests, or express issues. Only items with a status of Active or Discontinue are valid for these transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Fulfillment Transactions

Include all transactions that involve picking, packing, and shipping orders and material stock requests. Only items with a status of Active or Discontinue are valid for these transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Warehouse Movement Transactions

Include all transactions that involve material transfer from one storage location to another within a business unit. Items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, and Inactive are valid for these transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Adjustment Transactions

Include all transactions in which the system’s record of the quantity that is on hand for a given storage location is modified to reflect a physical count of the storage location’s quantity or miscellaneous adjustments. Items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, and Inactive are valid for these transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

RMA (return material authorizations) and RTV Transactions (return-to-vendor transactions)

Items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, and Inactive are valid for return material authorizations and return-to-vendor transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Planning Transactions

Items with a status of Active, Hold, and Discontinue are valid for PeopleSoft Supply Planning transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts. If the item status is Discontinue or if the demand is beyond the item’s future discontinue date, PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not create new planned orders for the item.

Replenishment Transactions

Only items with a status of Active are valid for replenishment transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Manufacturing Transactions

Items with a status of Active, Hold, and Discontinue are valid for manufacturing transactions (such as BOM and routing maintenance, production area and item maintenance, production ID and production schedule maintenance, picking transactions, and completions), and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Receiving Transactions

Items with a status of Active, Hold, Discontinue, and Inactive are valid for receiving transactions, which include purchase order receiving, interunit transfer receiving, and RMA receiving. Only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Putaway Transactions

Items with a status of Active, Hold, and Discontinue are valid for putaway transactions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

Purchase Orders and Requisitions

Items with a status of Active are valid for purchase orders and requisitions, and only these items appear in the associated item prompts.

This table summarizes the item status requirements for PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management transactions. The status can be Active, Hold, Discontinue, or Inactive.An X indicates that the item status is eligible for the transaction in the first column.






All sales order, material stock request (MSR), and Express Issue.





Picking and shipping.





Warehouse movements.










RMA and RTV.





Supply planning.























Purchase order and requisitions.




Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Item Status

You can update an item’s current status manually, or you can update it by scheduling a status change on a future date and running the Item Change Update process to apply the change on the appropriate date. The technique that you choose depends on the status change that you want to make and when you want to make it.

New Items

New item definitions are added to the system tables in Under Initialization status. When you complete the item definition at the setID level, you must manually change the current status from Under Initialization to Pending Approval on the Define Item - General: Common page. In environments that do not require item approval processing, the item status automatically changes from Pending Approval to Active when you save the Define Item - General: Common page. In environments that use item approval processing, setting the item status to Pending Approval triggers item approval workflow, if it is set up, and makes the item available on the Item Approval page. If the item definition is approved, the item status is updated automatically from Pending Approval to Active when the Item Approval page is saved.

No transactions are permitted while the item definition has Under Initialization or Pending Approval status; however, you can add the item definition to the business unit level and modify the item attributes. After they are approved at the setID level, either automatically or manually on the Item Approval page, any valid business unit level definitions that are created while the item status is Under Initialization or Pending Approval are updated automatically to Active status.

Approved Items

When an item definition is approved, either automatically or manually through the Item Approval page, you can manually change the item’s current status to Hold or Discontinue or back to Active at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page or at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page. Manual changes to an item’s current status that are made at the setID level do not affect the current status of item definitions at the business unit level. However, you can quickly copy the current status of the item at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page to any business units for which the item is defined; you do this by clicking the Copy button to access the Copy SetID to BU Item Status page.

Items with Future Status Changes

You can enter a future status and date for an item at the setID or business unit level and run the Change Item Status process (INS4000) on or after the scheduled date to execute the status change. In addition to Hold, Discontinue, and Active, you can change an item’s status to Inactive with this method.

You can change the future status of an item at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page or at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page. Future status changes to Discontinue, Hold, or Active items that are scheduled for the setID apply only to the item definition at the setID level unless you copy the status modifications to the business unit level.

See Also

Inactivating Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Request Parameters for the Change Item Status Process

Access the Change Item Status page.

All and Specific

Run the Change Item Status process for all business units, or select a specific business unit.

When the process runs for a specific business unit, all items that are in the business unit and have a future status date that is before or equal to the process date are processed. In addition, all items that are at the setID level (for the setID that is associated with the business unit) and have a future status date that is before or equal to the process date are processed.

If you select all business units, all items that are in each defined business unit and have a future status date before or equal to the process date are processed. In addition, all items that are in each setID and have a future status date that is prior to or equal to the process date are processed.

The Change Item Status process updates the current status and current status date for each item that is processed.

A status change for an item at the setID level does not affect the status of an item that is defined in business units unless you explicitly update the future status of the item at the business unit level.

A status change for an item at the business unit level does not affect the status of the item that is defined at the setID level unless you explicitly update the future status of the item at the setID level.

Note. If all items that are scheduled for inactivation are successfully updated to Inactive status, the Change Item Status process generates a no exception report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInactivating Items

You cannot directly update an item’s current status to Inactive. Instead, enter a future status of Inactive with a corresponding effective date of the status change and run the Change Item Status process. The Change Item Status process ensures that items that are scheduled for inactivation meet system requirements for inactivation across PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management products.

If the item meets all requirements for inactivation, the Change Item Status process changes the current status to Inactive. Any items that are scheduled for inactivation that do not meet system requirements for inactivation are included on the Change Item Status Exception report.

You can change the future status of an item to Inactive at the business unit level on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page or at the setID level on the Define Item - General: Common page. To inactivate an item at the setID level, the Change Item Status process verifies that the item is defined as Inactive in all business units for which the item exists. If one business unit has the item with a status that is other than Inactive, the setID status change to Inactive does not take place. The Change Item Status exception report lists all the business units for which the status is not Inactive. You must explicitly change the business unit status to Inactive for these business units for the setID item status to be changed to Inactive. To inactivate the item only for a specific business unit, enter a future status of Inactive and a future status date on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page.

Important! Some items cannot be inactivated. If an item that is defined for a business unit is used in PeopleSoft Manufacturing on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Costing Page (Used for MFG option), it cannot be inactivated at the business unit or the setID level. If you set the future status of a used-for-manufacturing item to Inactive, an error message appears.

Requirements for SetID Item Inactivation

The Change Item Status process validates that the setID item is eligible for Inactive status. To be eligible for Inactive status, the status for the item in each referenced business unit must be Inactive.

Requirements for Business Unit Item Inactivation

The Change Item Status process validates that the business unit item is eligible for Inactive status. For the business unit item to be eligible for Inactive status, these conditions must be met in each of the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management applications that the system includes:

See Also

Defining Item Status

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Item Prompting

To help keep large item masters manageable at the transaction level, PeopleSoft item prompts are designed to display only items that are valid for the transaction that you are performing. Items are filtered by status of the item at the business unit level. If the status of an item does not meet the status requirement of the transaction, the item is not included in the values that are accessed from the Item ID field on the transaction page.

See Also

Defining Item Status

Click to jump to parent topicFulfilling Orders with Substitute Items

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

When sufficient quantity of a requested item is unavailable, companies often fill the order by using an appropriate substitute item. PeopleSoft applications support this business practice when the order is entered and when the order is picked. If an item is unavailable, you can quickly access a list of appropriate substitutes at the time of order entry and suggest an alternative to the customer. Additionally, you can print a list of substitute items on the picking plan for orders that permit substitutions, enabling the picking staff to make substitutions as required.

See Also

Item Substitution

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Establishing Product Alternates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


The substitute item with the highest priority (the lowest number) is substituted first. Priority doesn’t need to be sequential, though it must be greater than zero. PeopleSoft applications display, print, and suggest substitute options in priority order.

Start Date and End Date

Indicate when the substitute item becomes or ceases to be a valid substitution option.

Sub Item (substitute item)

The Item ID and item Description of the substitute item appear.

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Object Name



Substitute Items (setID level)


Enter an item ID on the Availability Inquiry Selection page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Item/Product Availability) and click the Item Search/Item Links button next to the Item ID field. Then click the Substitute Items link.

View an item’s substitution definition at the setID level and, if appropriate, select an alternate item.

Substitute Items (business unit level)


Enter an item ID on the pages in the Material Stock Request component or the Express Issue page, and click the Transfer button next to the Item ID field. On the Transfer page, click the Substitute Items link.

View an item’s substitution definition at the business unit level, and if appropriate, select an alternate item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Item Substitution Definitions

If you want to make item substitutions either at the time of order entry or as the order is physically picked, you must first create item substitution definitions. An item substitution definition specifies what items can replace the originally requested item.

To create an item substitution definition:

  1. Define substitute items at the setID level.

    When you define an item at the setID level, you can also define appropriate substitutions for the item on the Define Item - Substitutes page. For each substitute item, define:

  2. (Optional) Modify the item substitution definition for the business unit.

    Use the Define Business Unit Item - Substitutes page to modify the substitution definition that is created for the setID to meet the needs of a given business unit. For example, if a business units no longer stocks an item that is defined as a valid substitute, then you can delete the item from the substitution definition at the business unit level. If an item can be used as a substitute for shipments in one business unit but not in another, the Use for Shipments option can be changed accordingly. You can copy the substitution definition for an item at the set ID level to the business unit by using the Copy to Business Unit link on the Define Item - Substitutes page or the Copy SetID Substitutes link on the Define Business Unit Item - Substitutes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Substitution Options from Item Availability Inquiries

When viewing item availability, you can quickly check availability for any substitutes that are defined for an item. In PeopleSoft Order Management, you can view possible item substitutions for an order line to help you decide whether to permit item substitutions during fulfillment processing. In PeopleSoft Inventory, you can view and select valid item substitutions when creating material stock requests and express issues.

The ability to view substitution options is provided on the Availability Inquiry Selection page, the Express Issue page, and all pages that are in the Material Stock Request component. To view an item’s substitution definition from these pages, enter an item ID and click the Transfer button that is next to the Item ID field. On the Transfer page, click the Substitute Items link to access the Substitute Items page. Depending on the point of access, you view the item’s substitution definition at either the setID or business unit level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Item’s Substitution Definition at the SetID Level

Access the Substitute Items page.

The Substitute Items page shares the same object name as the Copy Set ID Substitute Items page.

Click the Return button to close the page without selecting a substitution.

Select the check box on the row of a substitute item if you want to populate the Item ID field on the previous page with the substitute item’s item ID.

Conversion Rate

Specifies the factor to convert the transaction quantity to the items standard UOM.

Note. The conversion rate can be different at the setID, business unit, and BOM levels.

Use for Shipments

Indicates whether the substitute item is valid for picking for sales orders and material stock requests.

Use for Manufacturing

Indicates whether the substitute item can be used for substitutions on BOMs or production picking plans.

Use for Procurement

Indicates whether the substitute item can be used for substitutions during online sourcing in PeopleSoft Purchasing. This value is not copied to the business unit because PeopleSoft Purchasing uses only the substitution definition from the setID level.

See Also

Substituting Items

Item Substitution

Pages Used to Manually Select Requisitions for Sourcing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Item’s Substitution Definition at the Business Unit Level

Access the Substitute Items page.

Click the Return button to close the page without selecting a substitution.

Select the check box on the row of a substitute item if you want to populate the Item ID field on the previous page with the substitute item’s item ID.

Note. The Substitute Items link is not available for a vendor return-request type on the Express Issue page. Substitutions are not permitted for vendor returns.

For each substitution option, the system displays this information:

Conversion Rate

Specifies the factor to convert the transaction quantity to the item’s standard UOM.

Note. The conversion rate can be different at the setID, business unit, and BOM levels.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Item Substitutions for an Order Line

For eligible order lines, item substitutions can be made during order fulfillment and recorded on the Picking Feedback page. An order line is eligible for item substitution only if these conditions are met:

See Also

Understanding Changing Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Item Substitutions During Picking

For order lines that allow substitutions, you can enable the picking staff to make substitution decisions when an order is physically picked from inventory storage locations. You can generate pick plans that include substitution options for each order line that permits substitutions whenever the original item is in short supply. Even if the original item is available at the time of picking, the person who is picking the order can choose to pick any of the item’s predefined substitute items and record the substitution on the Picking Feedback page. With this method of substitution, you can complete fulfillment of orders that would otherwise be delayed or backordered.

If you choose to print substitutes, the Picking Plan process (INS6000) validates that each order line allows substitutions. If the Allow Item Substitute option is selected for the order line and not enough of the originally requested item is available to fulfill the order, the picking plan lists, in priority order, all of the valid substitute items that can be used to fulfill the order line. For each order line, substitute items are printed on the pick plan only if these conditions are met:

Printing substitutions on the picking plan are not required for making substitutions during order fulfillment. The Picking Plan process does not actually make any substitutions; it lists valid substitution options for each order line. Even if the original item is unavailable, the Picking Plan process assigns the order line to the pick batch ID without allocating the stock in the storage location—a method that is functionally similar to creating a pull picking plan. This design enables you to select a substitute item on the Picking Feedback page without having to add an order line manually to the pick batch ID. Substitutions are made on the Picking Feedback page when you record the substitute item that you chose to replace the originally requested item.

See Issuing Material to Production.

To use an item substitution during picking:

  1. Select the Allow Item Substitutes option for the order line.

    For sales orders, select the Allow Item Substitutes option on the Sales Order pages in PeopleSoft Order Management. For stock requests that are created by using the Create/Update Stock Request pages, the Express Issue page, or the PO Sourcing process, the Allow Item Substitutes setting will be supplied by default from the Fulfillment Item Setup Page, if defined, or the Setup Fulfillment - Fulfillment Setup page. The Allow Item Substitutes setting on stock requests that is created by the Par Location Replenishment process (INPGCDMD) and through planning messages has a default setting of disabled—substitutions are not allowed. You can override the Allow Item Substitutes setting for all stock requests that are not sales orders on the Create/Update Stock Request page until the order line is shipped.

  2. (Optional) Print substitution options on the picking plan.

    To list item substitutes for order lines on the picking plan, select the Print Substitutes option on the Additional Options page, accessed from the Picking Plan report page. When you select this option, the picking plan lists the valid substitute items for each order line, plus the available quantity and storage location information (including lot and serial ID).

    Printing substitute items on the pick plan is not a requirement for making an item substitution during fulfillment. For order lines that allow substitutions, you can record picking a valid substitute item for the order line on the Picking Feedback page without printing substitutes on the picking plan.

  3. Pick a valid substitute item, if needed.

    If a substitution is required for an item on the pick plan, you can physically pick one of the valid substitutes that are defined for the item. You must pick enough quantity of the substitute item to completely fulfill the requested quantity on the order line.

  4. Record the substitution on the Picking Feedback page.

    If you make an item substitution during picking, you must record the substitution on the Picking Feedback page. From the Picking Feedback page, you can access the Select Substitute Item page, where you can select the substitute item that you picked in place of the originally requested item. The quantity picked that you record must equal the quantity that is requested on the order line.

See Also

Enabling Item Substitutions for an Order Line

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Universal Item Identifiers

To define universal item identifiers, universal item ID types, and manufacturers, use the Universal Item Identifier (ITM_MFG_UPN), Universal Item ID Type Code (UPN_TYPE_CD), and Manufacturer (MANUFACTURER) components. Use the ITM_MFG_UPN_CI and the IN_EIP_ITEM_MFG_CI component interfaces to load data into the tables for this component.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

The universal item ID feature enables you to maintain and store Universal Product Numbers (UPN), Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN), Global Location Numbers (GLN), and other industry item identifiers on the PeopleSoft system.

For example, GTIN and GLN data can be registered with the Uniform Council Code (UCC). GTIN and GLN data is maintained in a global registry that is supported by the UCCNet. The UCCNet support feature enables you to publish data to the global registry by going through a non-PeopleSoft partner, which makes the data available to the customer.

To use universal item identifiers, complete these steps:

See Also

Using Universal Item Identifiers

Entering Optional Customer Data

Maintaining Vendor Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


An identifying code that represents a business entity or manufacturer.


A 14-digit code that encapsulates a 13-digit European Article Number (EAN) and a 12-digit universal product code (UPC-12).


The identifier (field name UPN_ID) that is assigned to a unique combination of setid, identifier type, manufacturer ID, item ID, and UOM.

Universal Item ID

Distinguishes among different item standards, such as UPN, HI, UCC/EAN, and GTIN.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Universal Item Identifiers

Page Name

Object Name



Universal Item ID Types


Items, Define Controls, Universal Item ID Types

Define universal item ID types at the setID level, and determine whether the ID represents a GTIN.



Items, Define Controls, Manufacturers

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Purchasing, Manufacturer

Designate manufacture default type codes by selecting a default universal item ID for a manufacturer, and determine whether the manufacturer is locally owned. A manufacturer ID may be used to represent an EAN.UCC company prefix.

Manufacturer’s Item


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General: Common

Select the Manufacturer link.

Designate preferred manufacturers by defining information about the item's manufacturer and access the Universal Item Identifiers page and the Item Manufacturer GPO page.

Universal Item Identifiers


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Universal Item Identifiers

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General: Common. Select the Manufacturer link, then select the Universal Item Identifiers link.

Define universal item identifiers by assigning them by item ID, manufacturer ID, and UOM.

Before you can access this page, you must select and save a preferred (default) manufacturer on the Manufacturer’s Item page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Universal Item ID Types

Access the Universal Item ID Types page.

You must define an identifier type for each setID for which you are using item identifiers. The codes should correspond to the standards of universal item numbers that are used by the customer, or the manufacturers of items that you want to procure.

To define universal item ID types for setIDs:

  1. Select a setID for which you want to assign a universal item ID type.

  2. Enter a code of four characters or fewer for the identifier type.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter a long description (required) and a short description.

  5. Select the Global Trade Item Number check box if the ID type is to be used for GTINs.

    If this check box is selected, the ID type will appear as the UPN type code on the Item Default Values page, and will be available on the Universal Item Identifiers page. Only one Universal Item ID Type can have this box selected for each setid.

  6. Save the changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Manufacturer Default Type Codes

Access the Manufacturer page.

Use the Manufacturers (IN_EIP_ITEM_MFG_GBL) component to define manufacturers, designate a universal item identifier-type code as the default for a manufacturer, and indicate whether the manufacturer is locally owned. Use the Manufacturers (IN_EIP_ITEM_MFG_CI) component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

To designate a universal item identifier type code as the default for a manufacturer and indicate whether the manufacturer is locally owned:

  1. Select the universal item ID type for the manufacturer in the Default Universal Item ID field.

    The selection appears on the Universal Item Identifiers page.

  2. Select the Locally Owned check box to indicate that the manufacturer is locally owned.

    This selection appears on the Universal Item Identifiers page. More than one manufacturer ID can be locally owned.

  3. Save the changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Preferred Manufacturers

Access the Manufacturer’s Item page.

You must designate a preferred manufacturer before assigning a universal item identifier to an item ID-manufacturer ID-UOM combination, even if only one manufacturer exists on the Manufacturer’s Item page. Each manufacturers' item ID appear by default.

To designate a preferred manufacturer:

  1. Select the check box in the appropriate row designating the preferred manufacturer.

    Only one manufacturer can be selected as the preferred manufacturer for the item.

  2. Click OK.

    The PeopleSoft system displays the Define Item - General: Common page.

  3. Save the changes.

    Note. You should assign only one manufacturer to an item ID if you want to track manufacturers in PeopleSoft Inventory. That is, items that are similar but made by different manufacturers should have separate item IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Universal Item Identifiers

Access the Universal Item Identifiers page.

To define universal item identifiers for an item, use the Universal Item Identifier (IN_MFG_UPN_GBL) component. Use the Universal Item Identifier (IN_MFG_UPN_CI) component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

To define universal item identifiers:

  1. Select the Sel (select) check box in the row that is next to the manufacturer for which you want to assign a universal item identifier.

  2. Click the Universal Item Identifiers link.

    The PeopleSoft system displays the Universal Item Identifiers page.

  3. Select a universal item ID type and a UOM, and enter an identifier.

    The default universal item ID-type code comes from the Manufacturer page.

  4. Save the changes.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Device Tracking

This section discusses hot to:

You can use device tracking with PeopleSoft Purchasing to view device tracked items throughout the procurement cycle. You can track both inventory and non-inventory items by selecting them in the item master. At the time of receipt, you can also track items that are ordered by description only.

An item that is designated for device tracking must be lot controlled, serialized, or both. If you select an item for tracking that is neither serialized nor lot controlled, you receive an error message. You can disable device tracking for an item in the item master at any time. The device tracking option appears for users during the procurement process.

You can use device tracking to:

Two reports are provided specifically for tracked devices. One displays tracked devices from the item master; the other displays tracked items that are received.

Reviewing Tracked Item Information

If an item is selected for device tracking, the Device Tracking check box is selected; otherwise, the check box is clear. The Device Tracking check box appears on these pages:

Note. You can select or clear the tracking option only on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Displaying Device Tracking Information on Reports

You can produce these reports with device tracking information displayed:


Process Name


Device Tracking Master List

IN Device Tracking Item List (INS9030)

Displays device-tracked items, filtered according to the parameters that are selected.

See PeopleSoft Item Reports.

P/O Receipt Device Tracking

Device Tracking Receipts (PORC930)

Displays device-tracked items that are received.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Device Tracking

Page Name

Object Name



Define Item - Inventory Tracking/Description


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Inventory

Select an item for device tracking and establish or maintain item descriptions and lot-control attributes.



Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts

Create receipts for non-PO and PO line items.

Device Tracking


Purchasing, Receipts, Add/Update Receipts

Click the DT Details button in an item row.

Review distribution information for a tracked device and assign serial IDs or lot IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Items for Device Tracking

Access the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page for the item that you want to track.

  1. Select the Device Tracking check box.

  2. Save the changes.

    Note. You can only select items for tracking that are lot-controlled, serial-controlled, or both.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving Tracked Devices

Access the Receiving page.


Indicates whether the receipt line is serial controlled. The check box is selected and unavailable for serialized items. If you are receiving a description-only PO line (no item ID) and the Device Track check box is selected, you can select the serial option. (You can also select this check box if the item is ordered using the description only and the line is asset related.) For serial-controlled items, you must enter the serial ID at the time of receipt or putaway or during any inventory movement transaction.

Note. Do not select the Serial check box for items that are only lot-controlled.

Device Track

Indicates whether a receipt line is device tracked. The default value is selected and unavailable for device-tracked items unless they are description-only (no item ID). The field is available for items that are description-only. Select to device track items that are description-only.

DT Details

Click to access the Device Tracking page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Tracked Device Distribution Information

Access the Device Tracking page.

Click the Insert Non-Serial Row button to split out the quantities to different lots or putaway locations. This generates another putaway row for the same inventory business unit. You must reduce the earlier putaway quantities for this unit if you split a putaway. The total putaway quantity for this unit must match the total quantity that you accept.

Click the Cancel Row button to cancel the selected row of the distribution line.

Distribution Information

Click the Assign Serial IDs button to access the Generate Serial Number page, where you can assign serial ID numbers to the selected receipt items. This page is accessible only if the related item is serial-controlled.

Click the Lot ID button to access the Generate Lot Numbers page, where you can assign a lot ID to a lot-controlled item. This page is accessible only if the related item is lot-controlled.

Note. Do not generate lot IDs for device-tracked items. Instead, enter the vendor-assigned lot ID in the Lot/Batch field or the Vendor Lot field.

Sel (select)

Select to work with a particular line item.

Dist Seq (distribution sequence)

Identifies the putaway row number that is associated with the specific distribution line.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Identifies the inventory business unit for the distribution. For non-PO receipts, this value is supplied by default from the ship-to location. For PO receipts, this value appears by default from the PO distribution.


The status of the receipt line.


Enter a serial ID. This field is available if the Serial Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page, or for items that are ordered by description if the Device Track and Serial check boxes are selected on the Receiving page.


Enter a lot ID. This field is available if the Lot Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page, or if the Device Track check box is selected for description-only items on the Receiving page. The value that you enter becomes the default for the Vendor Lot field.

Vendor Lot

Enter a vendor-assigned lot ID. This field is available only if the Lot Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Expire Dte

Enter the expiration date for the lot ID. This field is left blank if the item is a non-inventory receipt line (subcontract, expense only, or an asset-only interface receipt). The date here is unavailable for change if the item's lot ID is assigned an expiration date. If the item's lot ID does not have an assigned expiration date, the item's shelf life value (if greater than zero) is added to the receipt date to calculate the expiration date. This expiration date value is available for override. If no shelf life value is entered for the item, you are required to enter one.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Custom Item Attributes

To capture item attributes that are specific to the business, the PeopleSoft system provides generic numeric and alphanumeric item attribute fields at both the setID and business unit level. By using PeopleSoft Application Designer, you can modify the field labels to represent their functions in the system.

As with other item attributes, custom attributes that you enter at the setID level automatically change to the business unit, where they can be modified. Custom attributes are updated by the Item Loader processes and you can copy them by using the Item Copy page. Custom item attributes are included on the Basic Item Listing Report and in the Item Master outbound EIPs (enterprise integration point). You can add these fields to existing reports or to custom reports.

For the set ID, define custom item attributes on the Define Item - Custom: Character page and the Define Item - Custom: Numeric page. The values that you define automatically change to the business unit level. You can modify these attributes on the Define Business Unit Item - Custom: Character page and Define Business Unit Item - Custom: Numeric page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Item Quantity UOM

All PeopleSoft applications use UOM to quantify resources. In PeopleSoft Inventory, UOMs enable you to quantify and track inventory items. Suppose that you stock items in boxes of 12 and in cases of 60, the boxes and the cases are prepackaged, and you do not enable the warehouse personnel to break the packaging. You can stock item quantities in both these units of measure and track them as they move through the warehouse.

You can use different UOMs to conduct different types of transactions. For example, you might order an item by the case but store it in the warehouse and ship it to customers either by the box or as individual entities. You can track all of these transactions in the system by setting up quantity units of measure for ordering, stocking, and shipping, in addition to the required standard UOM. To facilitate processing, the PeopleSoft system maintains conversion rates between the standard UOM and the various other UOMs.

Standard UOM

The standard UOM represents the most common UOM for an item and should be the item’s smallest valid unit of measure. The standard UOM must be valid for ordering, stocking, and shipping. Because PeopleSoft Inventory maintains item quantity on hand and costs in the standard UOM and uses this unit in quantity-on-hand and costing calculations, you cannot change the standard UOM after you perform transactions involving the item.

When you define an item’s standard UOM on the Define Item - General: Common page, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically assigns a conversion rate of 1.000 for stocking, shipping, and ordering transactions. While you can modify conversion rates for the other UOMs that are defined for the item, you cannot override this base conversion rate.

Standard Pack Unit of Measure

Define a standard pack UOM if you consistently stock or ship items in packages of a specific size and type. For example, if you always ship pens in boxes of 12, you can define a box as having 12 each (the standard UOM), and then define the standard pack UOM as a box. You define the standard pack UOM on the Define Business Unit Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page.

PeopleSoft Inventory uses the standard pack UOM to determine how many labels to generate when printing shipping-carton and production-completion labels. Suppose that you are shipping 10 boxes of the pens and you want to print one label per box. If you use the standard UOM (eaches), the label process prints 120 labels (one per pen); if you use the standard pack UOM (boxes), the process prints 10 labels (one per box).

Stocking UOM

The stocking UOM describes how you store quantities of an item in the warehouse. You can use the stocking UOM for a variety of transactions, including putaway, transfers, container management, adjustments, picking, and ordering.

When you assign UOMs to an item on the Units of Measure page, indicate whether each UOM is valid for ordering, shipping, or stocking transactions. If more than one UOM is valid for stocking, specify which of these should be the default stocking UOM. The PeopleSoft system automatically selects the standard UOM as the default stocking UOM, but you can change this value to any valid stocking UOM. The one exception is serial-controlled items, for which the only valid stocking UOM is the standard UOM. Each item can have only one default stocking UOM.

The Purchasing Receiving pages, the InterUnit and RMA Receiving pages, the Manual Staging page, and the Express Putaway page automatically use an item’s default stocking UOM, but you can override the default and enter any valid stocking UOM for the item.

Note. Manufacturing Completions processes put stock away into PeopleSoft Inventory in the standard UOM only.

You can maintain multiple stocking UOMs for an item, but because you must identify the UOM for every transaction using the item, doing so requires that you track each UOM physically. To simplify warehouse operations, store the item in one UOM.

For example, suppose that Item A has a standard UOM of each (EA) and two stocking UOMs: each and case (CS). Assume that one CS equals 12 EA. To transfer all of Item A from one storage location to another, create two transactions—one to transfer the quantity that is stocked in EA and the second to transfer the quantity that is stocked in CS. If the picking plan calls for two cases of Item A to be picked, and you have 12 EA and one CS, create two picking feedback transactions—one to pick 12 EA and the second to pick one CS.

If, however, you define one stocking UOM for Item A, create only a single transaction for either of these material movements. You can still have an ordering UOM of CS, allowing you to order two CS. The difference is that you can enter a single picking feedback transaction by using the ordering UOM of CS. The system automatically converts to the single stocking UOM to find the correct quantity to fill the picking request.

Ordering UOM

Define an ordering UOM if you order quantities in a UOM that is other than the standard UOM. You can use the ordering UOM to create material stock requests, sales orders, and purchasing requisitions.

You cannot change the ordering UOM for an item if an open order containing the item exists in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Shipping UOM

Define a shipping UOM if you ship quantities in a UOM that is other than the standard UOM. Use the shipping UOM on the Packing Session pages and on the Shipping/Issues component.

You cannot change the shipping UOM for an item if an open order containing the item exists in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Rules for Deleting UOMs

Whenever you attempt to delete a UOM on the Units of Measure page in the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain - Common Definitions menu, PeopleSoft Inventory checks for these situations. If any of the conditions are not met, the system issues an error message and cancels the deletion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Units of Measure

This table illustrates which units of measure are used by PeopleSoft Inventory transaction pages.


Valid Unit of Measure

Material Stock Request.


Picking Feedback.




InterUnit and RMA Receiving.


Express Putaway.


Stockroom Feedback.






Container Management.




Physical Accounting.


Using UOMs with Electronic Data Collection Systems

The UOM Conversion Flag (unit of measure conversion flag), available on the Installation Options - Inventory page, the Inventory Options page, and the Define Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page, enables you to indicate how the electronic data collection system should handle UOMs. The option that you select on Installation Options page is used as the default option at the setID level and can be overridden on Inventory Options; the selection that you make on Inventory Options is used as the default option at the business unit level and can be overridden on the Define Business Unit Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page. The electronic data collection transactions that run in the background use the settings on this final page.

You can set the conversion flag to process transactions in one of three ways:

These transactions do not use the conversion flag in the standard manner:

This table shows which UOMs are valid for each transaction type and each setting of the conversion flag.


Use the Entered UOM

Convert to the Standard UOM

Convert to Default Stocking UOM



Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Shipping Containers.






Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.



Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.



Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Interunit Receipts.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Shipping Notification.


Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Purchase Order Receiving.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Kit Issues/Returns.


Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.



Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Production Picking.


Any valid UOM for the item.

Any valid UOM for the item.

Examples: How to Use UOMs

These examples illustrate the concepts that are discussed in Understanding Item Unit of Measure. These examples do not encompass all possibilities for each transaction; they are designed to display how the different UOMs for an item can be used in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Using a Single Stocking UOM with Multiple Ordering and Shipping UOMs

For this example, assume that item MOD900 (a modem) has these UOMs and conversion rates:


Standard UOM

Vendor UOM

Stocking UOM

Ordering UOM

Shipping UOM

Each (EA)

1 EA


1 EA


1 EA

Case (CS)


100 EA


25 EA

25 EA

Pallet (PL)





100 EA

Receiving Transaction

You receive 10 CS of MOD900 using the vendor UOM of CS. This is different from the shipping UOM of CS: the vendor UOM of CS is 100 EA and the shipping UOM of CS is 25 EA.

Putaway Transaction

You put away 1,000 EA of MOD900 in Bin A using the standard UOM, the only valid stocking UOM for this item.

If you use an electronic data collection system, and you have selected the UOM Conversion Flag to convert the entered UOM to the standard UOM, you can also put away 40 CS or 10 PL. In either case, the system converts this quantity to the standard UOM of EA.

Transfer Transaction

You then transfer 50 EA of MOD900 from Bin A to Bin C using the stocking UOM.

If you use an electronic data collection system, and you select the UOM Conversion Flag to convert the entered UOM to the standard UOM, you can also transfer 2 CS or 0.5 PL from Bin A to Bin C. In either case, the system converts the quantity to the standard UOM of EA.

Material Stock Request Transaction

You enter a customer sales order for 8 CS of MOD900. You can also enter the quantity in the standard UOM (200 EA)—the system automatically converts this quantity to the ordering UOM (CS, in this example).

Picking Transaction

You pick 8 CS of MOD900 from Bin A. The Picking Feedback transaction automatically converts the 8 CS to a quantity of 200 EA. You can pick using the stocking, ordering, or standard UOM.

If you use an electronic data collection system and you have selected the UOM Conversion Flag to convert the entered UOM to the standard UOM, you can also pick in CS and the system automatically converts the quantity to EA.

Shipping/Issues Transaction

You ship 8 CS of MOD900 to the customer. You can also choose to ship 2 PL.

If you use the shipping containers electronic data transaction, you can ship in EA, CS, or PL, as these are all valid shipping UOMs for the item.

Using Multiple Stocking UOMs

For this example, assume that item COT100 (a cotton ball) has these UOMs and conversion rates:

Unit of Measure

Standard UOM

Stocking UOM

Each (EA)

1 EA

1 EA

Box (BX)


100 EA

Case (CS)


550 EA

In the hospital supply room, you issue cotton balls by the box of 100 cotton balls and by the case of 550 cotton balls. Boxes are issued to nurses’ stations and cases are issued to departments.

The cotton balls are stocked separately in boxes of 100 or in cases of 550. You receive a shipment of cotton balls and put away 5 BX and 10 CS.

Someone comes to the supply room and requests 5 BX of cotton balls for the nurse's station in the department. When you issue the 5 BX, you are left with no boxes and 10 cases of COT100.

Someone else requests 2 boxes of COT100; you tell them you are out until the next shipment. You would not issue 100 EA out of a CS because you do not want to break the case.

Another department requests 3 cases of cotton balls. When you give them the 3 CS, you are left with no BX and 7 CS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Items with UOMs

You set up relationships between items and UOMs at both the setID level and the business unit level.

To associate items with UOMs:

  1. Establish UOMs for the setID.

    Define UOMs on the Units of Measure page, which you access from the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain - Common Definitions menu. All UOMs must be defined here before they are available anywhere else in the system.

  2. Define the standard UOM for each item within the setID.

    Using the Define Item - General: Common page, assign each item a standard UOM that reflects the item’s most common UOM.

    Warning! To minimize rounding discrepancies when using multiple UOMs, use the smallest valid unit of measure for the item as the standard UOM.

  3. Define additional UOMs for each item within the setID.

    Using the Units of Measure page, which you access from the Define Items menu, define valid UOMs for ordering, stocking, and shipping each item. As part of this definition, identify the default stocking UOM, specify conversion rates between the standard UOM and the additional UOMs, and set up quantity precision rules for use in system calculations.

    For each UOM, define corresponding stocking and shipping parameters on the UOM Weight/Volume page. To access this page, click the UOM Weight/Volume link on the Units of Measure page, which you access from the Define Items menu.

  4. Define any UOM attributes that vary according to business unit.

    Define a standard pack UOM on the Define Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page. This is the only UOM that you define at the business unit level rather than at the setID level.

    If stocking, ordering, and shipping UOMs and their corresponding stocking and shipping parameters differ according to the business unit, define this information on the Define Business Unit Item - Inventory: Weight/Volume page.

See Also

Establishing Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules for Items

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules for Items

This section provides a overviews of rules used when rounding and rounding exceptions and discusses how to set up quantity precision and rounding rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rules used when Rounding

This section discusses:

Quantity Precision

Quantity precision rules enable you to indicate whether entered and calculated quantities for an item-UOM combination should be expressed as whole numbers or decimals. If you specify a whole number as the quantity precision, all quantities involving the item-UOM combination are stored in the database and appear on pages and reports as whole numbers. Zeros still appear in the decimal places, however, so that you see 5.0000 rather than 5. If you specify a decimal quantity precision, quantities are stored and appear as decimals that are carried out to four places.

Quantity precision is set at the inventory setID and item-UOM levels and is defined on the Units of Measure page, which you access from the Define Items menu.

Whenever you enter a quantity for an item-UOM combination, the PeopleSoft system verifies whether the entry conforms to the quantity precision rules that you specify. If you enter a decimal value for a combination requiring whole numbers, an error message appears. For example, if the EA UOM is defined for whole numbers, you cannot enter a quantity of 1.5 EA.

You can always change a whole number precision to a decimal precision, but you cannot always change a decimal precision to a whole number precision. After you complete certain transactions involving the item—any putaway operation, any order placed against the item, or any adjustment—you cannot make this change.

See Setting Up Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules.

Rounding Rules

Whenever you define a whole number as the quantity precision on the Unit of Measure page, you associate a rounding rule with that item-UOM combination. Rounding rules enable you to determine the direction in which fractional quantities are rounded so that calculations involving the item result in whole numbers. You have two options:

To change the rounding rules for an item at any time, return to the Unit of Measure page and select a different option.

Note. Calculations that are performed by using the natural round option can produce rounded quantities of 0. For example, the calculated quantity 0.2500 rounds down to 0 rather than up to 1. When establishing the rounding rules, select the round up option to ensure that the system never rounds to 0.

See Understanding Rounding Exceptions.

Automatic UOM Rounding

The Automatic UOM Round option on the Business Unit Related - Inventory Definition page enables you to indicate whether entered fractional quantities should be rounded automatically during UOM conversions. Whenever a PeopleSoft application performs a UOM conversion, it uses the specified rounding rule in conjunction with the automatic rounding option that you select here to determine how to process these quantities.

Depending on how you set the automatic rounding flag, the PeopleSoft system handles automatic rounding in one of three ways:

This example illustrates the principles that are behind automatic rounding. Suppose that you maintain item A in two different UOMs: the standard UOM is each (EA) and the stocking UOM is cases (CS). Assume that cases can exist in fractional quantities but EA must be whole numbers, you have selected the natural round rule, and the conversion factor is 6 EA to 1 CS. Suppose that you enter an order for 0.3331 CS of the item. Because PeopleSoft Inventory conducts transactions in the standard UOM, the request for 0.3331 CS is converted to 2 EA (rounded according to the rules that you specify). To maintain data integrity within the system, the originally entered quantity must be revalidated. When the rounded quantity of eaches is reconverted to cases, the resulting value requires the original quantity to be changed from 0.3331 CS to 0.3333 CS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rounding Exceptions

Certain situations exist in both PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Manufacturing in which rounding differs from the standard functionality.

PeopleSoft Purchasing

If the installation includes PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can override the defined quantity precision rules on the Vendor's UOM & Pricing Info page.

If you specify a whole number quantity precision, the Build Inv Demand from Stage (build inventory demand from stage) process (PO_REQINVS) automatically rounds to whole numbers after calculating the transfer yield (defined on the Define Business Unit Item - Planning: Order Modifiers page). If a rounding error occurs, the process stops the creation of inventory demand and creates a purchase order instead.

During purchase order sourcing, the system applies to the largest distribution any differences that are from rounding. Rounding differences are usually small enough that updating the source documents (requisitions and planned purchase orders, for example) to reflect these discrepancies is not necessary.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing

PeopleSoft Manufacturing does not use the standard rounding rules in three types of transactions:

See Also

Building Inventory Demand Transactions

Understanding the Purchase Order Sourcing Business Process

Rounding Rules in Manufacturing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules

When you establish items and UOMs for the business, define quantity precision and rounding rules for use in system transactions and calculations. These rules govern the manner in which PeopleSoft applications process entered and calculated quantities.

To set up quantity precision and rounding rules:

  1. Define quantity precision and rounding rules for the setID.

    On the Units of Measure page, which you access from the Define Items menu, specify whether quantities for each item-UOM combination should be expressed as whole numbers or as decimals.

    If you specify a whole-number quantity precision, select a rounding rule (either round up or natural round) to indicate how calculated quantities should be rounded so that they result in whole numbers.

  2. Define automatic rounding rules for UOM conversions.

    On the Business Unit Related - Inventory Definition page, select an automatic rounding option to indicate whether the system should generate warning messages, generate error messages, or round quantities automatically during UOM conversions.

See Also

Establishing Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules for Items

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Item Information

This section describes how to view item information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Item information

Page Name

Object Name



Item Brand Names (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Item Brand Names

View brand names that are associated with an item and the periods for which the brand names are valid.

Items - General: Common (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, General

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Items - General: Classifications


Items, Review Item Information, Items, General

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Classifications page.

Items - General: Dimensions (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, General

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Dimensions page.

Items - General: Usage (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, General

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, General

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Usage page.

Items - Inventory: Tracking/Description (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Inventory

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Inventory

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Items - Inventory: Shipping/Handling (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Inventory

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Inventory

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page.

Items - Substitutes (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Substitutes

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Substitutes

Use the page to view the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Substitutes page.

Items - Configuration (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Configuration

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Configuration

Use the page to view the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Configuration page.

Items - Custom: Character (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Custom

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Custom

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom: Character page.

Define Item - Custom: Numeric


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Custom

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Custom

View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom: Numeric page.

Items - Audit (inquiry)


Items, Review Item Information, Items, Audit

Items, Define Items and Attributes, Define Item, Audit

View information about when the item was defined for the setID and when the setID definition was last modified.

Catalog - Catalog Inquiry


Items, Review Item Information, Catalog, Catalog Inquiry

View item information in the purchasing catalogs.

Item Category Detail (inquiry)


Select an item and click the Item Details link on the Catalog - Catalog Inquiry page.

View details about a selected item, including availability, standard pricing, and lead time.

Item Vendor Priority (inquiry)


Click the Item Vendor link on the Catalog - Catalog Inquiry page.

View vendor information such as status and priority.

Substitute Items (inquiry)


Click the Substitute Items link on the Catalog - Catalog Inquiry page.

View substitutes that are established for an item.

Default Putaway Locations (inquiry)


Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Review Default Putaway Loc

View all of the default putaway locations for items that are defined by using the Default Putaway Locations page.

Fixed Picking Locations (inquiry)


Inventory, Maintain Storage Locations, Review Fixed Picking Locations, Fixed Picking Locations

View all of the fixed picking locations that are defined for an item by using the Fixed Picking Locations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Item Information

Access the Items - Audit page.

Note. When the item’s setID definition record is approved, the fields that are in the Last Item Approval Change group box are not updated. When the item definition is approved, the item status is set to Active. This group box does not reflect post-approval status updates such as Hold, Inactive, or Discontinue.

Approval Date

Indicates the date that the status in the Item Status Approval field was implemented (that is, the date that the item’s setID definition was set to Under Initialization, Pending Approval, Denied Approval, or Approved).

Approval User ID

Indicates the ID of the user who triggered the status change that is reflected in the Item Status Approval field. For example, for an enterprise that requires manual approval, this field indicates the ID of the person who approved or denied the item definition on the Item Approval page. For an enterprise that automatically approves item definitions, this field indicates the ID of the person who changes the item status from Under Initialization to Pending Approval on the Define Item − General: Common page.

See Also

Managing Inventory by Item Status

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Enterprise Integration Points for Items

This section discusses how to:

PeopleSoft applications provide the following enterprise integration points (EIPs)—the Item Price List EIP, the Item Master EIPs, and the CRM Item Sync EIPs—that enable you to synchronize item data with third-party systems. With the Item Price List EIP, you can receive item price list data that is published by third-party sources or load this information from a flat file. With the CRM Item Sync EIPs, you can send item records to PeopleSoft CRM.

See Also

Sending Item Information to PeopleSoft CRM

Loading Items

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Outbound Data with the Item Master EIP

With the Item Master EIPs, you can send and receive complete item records.

The Item Master EIP includes four XML-based service operations defined in PeopleSoft Integration Broker: ITEM_SYNC, ITEM_SYNC_EFF, ITEM_FULLSYNC, and ITEM_FULLSYNC_EFF. Activate the ITEM_SYNC service operation to send incremental updates automatically as item information is updated online or by using the Change Item Status process (INS4000), Item Loader process (IN_ITMLOAD), or Publish Outbound Message process. Activate the ITEM_FULLSYNC service operation to perform full data replication by scheduling a batch process using the Full Data Publish utility. This process generates an outbound transaction containing item information.

If you are sending item data to a third-party system that cannot process effective-dated rows, activate the _EFF version of either the ITEM_SYNC or ITEM_FULLSYNC service operations. When you send item updates by using the _EFF service operations, future-dated segments of the data are removed from the outbound transaction and sent when the effective date equals the current date.

When you activate the ITEM_SYNC or ITEMSYNC_EFF service operations, outbound item information is generated from these 11 points within the PeopleSoft system as approved items are being maintained:

  1. Define Item component.

  2. Purchasing Attributes component.

  3. Approve Item component.

  4. Purchasing Attributes component.

  5. Units of Measure component.

  6. Universal Item Identifiers.

  7. Copy Item component.

  8. Revision Maintenance component.

  9. BOM Mass Maintenance by MMC.

  10. BOM Mass Maintenance by ECO.

  11. Item Loader process (IN_ITMLOAD).

Note. To send the outbound data for BOM Mass Maintenance by MMC or by ECO, run both the ENPMMAIN COBOL process and the Publish Outbound Message (Item Revision option) process. To send the data for Revision Maintenance, run the Publish Outbound Message (Item Revision option) process.

See Assigning Publishing Rules.

See PeopleSoft SCM Outbound EIPs.

See Activating Integration Points.

See Understanding Warehouse Management Systems.

Message Structure

Each service operation uses a message to define the fields and records to be used in the EIP. The structure of the item messages is:



Valid Relationships

Item Master.



Item Detail.

Item Master.

1:1 on effective-dated messages or both 1:1 and 1:many on messages that are not effective-dated.

Item UOM.

Item Master.

1:1 or 1:many.

Item Purchasing Attributes.

Item Master.

1:0 or 1:1.

Item Bus Unit Attributes.

Item Master.

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Item Bus Unit Weight/Volume.

Item Bus Unit Attributes.

1:0 or 1:1, or 1:many.

Item Revision.

Item Bus Unit Attributes.

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Item Category

Item Master.

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Item Manufacturer

Item Master

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Universal Item Identifier

Item Master

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Message Segments

The segments that are delivered in each of the item messages vary depending on the source of the message. The tables that are provided under each of the data sources display the segments that are delivered based on the function that is being performed.

Define Item

The component sends out various segments of a message depending on the function that is being performed.

Item UOM Page

The Item UOM page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item UOM

A, C, or D

Always published.

Item Manufacturer


Published only if GTINs are added, changed, or deleted.

Universal Item Identifier

A, C, or D

Published only if GTINs are added, changed, or deleted.

Universal Item Identifiers Page

The Universal Item Identifiers page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Manufacturer


Published only if GTINs are added, changed, or deleted.

Universal Item Identifier

A, C, or D

Published only if GTINs are added, changed, or deleted.

Purchasing Attributes Page

The Purchasing Attributes page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published

Item Purchasing Attributes

A or C

Always published

Define Business Unit Item Page

You can use Add or Update mode.

Item Approval Page

Because the item EIP is never published until an item is approved, all segments for the item are published when it is approved:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

Item Purchasing Attributes


Published only if any exist.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Published only if any exist.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol


Published only if any exist.

Item Revision


Published only if any exist.

Item Category


Published only if any exist.

Item Manufacturer


Published only if any exist.

Universal Item Identifier


Published only if any exist.

Item Copy Page

The Item Copy page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master

A or space

Always published.

Item Detail


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item UOM


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item Purchasing Attributes


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item Category


Published only if any exist.

REV Maintenance

The REV Maintenance page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Always published.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol

A, C, or D

Always published.

BOM Mass Maintenance by MMC and BOM Mass Maintenance by ECO

The BOM Mass Maintenance pages provide these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Always published.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol

A, C, or D

Always published.

Item Loader Process

The Item Loader process provides different message segments depending on the action that is being taken with the item.

When adding a new item with an Approved status:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

Item Purchasing Attributes


Published only if it exists.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Published only if it exists.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol


Published only if it exists.

Item Revision


Published only if it exists.

Item Category


Published only if it exists.

Item Manufacturer


Published only if it exists.

Universal Item Identifier


Published only if it exists.

When updating an existing item that has reached an Approved status:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master

C or space

Always published.

Item Detail

C or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item UOM

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Purchasing Attributes

C or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Bus Unit Attributes

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Revision

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Category

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item Manufacturer

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Universal Item Identifier

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Full Data Publish

This function is used to copy all items in the database to an interfacing system, or if chunking is being used, to copy all items for a specific chunking value. In this case, all data is published with an audit action code of A:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

Item Purchasing Attributes


Published only if it exists.

Item Bus Unit Attributes


Published only if it exists.

Item Bus Unit Wgt/Vol


Published only if it exists.

Item Revision


Published only if it exists.

Item Category


Published only if it exists.

Item Manufacturer


Published only if it exists.

Universal Item Identifier


Published only if it exists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Item Information to PeopleSoft CRM

If you are integrating with PeopleSoft CRM, you can use the CRM Item Sync EIPs to synchronize item data in the CRM and PeopleSoft Inventory systems. The CRM Item Sync EIPs are two service operations defined in PeopleSoft Integration Broker, ITEM_CRM_FULLSYNC_EFF and ITEM_CRM_SYNC_EFF. Use the ITEM_CRM_FULLSYNC_EFF service operation to send a list of all items in the PeopleSoft Inventory Item Master table to CRM. The PeopleSoft CRM FieldService and Call Center applications use this item information for initial population of their Item Master tables. Use the ITEM_CRM_SYNC_EFF service operation to send incremental updates automatically as item information is modified online or by the Item Loader process (IN_ITMLOAD). When you use the ITEM_CRM_SYNC_EFF service operation, you must also activate the internal ITEM_CRM_SYNC service operation. This service operation does not send data to the PeopleSoft CRM system, but it is essential for ITEM_CRM_SYNC_EFF to work properly.

When you activate the ITEM_CRM_SYNC and ITEM_CRM_SYNC_EFF service operations, outbound item information is generated from these five points within the PeopleSoft system as approved items are being maintained:

See PeopleSoft SCM Outbound EIPs.

See Understanding Integration Points.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Integrated FieldService PeopleBook

See PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Call Center Applications PeopleBook

Setting Up the CRM Item Sync EIPs

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM. To set up this service operation:

  1. Setup within the PeopleSoft Inventory application:

    There are no setup steps within PeopleSoft Inventory.

  2. Setup within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the following table and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.0 PeopleBook, “Implementing Integrations” chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With



















See Setting Up Service Operations.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Message Structure

Each service operation uses a message to define the fields and records to be used in the EIP. The structure of this item messages is:



Valid Relationships

Item Master



Item Detail

Item Master

1:1 on effective-dated messages or both 1:1 and 1:many on messages that are not effective-dated.

Item Substitute

Item Master

1:0, 1:1, or 1:many.

Item UOM

Item Master

1:1 or 1:many.

UOM Type

Item UOM

1:1 or 1:many.

Message Segments

The segments that are delivered in each of these item messages varies depending on the source of the message. The tables that are provided under each of the data sources that are listed display the segments that are delivered based on the function that is being performed.

Define Item

The Define Item component sends out various segments of the item message depending on the function that is being performed.

Item UOM Page

The Item UOM page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item UOM

A, C, or D

Always published.

UOM Type

A, C, or D

Always published.

Item Approval Page

Because an item EIP transaction is never published until it is approved, all message segments for the item are used when approved:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

UOM Type


Always published.

Item Substitute


Published only if any exist.

Item Copy Page

The Item Copy page provides these message segments:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master

A or space

Always published.

Item Detail


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item UOM


Published only if this segment is copied.

UOM Type


Published only if this segment is copied.

Item Substitute


Published only if any exist.

Item Loader Process

The Item Loader process provides different message segments depending on the action that is being taken with the item:

When adding a new item in an Approved status:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

UOM Type


Always published.

When updating an existing item that has reached an Approved status:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master

C or space

Always published.

Item Detail

C or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Item UOM

A, C, or space

Published only if altered on inbound message.

Full Data Publish

This function is used to copy all items in the database to an interfacing system, or if chunking is being used, to copy all items for a specific chunking value. In this case, all transactions are published with an audit action code of A:


Audit Action

Comments and Data Rules

Item Master


Always published.

Item Detail


Always published.

Item UOM


Always published.

UOM Type


Always published.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving Inbound Data with the Item Master EIP and the Item Price List EIP

You can receive inbound item data by using any of the Item Master EIPs that are listed in the previous section. With the Item Price List EIP, you can receive item price list data that is sent by third-party sources using the ITEM_PRICELIST_LOAD service operation. The ITEM_PRICELIST_LOAD service operation supports requirements of the X.12 832 - Price/Sales transaction set.

Item records that are created from EIPs or flat files are inserted into the item loader staging tables for inbound processing. The Item Loader process validates the staged data, and if no errors are found, updates the database. You can correct any errors that are flagged by the Item Loader process by using the Data Definition Maintenance component.

See Also

Understanding Integration Points