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Oracle® Beehive Release Notes
Release 1 (1.4)

Part Number E13790-07
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1 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes

The first edition of Oracle Beehive Release Notes Release 1 (1.4) was produced on October 7, 2008. This module lists the changes that have been made in each edition since then. All changes are cumulative.


For changes made to Oracle Beehive Release Notes prior to Release 1 (1.4), please refer to Oracle Beehive Release Notes Release 1 (1.2 and 1.3).

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: February 16, 2009

The following table lists the changes made in the February 16, 2009 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: December 19, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the December 19, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-2 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: December 19, 2008

Section Change

"General Notes About Installation and Configuration"

Added the release note "32-Bit Shell Emulation Required for 64-Bit Systems"

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Installation and Configuration"

Added the release note "Root URL for Oracle Beekeeper Not Automatically Updated During Upgrade to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.3)" (Bug 7582794)

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Added the release note "Sun Solaris Does Not Support Oracle Beehive Voice Conferencing" (Bugs 7336591 and 7338531)

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Services"

Added the release note "Configuring the LightweightThreadCount Property May Result in Null Pointer Exception" (Bug 7521354)

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Web Services"

Added the following release notes:

"General Mobility Notes"

Added the release note "About Language Packs for Oracle Beehive Mobile Client Applications"

"Known Mobility Limitations and Workarounds"

Removed the release note "Uploading Language Packs for Oracle Beehive Mobility Services" as the default language packs are automatically installed in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)

Note: For the list of default language packs and for instructions on customizing and uploading new ones, please refer to "About Language Packs for Oracle Beehive Mobile Client Applications"

"Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: December 19, 2008"

New section

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Installation Documentation"

New section; added the release note "Oracle Beehive Installation Guides Contain Incorrect and Incomplete Information in Note Preceding Provisioning Procedure"

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Administration Documentation"

Added the release note "Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide Refers to Unsupported E-mail Service Option ('Use simple relay mode')" (Bug 7426636)

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive End-User Documentation"

New section; added the release note "Oracle Beehive End-User Help Contains Incorrect Parameter Name" (Bug 7653206)

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: November 26, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the November 26, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-3 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: November 26, 2008

Section Change

"Known Administration Limitations and Workarounds"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Administration Documentation"

Added the release note "Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide Refers to Unsupported E-mail Service Option ('Use simple relay mode')" (Bug 7426636)

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: November 13, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the November 13, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-4 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: November 13, 2008

Section Change

"General Limitations and Workarounds"

Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Does Not Support IBM Tivoli Directory Server" as Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) now supports IBM Tivoli Directory Server

"General Notes About Installation and Configuration"

Added the following release notes:

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Installation and Configuration"

Removed the release note "HTTP-based Connections Between Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook and Oracle Beehive DMZ Instances Require Additional Configuration Steps" (Bug 6981952) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)

"Known Issues with Installation and Configuration"

Removed the release note "Workflow May Not Function After Installation" (Bug 6154119) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) and later

"Known Administration Limitations and Workarounds"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Administration Issues"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Running list_properties Command on LDAP Server Displays Certain Invalid Properties" (Bug 6897031) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Running import_documents Command Multiple Times Creates Empty Files" (Bug 6523854) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) and later

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Changed the title and description of the release note "Search Service Does Not Support Non-ASCII Characters" to "IMAP Service Does Not Support Non-ASCII Characters" to more accurately reflect the limitation (Bug 7174724)

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Services"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Disabled User Accounts are Still Visible to Other Users" (Bug 6715373) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) and later

  • Removed the release note "User Cannot Approve Workflow Tasks if User is Initiator and Approver" (Bug 6926010) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Possible Delays When Refreshing Apple iCal Calendar and Scheduling Inboxes" (Bug 6711627) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)

"Known Issues with Coexistence"

Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Unable to Deliver E-mail Messages when Leveraging Microsoft Active Directory Server" (Bug 6983695) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

Added the release note "Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Unable to Connect Over HTTPS" (Bugs 7459046, 7484112, 7513960, and 7525959)

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 28, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the October 28. 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-5 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 28. 2008

Section Change

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Installation and Configuration"

Added the release note "Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control May Return Incorrect Value for Available Physical Memory when Installing Oracle Beehive" (Bug 7489313)

"Known Administration Limitations and Workarounds"

Revised the release note"OPMN Required for Controlling Oracle Beekeeper's OC4J Instances" (Bug 7316433) to include supported methods for Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.1 and later) for all operating systems

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Revised this section as follows:

"General Notes About Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

Added the release note "Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Later Required for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Globalization"

Revised the release note "Oracle Beehive Supports ASCII Characters in Users' Native Languages Only" by removing a duplicate bug number (Bug 6388916)

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 15, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the October 15, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-6 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 15, 2008

Section Change

"General Notes About Installation and Configuration"

Added the release note "Patch 7459672 Required for Deployments Upgrading to Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( for Linux" (Bug 7454534)

"Known Administration Limitations and Workarounds"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Added the release note "Search Service Does Not Index Documents in Some Cases" (Bug 7429968)

Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 7, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the October 7, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

Table 1-7 Changes in Oracle Beehive Release Notes: October 7, 2008

Section Change

"General Limitations and Workarounds"

Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Does Not Support Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (" as this limitation does not apply to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"General Installation and Configuration Notes"

Removed this section and the single release note it contained ("Avoid Trailing Spaces in Enterprise and Organization Names") as this situation is no longer possible in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Installation and Configuration"

Revised this section as follows:

"General Administration Notes"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Administration Limitations and Workarounds"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Invalid Certificates May Result in Unclear Error Messages" (Bug 6830699) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Unable to List Users with beectl and Oracle Beekeeper" (Bugs 7304020 and 7307849) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3.1) and later

  • Removed the release note "Oracle LogMiner and the SYSAUX Tablespace" as this limitation is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later. Note: This release note was reinstated as of the October 17, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive Release Notes.

  • Removed the release note "Requirements for LDAP Profile Changes Through Oracle Beehive Administration Console" (Bugs 7204616 and 7274297) as this limitation is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Removed the release note "Simple Search in Oracle Beekeeper Does Not Automatically Handle Strings with Colons (:)" (Bug 7198267) as this limitation is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Added the release note "Services Intermittently Disappear from View in Oracle Beekeeper" (Bug 7390676)

"Known Administration Issues"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "E-mail Processing Attribute in Oracle Beekeeper Does Not Function" (Bug 7173702) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Removed the release note "Attempting to Remove Metrics from Oracle Beekeeper Dashboard Results in Error" (Bug 7278431) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Removed the release note "modify_user Command Allows Unregistered Properties on User Accounts" (Bug 6859628) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Using the community Option with the upload_client_application Command May Deprovision Other Applications" (Bug 6927453) as the community option is deprecated in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Added the release note "Entering Unsupported Property Values in Oracle Beekeeper May Result in Generic Error Messages" (Bug 7241913)

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services"

Revised this section as follows:

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Services"

Removed the release note "Records Management Service Recordizes Artifacts Identified as Non-records" (Bug 6938547) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Web Services"

Removed the following release notes as the issues they described are resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later (except where noted):

  • "CalendarService Issues" (Bugs 6883482, 6883497, 6888674, 6889367, 7041218, and 7042165)

  • "DeviceService Issues" (Bug 6882245)

  • "DiscussionForumService Issues" (Bugs 6892423 and 6892493)

  • "DocumentService Issues" (Bug 6813585)

  • "FolderService Issues" (Bugs 6844446 and 6871254)

  • "GeneralArtifactService Issues" (Bugs 6840270, 6850240, 6878532, 6898860, 6917851, and 7032241)

  • "GroupService Issues" (Bug 6878331)

  • "MembershipService Issues" (Bugs 6874566, 6877361, 6877806, and 6992784)

  • "MessageService Issues" (Bugs 6847375, 6945275, and 6962689)

  • "PreferenceService Issues" (Bug 6863837)

  • "PresenceService Issues" (Bugs 6764408, 6764394, and 6764384); Note: These issues are resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • "WorkspaceService Issues" (Bugs 6863788 and 6940879)

"Known Issues with Coexistence"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Modifying an E-mail Message in Oracle Beehive Creates a New Message in Microsoft Exchange Server" (Bug 6855218) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Deleted Meetings May Not Get Removed in Microsoft Exchange Server" (Bug 7323032) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

"General Notes About Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

Revised the release note "Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Users Should Not Launch or Run Microsoft Outlook During the Upgrade to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)" for Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Rich Text Formatting Not Supported in Description Fields for Contacts, Appointments, Meetings, and Tasks" as this limitation only applied to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2)

  • Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Does Not Support Delegation" as this limitation only applied to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2)

  • Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Does Not Support Windows Vista Search Service (Bugs 6513741 and 6360567)" as this limitation only applied to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2)

  • Added the release note "Large Deployments of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook May Experience Performance Degradation" (Bug 7275123)

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook"

Revised this section as follows:

  • Removed the release note "Tasks Cannot Be Assigned to Team Workspaces" (Bug 6349480) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Menus May Be Unavailable If Oracle Connector for Outlook Previously Installed" (Bug 6930541) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • Removed the release note "Delegated User With No Privileges to Granter's Inbox Can Still Send Email on Granter's Behalf" (Bug 7158601) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

  • Removed the release note "Oracle Beehive Does Not Enforce the 'Deny All' Setting on the Deleted Items Folder" (Bug 7196020) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later

"General Notes About Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra"

Revised the release note "Users Accessing Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra Through Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Over SSL May Experience Issues if Oracle Beehive Test Certificate is Used" (Bugs 7322022 and 7324254)

Note: This release note formally appeared in "Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra" with the title "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Users May Be Unable to Log In to Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra Over HTTPS"

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra"

Removed the following release notes as the issues they describe are resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later:

  • "Binary Code for Attachments May Appear in E-mail Message Bodies in Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra" (Bug 7322915)

  • "Day Events Created in Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra May Get Converted to UTC for Coexisting Users on Microsoft Exchange Server" (Bug 7323386)

  • "Searching on 'All Item Types' in Custom Folders May Result in Errors" (Bug 7280457)

"Known Mobility Limitations and Workarounds"

Added the release note "Oracle Beehive Does Not Support Opera Web Browser" (Bug 7388127)

"Known Mobility Issues"

Removed the release note "Attempts to Synchronize More Than 1,000 Items May Fail" as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"Known Limitations and Workarounds with Globalization"

Removed the following release notes:

  • "Error When Logging In to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook for the First Time" (Bug 6312955) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

  • "Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (or Later) Required for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook with Non-English Locales" as this requirement applies to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) only

  • "Running Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook on Windows Vista with Non-English Locale May Result in Error" (Bug 6140900) as this issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later

"Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: October 7, 2008"

New section

"Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Administration Documentation"

Removed the following release notes as these issues are resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later:

  • "Incorrect Values Provided for status Parameter of modify_user Command" (Bugs 6882302 and 6882440)

  • "Incorrect Format Provided for address Parameter of modify_user and add_external_user Commands" (Bug 6882311)

"Known Issues with End-User Documentation"

Removed section as the issues that it described are all resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later, including:

  • "Incorrect Configuration Information for CalDAV Client"

  • "Incorrect Version Numbers Provided for Certified Mozilla Lighting and Sunbird Clients"

  • "Port Number Entries Missing in Example URLs Provided in "Configuring Mobile Device" Module"


For changes made to Oracle Beehive Release Notes prior to Release 1 (1.4), please refer to the following link: