Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Troubleshooting for Siebel Anywhere >

Required Upgrade Kit Cannot Be Installed

If you create and distribute a required upgrade kit that, for some reason, cannot be installed on the client or server, then you must define and distribute a repair upgrade kit, which is a new upgrade kit that functions properly.

Use the Upgrade Kit Wizard to define the repair upgrade kit. Make sure the version information in the repair upgrade kit differs from the version information in the nonfunctioning upgrade kit in the following ways:

  • If the minimum version is editable, then make sure that its value is set to the last known good version for this upgrade component.

    For example, if the minimum version of the nonfunctioning upgrade kit was 5, then set the minimum version of the repair upgrade kit no higher than 5.

  • Make sure that the new version of the repair upgrade kit is at least one version number higher than the new version of the nonfunctioning upgrade kit.

    For example, if the new version of the nonfunctioning upgrade kit was 6, then make the new version of the repair upgrade kit 7. Then, Oracle's Siebel Anywhere can upgrade the user's setup from the last good version, skipping the nonfunctioning version.

After you have defined your repair upgrade kit, activate and test the upgrade kit, as you would do for any other required upgrade kit. Distribute the repair upgrade kit to the appropriate Developer or Mobile Web Client users, as described in the following procedure.

To distribute a repair upgrade kit

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

    The Upgrade Configurations list appears.

  2. Prepare the upgrade kit for distribution.
    1. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration under which you distributed the nonfunctioning upgrade kit.
    2. Verify that the components in the repair upgrade kit are included in the configuration as related components.
    3. With this configuration selected, click Distribute.
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