Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Creating a Siebel ADM Package > Process of Creating Siebel ADM Deployment Units from Database Types >

Creating ADM Deployment Units from Database Types Directly from the Command-Line Interface

Creating ADM deployment units from individual database types can be performed from the Server Manager (srvrmgr) command-line interface, bypassing the ADM GUI tasks of creating projects and deployment sessions. For more information on this process, see Process of Creating Siebel ADM Deployment Units from Database Types.

This task starts a component job for the server component Application Deployment Manager Batch Processor (alias ADMBatchProc). For more information on ADMBatchProc, see Application Deployment Manager Batch Processor.

For more information on administering the server components and using the Server Manager command-line interface, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

To create ADM deployment units from database types directly from the Server Manager command-line interface

  1. Start the Server Manager command-line interface with your user ID.
  2. Verify that the server component Application Deployment Manager Batch Processor (alias ADMBatchProc) is online.

    If it is not online, enable the Application Deployment Manager (ADM) component group and restart the Siebel Server. For more information on these procedures, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  3. Enter the following command at the Server Manager command-line interface prompt:

    start task for comp admbatchproc with admpath=file_location, admdatatype=database_type, admfilter=filter_argument, admeaimethod=method_name, admprefix=export_file_name


    • admpath is the location for the resultant export files.
    • admdatatype is the name of the data type.
    • admfilter is the filter to be applied on the data type, for example, '[List Of Values Parent (UDA).Value]="NM"'. For more information on creating filters, see About ADM Deployment Filters.
    • admeaimethod is one of three methods: upsert, synchronize, or custom. For more information on these methods, see Deployment Mode in Step 4 of Creating ADM Deployment Projects.
    • admprefix is the prefix for the name of the exported XML file.
  4. Use the resultant XML file as the deployment unit in the remainder of the packaging process.
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