Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Overview of the Siebel ADM Architecture > About the Siebel ADM Orchestration Environment >

About the ADM Enterprise Profile

This topic is part of About the Siebel ADM Orchestration Environment.

An Application Deployment Manager (ADM) enterprise profile is an XML document located in the MgmtSrvrInstallDir\ADM directory. The default filename for the preconfigured enterprise profile is entprofile.xml. A separate file, entprofile_enterprise_name.xml, is created for each Siebel Enterprise Server registered with ADM (where enterprise_name is the Siebel Enterprise name).

Each enterprise profile file contains a collection of parameters that define the ADM deployment behavior, including ADM data types for deployment, for a specific Siebel Enterprise Server. Most of these parameters are set at installation and initial configuration.

Each deployment of an ADM package references an ADM enterprise profile to facilitate the deployment of application customizations to a specific Siebel Enterprise Server. You can define multiple enterprise profiles and assign an individual enterprise profile to an ADM package at the time of deployment.

The enterprise profile is organized into three levels:

  • Profile. Parameters defined at this level serve as a set of default parameters for all categories and data types. The categories to be deployed (to support staged deployment) are also specified at this level.
  • Category. Parameters that define a specific category of data types.
  • Type. Parameters that define a specific data type.

A hierarchy and an inheritance-type functionality apply to the enterprise profile parameters; that is, the parameter values set at the profile level are inherited by the category and type levels. In general, the parameters set at the category and type levels override the inherited values.

The ADM enterprise profile parameters define the following deployment behavior or information:

  • Deployment servers. Different types of deployment items are generally deployed to different servers. The enterprise profile maintains a map between the item category or data types and the list of deployment servers.
  • Stop on Error flag. A flag that indicates if the deployment process stops in case one or more items fail.
  • Degree of parallelism. The number of parallel deployment threads that can run for database and file categories. Always set to 1 for the repository category, because parallel deployment is not supported for repository types.

    NOTE:  ADM sequencing of deployment units is not enforced if the degree of parallelism is greater than 1. For more information about sequencing provided by the Dependency Manager component of the ADM deployment engine, see About the Siebel Management Server and ADM Deployment Engine.

  • Target environment parameters. The parameters that store deployment environment dependent parameters for each data category or data type. For example, they define the target directory for each file type.
  • Categories to be deployed. The parameters that specify the categories you are deploying.
  • Category dependency parameters. The parameters that define the dependency of a category on another category's status for an action to start.

For more information on configuring an ADM enterprise profile, see Configuring the ADM Enterprise Profile After Installation and Configuring the ADM Enterprise Profile.

The ADM enterprise profile is read to the ADM local database when the deployment session is created using the create session command. After the session is created, the enterprise profile cannot be changed. To modify the profile, you must first acknowledge the deployment session, then create a new session for the ADM package.

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