Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Configuring and Administering the Siebel ADM Framework > Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents >

Configuring the ADM Enterprise Profile After Installation

This topic is a step in Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents.

This topic describes how to configure the initial ADM enterprise profile following the installation of Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agents.

For configuration updates to this file at later times and for more information on this file and its parameters, see:

To configure the enterprise profile after installation

  1. Navigate to MgmtSrvrInstallDir\ADM.
  2. Open the entprofile_enterprise_name.xml file using an editor such as Microsoft Office InfoPath.
  3. Verify that the value for AgentName corresponds to xxx as specified in the following files:
    • agentconfig.xml file, located in MgmtAgentInstallDir\pref\system

    <entry key="registryhost" value="xxx">

    • configuration.agents.xml, located in MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system

    <entry key="xxx" value="...">

    NOTE:  Make sure that the server name in entprofile_enterprise_name.xml matches the server name in agentconfig.xml. The servers in the list of deployment servers must also match the agents under <EnterpriseTargetServerInformation> in entprofile_enterprise_name.xml. Values are case-sensitive.

  4. (Multiserver setup) Verify and update the SCBroker port number in the connect string for the server.

    The port for the SCBroker component is defined in the PortNumber component parameter.

    NOTE:  Only one server must be defined, because all servers connect to the same database.

  5. Change the values in the DeployServer parameter.
    • (Single-server setup) Replace all the values for the DeployServer parameter with the value of AgentName as determined in Step 3, for example:


    • (Multiserver setup) List the deployment servers for the file, database, and repository data type categories in the DeployServer parameter with the value of the corresponding AgentNames. Examples follow.

      For deploying on the server running the xxx agent:


    For deploying on the server running the yyy agent:


    For the file category, every deployment server in the enterprise must be listed. For the database and repository categories, only one of the deployment servers in the Siebel Enterprise Server must be listed, because all servers connect to the same database.

    NOTE:  Entries for this parameter are case-sensitive.

  6. Provide the path for the ADM backup directory in the database and repository sections. To do this, change all occurrences of <ADMBackupDir>\\net\CHANGE_ME\shared;\\CHANGE_ME\upload</ADMBackupDir> to:
    • For Windows: <ADMBackupDir>\\MachineName\upload</ADMBackupDir>

      where MachineName is the host name of the targeted machine.

      NOTE:  The entry is case-sensitive.

    • For UNIX: <ADMBackupDir>/tmp/upload</ADMBackupDir>

      The /tmp/upload path must be UNC-qualified with full permissions.

      The path must be accessible from the Management Server and Management Agent, and the ADM backup directory must be a shared location. The user under whom the Management Agent process runs must have read and write access to the ADM backup directory.

      NOTE:  Management Server is supported only on a Microsoft Windows platform, while Management Agent is supported on both the Windows and UNIX platforms.

  7. To automatically run validation as part of all copy and activate commands during the deployment, set the value for the PerformValidation parameter to Yes:


    If this value is set to Yes, then the validation automatically runs before any deployment or restore command. If it is set to No, then the validation is not performed unless explicitly run as a separate command.

  8. Copy the file deploy_enterprise_name.bat from MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system to the MgmtSrvrInstallDir folder.
  9. Open the copied version of deploy_enterprise_name.bat.
  10. Verify that the value of the ADM deployment package location is correctly specified.

    NOTE:  This deployment package location was initially specified using the Management Server Configuration Wizard. After you run the wizard, deploy_enterprise_name.bat stores the specified value as the value of the parameter ADM_PACK_LOC. For more information about requirements for the ADM package location, see the topics about configuring Siebel Management Server in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  11. Create a directory share named upload, and make it network-accessible with full permissions.

    For example, access the directory as follows:


    This directory can be used as a backup location for ADM deployments. Siebel Management Agent users and Siebel Server users must have read and write access to this directory.

NOTE:  Do not add the ADMBackupDir flag to file data types in the enterprise profile. The backup, by default, is taken from the ADMFile directory on the Siebel Management Agent. The ADMFile directory is created under the MgmtAgentInstallDir directory during deployment.

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