Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Basic Configuration for Siebel Assignment Manager > Process of Creating Assignment Criteria for Use in Assignment Rules >

Creating Assignment Attributes

Assignment attributes are logical attributes of an object or candidate that can be used for matching. An assignment attribute allows you to associate a single attribute on an object or a person or an organization to multiple fields in the application.

For example, you can define an assignment rule that matches candidates based on the U.S. state. However, State is stored in a different field in the application for different objects. Assignment attributes map the places that State is defined into a single State attribute.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Assignment Criteria for Use in Assignment Rules.

Assignment attributes can be either column-based or skill-based. Column-based attributes are stored as columns in the object (such as Opportunity). You can use existing columns in the object, or use Siebel Database Extensibility to add new extension columns to the object. Skills-based attributes are stored as rows in the object's skill tables (if any).

For more information about Database Extensibility, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Figure 21 shows a Product Line Wildcard assignment criterion that uses the Compare to Person comparison method. The assignment criterion also uses the Include All inclusion method and includes two criteria values, Monitors and Graphic Cards. Each criteria value includes two assignment attributes. In this example, only candidates that possess an Expert-level expertise in monitors and graphic cards qualify for the assignment criterion. Furthermore, 25 points are added to the qualifying candidate's score.

Figure 21. Sample Assignment Attributes
Click for full size image

If you are adding an assignment attribute to a new table, you need to modify the existing Workflow Manager definitions in the Siebel repository. For more information about making modifications to Workflow Manager, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

An assignment attribute object definition defines an attribute that can be referenced in assignment criteria records. It specifies a logical attribute that can be chosen from a picklist for defining comparisons; it does not directly specify a particular database column or combination of columns. Column mapping is accomplished through the child assignment attribute column object definitions, one for each assignment object that uses the parent assignment attribute.

An assignment attribute also specifies the picklist that appears in the Values list in the Criteria subview when you are entering an attribute in a value record, as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Picklist for Populating an Attribute in a Value Record
Click for full size image

NOTE:  Assignment criteria configured to include multiple assignment attributes cannot have these attributes based on columns in different tables.

An assignment criteria attribute object definition implements each list column in the Values applet, as described in Creating Assignment Criteria Attributes for Assignment Criteria. The assignment criteria attribute is based on an assignment attribute, as specified in its assignment attribute property. The referenced assignment attribute identifies a picklist, which is the same picklist that appears when you click the drop-down arrow to the right of the list column cell.

The Assignment Attribute object type functions as an intermediary between the assignment criteria on the one hand and the assignment objects on the other, as shown in Figure 22.

An assignment criteria attribute references an assignment attribute through its assignment attribute property. In turn, each of the assignment attribute's child assignment attribute columns specifies an assignment object and a workflow policy component and column combination.

An assignment attribute is a logical grouping of similar mappings to different assignment objects that can use the same picklist for value selection.

For example, the Account State assignment attribute has several child assignment attribute column object definitions. Each assignment attribute is used for selection of the state in which an account is located, but five of them are used for different assignment objects (Activity, Account, Campaign Contact, and Order), and the other five are used for different account state attributes in the Opportunity assignment object (such as Primary Account State and Indirect Account Primary State).

NOTE:  To generate a trigger based on an assignment attribute, a corresponding assignment attribute column must be configured. See Mapping Assignment Attribute Columns to an Assignment Object and a Workflow Policy Component Column.

To create an assignment attribute

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, select the Assignment Attribute object.
TIP:  If the Assignment Attribute object is not visible in the Object Explorer, you can enable it in the Development Tools Options dialog box (choose View, then Options, and then Object Explorer).
  1. Lock the project for the object by choosing Tools, then Lock Project (or Alt+L).

    The pencil icon appears in the W field to indicate the project for the object is locked.

  2. In the Assignment Attributes window, choose Edit, then New Record, and configure the assignment attribute object by setting values in the appropriate fields.
    1. In the Name field, type the name of the new assignment attribute.
    2. In the Project field, select a project.
    3. (Optional) If the attribute supports a range of values (such as revenue), check the Use Range field.
    4. In the Data Type field, select a data type for the attribute.
    5. (Optional) If you want a picklist for the attribute to allow users to select values for the assignment attribute, enter a value in the Pick List field.
    6. (Optional), Pick a field for the attribute to allow users to select values for the assignment attribute, enter a value in the Pick Field field.

      For a description of these properties, see Table 33.

  3. Update the siebel.srf file and run various server administration tasks.

    For instructions on updating your deployment with the new configurations, see Updating Your Siebel Assignment Manager Deployment with New Configurations.

Table 33 shows some of the properties of the Assignment Attribute object type.

Table 33. Assignment Attribute Properties


When checked, the picklist is bounded (you can select a value from the picklist). When unchecked, you can enter a value that does not appear in the list.

Data Type

Data type for the assignment attribute. Number, UtcDateTime, and Varchar are supported.


Name of the assignment attribute. Must be unique within the repository.

Order By LOV Type

Not used.

Pick Field

Name of the field to select from the picklist.

Pick List

Name of the picklist that supplies the selection values for populating any list column in the Values list (in the Assignment Criteria view) that is based on this assignment attribute.

Use Range

Specifies whether a single list column or a pair of list columns, indicating a range, appears for assignment criteria attributes based on this assignment attribute. For example, the Revenue assignment attribute, which has a TRUE value for Use Range, appears as two list columns, Revenue Low and Revenue High. You can enter 50000 in the former and 100000 in the latter in a value record to indicate the range $50,000-100,000.


When checked, enables MLOV (multilingual list of values) capability for the attribute. For more information about enabling this feature, see Enabling Assignment Attributes for MLOV.

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