Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Siebel Assignment Manager > Preparing to Run Siebel Assignment Manager >

About Server Administration Requirements After Configuration

This topic is part of Preparing to Run Siebel Assignment Manager.

After configuring Siebel Assignment Manager objects and attributes or altering assignment policies, it is often necessary to stop and restart various server tasks and components. Table 48 summarizes the required server tasks and components that must be restarted based on the type of configuration process. Detailed information on how and when to run these server tasks and components is provided in the remainder of this chapter.

Table 48. Server Administration After Configuration
Configuration Process
Restart Assignment Manager
Regenerate Triggers
Restart Workflow Monitor Agent

Adding or configuring an assignment object, assignment attribute, or assignment criteria




Changing assignment policies




Activating or deactivating assignment policies




NOTE:  If you want to automatically refresh skills without restarting the Assignment Manager component, set the value of the Refresh people skills interval (MaxSkillsAge) parameter to the desired update interval (the value must be greater than zero seconds). Then, when rules are released, Assignment Manager refreshes skills and recreates the rulecache.dat file at the periodic interval set.

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