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About Pick Applets

A pick applet is a type of applet that Siebel CRM calls if the user clicks the Select button that Siebel CRM displays next to some fields. A pick applet contains a scrolling table that lists choices in one list column and more information in adjacent columns. Each row corresponds to a business component record in the pick business component. If the user chooses a row in the scrolling table, and then clicks OK, then Siebel CRM hides the pick applet, and then enters data into the column cell and other controls and cells in the originating applet. This data includes information according to the choice the user makes in the pick applet. For more information, see Using the Pick Applet Wizard to Create a Pick Applet.

Example of a Pick Applet

Assume the user navigates to the Opportunities screen, and then clicks Select in the Account field in the Opportunity Form applet. Siebel CRM displays the Pick Account dialog box. This dialog box is a pick applet. The user then chooses an account and clicks OK. It hides the Pick Account dialog box, and then enters data into the Account field in the Opportunity Form applet. This data includes the account that the user chose in the Pick Account dialog box. Siebel CRM might update other fields and controls, such as the Site field. It enters data into the Account and Site fields only if a pick map is defined.

How Siebel CRM creates a Pick Applet

Figure 66 describes how Siebel CRM creates a pick applet.

Figure 66. How Siebel CRM Creates a Pick Applet
Explanation of Callouts

A pick applet is a child of an applet. It includes the following properties:

  1. Business component. Identifies the business component.
  • Class. Set to CSSFrameList, which indicates that this is a list applet.
  • Type. Set to Pick List, which indicates that this is a pick applet. This property determines the behavior of the dialog box and button controls.
  • Title. Set to the name of the pick applet that Siebel CRM displays in the title bar.

The pick applet includes the following child objects:

  1. List. List columns that Siebel CRM attaches to the list.
  2. List columns. Each list column displays the contents of one field in the business component.
  3. Pick Record control. Calls the PickRecord method if clicked. The PickRecord method locates the pick map child objects of the originating field. The PickRecord method uses these child objects to identify the fields that Siebel CRM updates in the originating business component. The record that the user chooses from the pick business component determines how it updates these fields.
  • Web templates. Defines the layout for each of the defined modes. Example layout includes the position of the list columns and controls.
  • Web template items. Maps list columns and controls to placeholders in the web template. Web template items exist for each list column and control that is defined for the applet.

Pick Applet Usage in Query Mode

If a pick map operates in query mode, then the fields that Siebel CRM copies includes the source field that the following items use:

  • The list
  • Any other list field that is part of the primary key

The source field is the business component field that the Business Component property of the list defines. Siebel CRM uses multiple fields for the query, so it is not possible to only copy back a single field.

For example, assume the user does a query through the list that Siebel CRM displays for the Parent Account Name field of the account list in the Account screen. Siebel CRM uses the name and location for the query because these fields are part of the U1 index of the underlying S_ORG_EXT table. The Location field is a primary key field for the Account business component and Siebel CRM includes it in the query.

You can define a pick applet so that Siebel CRM correctly enters data into the Subarea field according to the choice that the user makes, such as the Area field of the Service Request Detail Applet. You can use this configuration in edit mode but not in query mode. For more information, see Options to Control How the User Creates, Edits, Queries, and Deletes CRM Data and Creating a Hierarchical List.

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