Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Special-Purpose Applets > Configuring a Tree Applet >

Configuring a Tree Node

One tree node defines one folder icon. This includes the top level node, such as Service Requests. Each tree node is a child of the tree. No hierarchy of child and grandchild tree nodes exist under the tree. The hierarchy of these object definitions does not reflect the hierarchy in the tree applet. Instead, the Position property of the tree node defines the hierarchical position of each tree node in the tree applet.

To configure a tree node

  1. In the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  2. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.
  3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Tree.
  4. In the Trees list, locate the tree you must modify.
  5. In the Object Explorer, expand the Tree tree, and then click Tree Node.
  6. In the Tree Nodes list, add a new tree node using values from the following table.

    Display Name

    Define the name of the tree node.Siebel CRM displays this name in the tree applet to the right of the folder icon.


    Specify the applet that Siebel CRM displays in the right portion of the view if the user opens the corresponding folder. Typically, you specify a list applet. Make sure the applet references a business component that is in the appropriate hierarchical position in the business object.


    Do the following:

    • Define the hierarchical position of the tree node relative to other tree nodes.
    • Define the sequence of the tree node for the level where the tree node resides.

    For more information, see Defining the Position Property of a Tree Node.

    Business Component

    Specify the same business component that is defined for the applet that Siebel CRM displays in the right portion of the view.

    Make sure each tree node in the hierarchy references a unique business component. You cannot use one business component for multiple tree nodes because Siebel CRM will not properly refresh the business component.

    Label Field

    Specify the name of the field that provides the names in the list that Siebel CRM displays if the user expands the node. For example:

    • The Order Number field provides values for the RMAs and Service Orders node.
    • The Description field provides values for the Activities node.

    Selected Bitmap Index

    Specify the number 5. This number identifies the folder symbol.

Defining the Position Property of a Tree Node

The value in the Position property of a tree node includes an integer or a set of integers that are separated by periods, such as 1.1.2. Use the following format:

  • Define the top level node with a position of 1. For example, x.1.2, where x specifies the top level node.
  • Define immediate child nodes of the top level node with a value of 1.x, where x specifies the order of the node relative to other nodes that reside on the same level.

For example, to display the Activities folder after the Attachments folder rather than before the Attachments folder:

  • Set the Position value for the Activities folder to 1.2.
  • Set the Position value for the Attachments folder to 1.1.

To attach a child node at the third level, you can define the Position property for the new node so that the first two integers match the position of the parent node. For example, assume you define the RMAs and Service Orders node at position 1.4. To attach a node to the RMAs and Service Orders node, you define the new node with a position of 1.4.1. The rightmost digit in a position typically specifies the order relative to other nodes that exist on the same level.

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