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Naming Format for a Siebel Table

A Siebel table in the Siebel database uses the following three part naming format:


Table 5 describes the naming format.

Table 5. Parts of the Table Naming Format


A one-letter to three-letter prefix that distinguishes the table from other tables. Example prefixes include EIM_, S_, W_, and so on.


A unique table name that is typically an abbreviation of the name of the entity supertype. For example, the table name for the event supertype is EVT.


The subtype of the entity. For example, the EVT supertype includes the activity subtype that the ACT suffix represents. For example, S_EVT_ACT.

Table 6 describes some of the prefixes that Siebel CRM commonly uses. Each prefix indicates the part of the Siebel schema that contains the table.

Table 6. Table Prefixes That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses


Interface table for Enterprise Integration Manager.


Siebel base table.

In some situations, a table might contain a name of the form S_name_IF. This format indicates an obsolete interface table.


Siebel Business Data Warehouse table.

Table 7 describes some of the suffixes that Siebel CRM commonly uses. Each suffix indicates a table type.

Table 7. Table Suffixes That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses


File attachment table.


A table that supports a many-to-many relationship from an entity back to itself.


A table that stores Siebel-to-Siebel integration information.


A one-to-one extension table that you can use to add custom data to the Siebel database.


A table that stores custom data that Siebel CRM associates with an object class.


A one-to-many extension table that you can use to add custom data to the Siebel database.

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