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Scenarios for Using Multi-Site Quotes in Siebel Energy

This topic gives one example of how multi-site quotes might be used. You might use multi-site quotes differently, depending on your business model. This topic includes the following scenarios:

Managing Preliminary Interactions with Customers

An energy services company provides electricity, gas, and value-added services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. This company has an opportunity to provide a full range of energy services to a customer in one contract. The customer has various business locations, including many fast food restaurants, food processing facilities, warehouses, garages for its fleet of vehicles, offices, and employee training centers.

The customer provides the energy services company with a list of its current business locations, and for each business location provides the service points, meter numbers, and business use for electricity and gas. The customer also provides the energy services company with its accounting locations for processing and paying utility bills. The energy services company assesses two years of energy use for the customer to characterize the energy volume and energy load-profile of the various sites. The customer also provides the energy services company with a list of its restaurants that are scheduled to open and close over the next two years and its new warehouse and its extension plans for food processing facilities.

The customer and a sales agent at the energy services company discuss the types of value-added services of interest to the customer and the supply of energy services.

Managing Initial Multi-Site Quotes

The sales agent at the energy services company sets up a customer account for the customer with all the service accounts and service points associated with the premises addresses. He also sets up the billing accounts for the customer. Then, he enters information about site characteristics, product groups, sites, products, and billing accounts in an initial multi-site quote. He can create different versions of the initial multi-site quote to assess alternate proposals and to optimize the priced offerings for the customer.

The sales agent validates the initial multi-site quote to make sure the information in it has no errors, and then reviews the order line items for the initial multi-site quote to verify whether it generates the anticipated order line items. He might send this initial multi-site quote with its order line items to other people who are inside and outside of his organization for validation and approval. After the customer approves the initial multi-site quote, he submits it to generate and submit to the order-provisioning system the order line items for the services in the initial multi-site quote.

Managing Multi-Site Quote Revisions

During the period of the contract with the customer, a sales agent manages the services that the energy services company provides to the customer by preparing multi-site quote revisions. She changes information in the first multi-site quote revision to accommodate the following events that affect the contract:

  • The customer opens new facilities. Consequently, she adds the new sites to the multi-site quote revision.
  • The customer abandons its plans to open new restaurants and other facilities, and changes the planned opening dates of other facilities. Consequently, she deactivates these sites in the multi-site quote revision, and she adds the sites with the appropriate entry dates in the following revision.
  • Energy use changes at some existing facilities. Consequently, she removes the sites from the current product group by changing the exit date for the sites and then adds the sites with an entry date to a different product group in the multi-site revision.
  • The customer changes the planned closing dates of some facilities. Consequently, she changes the exit date of these sites in the multi-site quote revision.
  • The customer adds services to some facilities and changes the conditions for other services. Consequently, she adds the new services and changes to the configuration of the other services in the multi-site quote revision.
  • The customer changes the billing accounts for some facilities. Consequently, she changes the billing account associations for these sites in the multi-site quote revision.

During the period of the contract with the customer, she creates subsequent multi-site quote revisions because of changes to the conditions of services or because of changes to the manner of providing services. She can make changes comparable to the changes that she made in the first revision. Also, she can modify the existing changes in previous revisions when those changes are not yet implemented. The process of creating subsequent revisions is the same as the process of creating the first multi-site quote revision.

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