Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Promotion Groups > Workflows That Validate Quotes and Orders >

ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess Workflow

This workflow is triggered during the disconnection of promotion groups or memberships to calculate any applicable additional penalty charges that originated with the associated bundled promotion.

Figure 137 shows this workflow.

Figure 137. ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Collect Asset List. Collects promotion related items from the selected promotions.
  2. Violate Valid Membership. Takes the Delete list and item values as input and returns only those items in the list whose value is same as the input item value.
  3. Filter Disconnect List. Takes the Edit list and item values as input and returns only those items in the list whose value is the same as the input item value.
  4. Check Agreement Charge. Queries if an agreement is associated with the current promotion.
  5. Is Agreement Violated? Checks if there is an agreement found.
  6. Agreement for Promotion Components. Queries to see if there is an agreement associated with the promotion components.
  7. Calculate Penalty. Calculates the normal penalty for a normal disconnect.
  8. Calculate Component Penalty. Calls the ISS Promotion Calculate Related Objects Penalty Charges SubProcess workflow.
  9. Exist? Checks if any records are found.
  10. Add Component Penalty. Adds the component penalty and the promotion penalty.

Table 132 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 132. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called
In Business Service

Collect AssetList


ISS Promotion Agreement Manager

Filter Disconnect List


ISS Promotion Agreement Manager

Filter Edit List


ISS Promotion Management Service

Calculate Penalty


FS Conditional Charge

Add Component Penalty


Workflow Utilities

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