Using Siebel Tools > Archiving Objects > Importing from an Archive >

Importing Multiple Archives

This topic describes how to import multiple archives.

To import multiple archives

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. Prepare the Siebel Tools environment to import an archive.

    For more information, see Preparing the Siebel Tools Environment to Import an Archive.

  3. Choose the Tools menu, and then click Import from Archives.
  4. In the Select Archives to Import dialog box, choose one or more SIF files to import, and then click OK.
  5. In the Conflict Resolution section of the Import from Archives dialog box, choose an option.

    You specify the work that Siebel Tools must do if it determines that the archive and the repository both contain the same top-level object. For more information, see Options You Can Choose to Resolve a Conflict.

    You can also do the following, as necessary:

    • To control the order that Siebel Tools uses to import the archive, choose a row, and then click the up arrow or down arrow.
    • To add more archive files, click Add, choose the files you must add, and then click OK.

      Siebel Tools does not add duplicate files to the import list.

    • To remove an archive, choose the archive you must remove, and then click Remove.
    • To view the objects that a SIF file includes, choose this SIF file in the SIF Files list, and then click Preview. After you finish previewing, click OK.
  6. In the Import from Archives dialog box, Click Import.

    Siebel Tools begins the import in the order that you specify. You can click Cancel to cancel the import.

    Siebel Tools displays Done in the status bar at the bottom of the Import from Archive(s) dialog box when the import finishes. It displays the following status for a SIF file in the SIF Files list:

    • Completed. Import for this SIF file completed successfully.
    • Failed. Import for this SIF file encountered an error and did not complete successfully.
  7. If a conflict occurs, then review the Import from Archive(s) - Review Conflicts and Actions dialog box, and then click Continue.
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