Siebel eScript Language Reference >

What's New in This Release

No new features have been added to this guide for this release. This guide has been updated to reflect only product name changes.

What's New in Siebel eScript Language Reference, Version 8.1, Rev A and Version 8.2

Table 1 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Table 1. What's New in Siebel eScript Language Reference, Version 8.1, Rev A and Version 8.2

About Local and Global Variables

New topic. Siebel eScript includes local and global variables. You declare these variables differently. Access to these variables also varies.

Using a Local Variable Is Preferable to Using a Global Variable

New topic. It is recommended that you use a local variable where possible instead of a global variable.

Declaring a Variable In a Statement Block

New topic. If you declare a variable in a statement block in a method, then you can reference that variable anywhere in the method.

Running Browser Script When Siebel CRM Starts a Siebel Application

New topic. You can configure Siebel CRM to run Browser Script when it starts a Siebel application.

For In Statement

Modified topic. The DONT_ENUM attribute is a predefined attribute that you cannot modify.

Using the Throw Statement with Nested Try Catch Blocks

New topic. To handle an exception, you can use the Throw statement with nested Try catch blocks.

Array Methods

Modified topic. The following methods were added: Concatenate Array, Get Subarray, Shift Array Left, and Shift Array Right.


New topic. To avoid receiving an unhandled exception error, you can use the RaiseErrorText method or the RaiseError method instead of the Throw statement.

Setting the Day to a Value That Exceeds 31

New topic. You can write code that adds any number of days to a date. Siebel eScript automatically converts the number of days to the correct month and year.

Using the Dispatch Identifier to Call a COM Method

New topic. To use the DISPID (Dispatch Identifier) of a COM method to call that COM method, you make an IDispatch::Invoke call.

Using a Multivalue List to Avoid Unexpected Rounding

New topic. If you must use a value that exceeds 253, then it is recommended that you use a calculated field that uses the sum of a multivalue list instead of using Siebel eScript.

Preprocessing Error Messages

Modified topic. You can organize constants and other definitions in include files, and then use #include directives to add these definitions to any source file.

Additional Changes

This version of this book includes revised code that fixes a problem in the old code that caused an Undefined Object error. For more information, see The Arguments Property of a Function.

This version of Siebel eScript Language Reference also includes structural changes to the content, such as topic organization and heading arrangement.

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