System Administrator’s Guide

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Managing and Configuring the SNMP service

The following section describes how to configure and manage the SNMP service.



The SNMP service is responsible for collecting alarms and distributing them as SNMP traps.

Figure 12-1 SNMP overview

SNMP overview

The SNMP service acts as an internal alarm listener and sends traps (or notifications) to any registered SNMP trap listener. There is a 1:1 relationship between alarms and SNMP traps. The MIB file defining the SNMP traps is based on the content of the alarm.xml file.

Each individual alarm ID is used to generate the Object Identifier for each SNMP trap.

The SNMP traps sent consist of:

IANA-registered private enterprise ID + BEA ID + Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper ID + “0” + alarm identifier

The MIB file BEA-WLNG-MIB is located in the sub-directory snmp in the domain directory.


Configuration and management

Configure SNMPService

To define
The SNMP Community string
Enterprise Object Identifier.
This attribute has a default value and should normally not be changed.
SNMP version to use.
Which alarm severity levels that shall be distributed as SNMP traps.

Define trap receivers using Operation: addTrapReceiver.

Trap Receivers

Add a trap receiver
List defined trap receivers
Delete an existing trap receiver
Operation: listTrapReceivers to list a registered trap receivers. Use the ID as an input parameter in Operation: deleteTrapReceiver.


Reference: Attributes and Operations for SNMPService

Managed object: Container ServicesArrow symbolSNMPService

MBean: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.snmp.SNMPServiceMBean

Below is a list of attributes and operations for configuration and maintenance:

Attribute: Community

Scope: Server

Format: String

Units: n/a

Specifies the SNMP community address.

Default value is private.

Attribute: EnterpriseObjectIdentifier

Scope: Server

Format: String

Units: n/a

Specifies the base enterprise object identifier used for the SNMP traps.

BEA ID and Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper IDs are fixed and appended to this ID.

For each individual SNMP trap, the alarm ID for the alarm is appended per alarm.

Attribute: RepeatedTraps

Scope: Cluster

Format: int

Units: n/a

Specifies the number of times each SNMP trap is sent to each configured manager.

Attribute: SNMPVersion

Scope: Cluster

Format: int

Units: not applicable

Specifies the SNMP version to use.


Attribute: SeverityFilter

Scope: Cluster

Format: int

Units: not/applicable

Specifies the severity filter setting.

Only alarms with a severity that exceeds or is equal to the specified severity filter will cause a trap to be generated:


Operation: addTrapReceiver

Scope: Cluster

Adds a receiver for the SNMP traps. Returns an ID for the receiver.


addTrapReceiver(Address: String, Port: int)

Table 12-1 addTrapReceiver
IP-address for the trap receiver.
Port for the trap receiver.

Operation: deleteTrapReceiver

Scope: Cluster

Deletes a previously added trap receiver.


deleteTrapReceiver(id: int)

Table 12-2 deleteTrapReceiver
ID of the trap receiver to delete. Use Operation: listTrapReceivers to list the IDs.

Operation: listTrapReceivers

Scope: Cluster

Displays a list of all registered trap receivers.



Table 12-3 listTrapReceivers

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