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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Class SortAttribute

  extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SortAttribute
extends Object
implements Serializable

SortAttribute represents the grouping settings of a document attribute.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
SortAttribute(String attributeName)
          Create a SortAttribute with the default sort option and sort order.
SortAttribute(String attributeName, String sortOption, boolean isAscending)


Method Summary
 String getAttributeName()
          Returns the attribute name used for sorting.
 boolean getIsAscending()
          Returns the sorting order.
 String getSortOption()
          Returns the sorting option.
 boolean isIsAscending()
 void setAttributeName(String attributeName)
          Sets the attribute used for sorting.
 void setIsAscending(boolean isAscending)
          Sets the sorting order.
 void setSortOption(String sortOption)
          Sets the sort option.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public SortAttribute()


public SortAttribute(String attributeName,
                     String sortOption,
                     boolean isAscending)
attributeName - name of the grouping attribute
sortOption - Oracle monolingual and multilingual linguistic sorts like "XGERMAN" or "GENERIC_M". Common Monolingual options are: ASCII, BINARY, BIG5, DUTCH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, etc. Common Multilingual options are: CANADIAN_M Canadian French sort supports reverse secondary, special expanding characters DANISH_M Danish sort supports sorting lowercase characters before uppercase characters FRENCH_M French sort supports reverse sort for secondary GENERIC_M Generic sorting order which is based on ISO14651 and Unicode canonical equivalence rules but excludes compatible equivalence rules JAPANESE_M Japanese sort supports SJIS character set order and EUC characters which are not included in SJIS KOREAN_M Korean sort: Hangul characters are based on Unicode binary order. Hanja characters based on pronunciation order. All Hangul characters are before Hanja characters SPANISH_M Traditional Spanish sort supports special contracting characters THAI_M Thai sort supports swap characters for some vowels and consonants SCHINESE_RADICAL_M Simplified Chinese sort uses radical as primary order and number of strokes as secondary order. SCHINESE_STROKE_M Simplified Chinese sort uses number of strokes as primary order and radical as secondary order SCHINESE_PINYIN_M Simplified Chinese PinYin sorting order TCHINESE_RADICAL_M Traditional Chinese sort uses radical as primary order and number of strokes as secondary order TCHINESE_STROKE_M Traditional Chinese sort uses number of strokes as primary order and radical as secondary order. It supports supplementary characters. See Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide Appendix A "Linguistic Sorts" Table A-11
isAscending - sorts in ascending order


public SortAttribute(String attributeName)
Create a SortAttribute with the default sort option and sort order.
attributeName - name of the grouping attribute

Method Detail


public String getAttributeName()
Returns the attribute name used for sorting.


public void setAttributeName(String attributeName)
Sets the attribute used for sorting.
attributeName - the sorting attribute


public String getSortOption()
Returns the sorting option.


public boolean getIsAscending()
Returns the sorting order.


public boolean isIsAscending()


public void setIsAscending(boolean isAscending)
Sets the sorting order.
isAscending - sort the value from smallest to the largest


public void setSortOption(String sortOption)
Sets the sort option.
sortOption - sort option: "BINARY" sorting is based on the ASCII value * of the character and is the current supported option. based on the ascii value of the character.

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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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