Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface ApplicationModuleRef

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RemoteCookieImpl, SessionCookieImpl

public interface ApplicationModuleRef
extends ApplicationModuleHandle

Field Summary
static boolean SHARED
static boolean STATE_MANAGED
static boolean STATE_UNMANAGED
static boolean UNSHARED
Method Summary
 boolean isApplicationModuleReserved()
          Tests if the application module that is referenced by this session cookie has been reserved for exclusive access by this session cookie.
 void releaseApplicationModule(boolean checkin, boolean manageState)
          Release an application module for reuse.
 void releaseApplicationModule(boolean checkin, boolean manageState, long waitTimeout)
          Release an application module for reuse.
 void resetState()
          Reset the ApplicationModule state associated with this ApplicationModuleRef.
 ApplicationModule useApplicationModule()
          Returns an application module instance without acquiring a session cookie lock.
 ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(boolean lock)
          Returns an application module instance for the current thread.
 ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(boolean lock, long waitTimeout)
          Returns an application module instance for the current thread.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.ApplicationModuleHandle
getClientEnvironment, getClientEnvironment, getEnvironment, getEnvironment, getUserData

Field Detail


static final boolean SHARED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final boolean UNSHARED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final boolean STATE_MANAGED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final boolean STATE_UNMANAGED
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


boolean isApplicationModuleReserved()
Tests if the application module that is referenced by this session cookie has been reserved for exclusive access by this session cookie.

boolean true if the referenced instance is reserved


ApplicationModule useApplicationModule()
Returns an application module instance without acquiring a session cookie lock.

Specified by:
useApplicationModule in interface ApplicationModuleHandle
See Also:
useApplicationModule(boolean, long)


ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(boolean lock)
Returns an application module instance for the current thread. Uses the default waitTimeout specified by the cookie.

lock - specify whether a session lock should be acquired for the shared application module resource
See Also:
useApplicationModule(boolean, long)


ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(boolean lock,
                                       long waitTimeout)
Returns an application module instance for the current thread.

If the application session cookie references application state the application state should be activated in the returned application module.

The lock parameter may be specified to acquire a lock for the shared application module resource. If a lock is acquired the application should be careful to release that lock after it is done using the application module resource. Application thread starvation may occur if the lock is held indefinitely.

If another thread is holding the lock associated with the session cookie then the current thread will wait for the period specified by the waitTimeout parameter.

Best practice would be to invoke useApplicationModule(boolean) in a try...finally block that invokes releaseApplicationModule(boolean, boolean) during finally.

lock - specify whether a session lock should be acquired for the shared application module resource
waitTimeout - specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that the thread should wait for the session cookie lock


void releaseApplicationModule(boolean checkin,
                              boolean manageState)
Release an application module for reuse.

This method should be invoked at the end of each session request.

If another thread is holding the lock associated with the session cookie then the current thread will wait indefinitely. Please see releaseApplicationModule(boolean, boolean, long) if a wait timeout is desired.

The checkin parameter may be used to indicate that the session application module instance should be checked in for reuse by other sessions.

The manageState parameter may be used to indicate that the session application state should be managed between requests by the pooling framework.

checkin - SHARED or UNSHARED
manageState - manage the session application state between requests


void releaseApplicationModule(boolean checkin,
                              boolean manageState,
                              long waitTimeout)
Release an application module for reuse.

This method should be invoked at the end of each session request.

If another thread is holding the lock associated with the session cookie then the current thread will wait for the period specified by the waitTimeout parameter. The current thread may be blocked upon invoking releaseApplicationModule if it did not acquire a session cookie lock when it dereferenced the application module with useApplicationModule(boolean).

The checkin parameter may be used to indicate that the session application module instance should be checked in for reuse by other sessions.

The manageState parameter may be used to indicate that the session application state should be managed between requests by the pooling framework.


checkin - SHARED or UNSHARED
waitTimeout - specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that the thread should wait for the session cookie lock


void resetState()
Reset the ApplicationModule state associated with this ApplicationModuleRef.

Invoking this method after an ApplicationModule has been released with state management specified will result in the affinity between the ApplicationModuleRef and the ApplicationModule state being lost. Consequently, the next time invocation of useApplicationModule on this ApplicationModuleRef will return a stateless Applicationmodule.

Invoking this method on an ApplicationModuleRef which is not referencing any ApplicationModule state will have no effect. Invoking this method on an ApplicationModuleRef which is currently reserving an ApplicationModule will result in an ApplicationPoolException.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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