Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.jbo.uicli.jui

Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows.


Interface Summary
JUActionBindingListener Implemented by classes that are interested in performing typically lightweight, client-side preparation of data or update of display before or after an action binding performs it's action.
JUButtonGroupControlInterface A control implements this interface if it binds to a JUButtonGroupBinding and is responsible for creating AbstractButtons to render/display the associated attribute for all rows in the associated RowSetIterator.
JUCtrlListBindingChangeListener Implementers of this interface can register with a JUCtrlListBinding to be notified about events.
JUDefaultControlInterface Implemented by "custom" Controls like JUImageControl that bind to BC4J attributes using JUDefaultControlBinding and have no default Swing model to work with.
JUIteratorChangedListener Implemented by all controls/classes that are interested in knowing when the RowSetIterator for an iteratorBinding in a panel is changed.
JULovDialogInterface JULovButtonBinding works with a JULovDialogInterface to display LOV data.
JULovPanelInterface Implements creation of a LOV dialog bound to a BC4J RowSet to display data.
JUNavigationBarInterface Implemented by all controls similar to NavigationBar that are interested in knowing which iterator is currently in focus in a PanelBinding, so that they can update their display of currency, etc.
JUPanelRowSetListener Implemented by classes that are interested in performing typically lightweight, client-side validation for an attribute, a row, or the whole transaction.
JUPanelStopEditingListener Bindings that need to send notifications to their controls to stop a current cell edit like for JTable or JTree, should implement this interface.
JUPanelValidationListener Implemented by classes that are interested in performing typically lightweight, client-side validation for an attribute, a row, or the whole transaction.

Class Summary
JUActionBinding Implements binding for a JButton to one of the commonly-used methods on the associated RowSet.
JUActionBindingAdapter Default adapter for JUActionBindingListener event.
JUButtonBinding Implements binding a Swing AbstractButton object with a BC4J attribute.
JUButtonGroupBinding Binds a group of buttons in a panel to an attribute in a ViewObject such that on selection of a given button, this binding works like a LOV binding or used to display an enumerated list for update.
JUComboBoxBinding Implements binding a Swing JComboBox to a BC4J Attribute or ViewObject or as an LOV (list of values).
JUComboBoxCtrlBinding Implements binding a Swing JComboBox or JUComboBox to a BC4J Attribute or ViewObject or as an LOV (list of values).
JUCtrlListBindingChangeEvent JUCtrlListBinding will notify registered listeners when an unknown value is encountered.
JUDefaultControlBinding Implements a generic binding for any Swing control (custom or not) to bind to a BC4J attribute.
JUErrorHandlerDialog Deprecated. since 9.0.3 use oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUErrorHandlerDlg instead.
JUFormattedTextFieldBinding JUI binding for JFormattedTextField
JULabelBinding Binds a label control as a control binding so that the text for the label is derived from an attribute of a ViewObject row.
JUListSingleSelBinding Implements binding a Swing JList (in single selection mode) to a BC4J Attribute, ViewObject, or as an LOV.
JULoginDialog Deprecated. since 9.0.3 use oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULoginDialog instead.
JULovButtonBinding Binds a JButton with an iterator such that on button action, an LOV dialog (either a framework default dialog or an application-specific one) is displayed; upon the dialog close, the current row from the associated iterator is used to update values of bound attributes in a target row of a target RowIterator.
JUPanelBinding A container class that manages JUIteratorBindings, etc.
JUPanelRowSetAdapter Default implementation for JUPanelValidationListener interface.
JUPanelValidationAdapter Default implementation for JUPanelValidationListener interface.
JUPanelValidationEvent Implements EventObject that is passed to the JUPanelValidationListeners in the various event methods.
JUProgressBarAttrBinding Implements binding a JProgressBar control with a BC4J attribute.
JUProgressBarBinding Implements binding a JProgressBar control with a BC4J RowSetIterator/ViewObject.
JUScrollBarAttrBinding Implements binding a JScrollBar control with an Attribute in a BC4J RowSet.
JUScrollBarBinding Implements binding a JScrollBar control with a BC4J RowSetIterator/ViewObject.
JUSliderAttrBinding Implements binding a JSlider control with an Attribute in a BC4J RowSet.
JUSliderBinding Implements binding a JSlider control with a BC4J RowSetIterator/ViewObject.
JUSpinnerBinding Implements binding for JSpinner control.
JUSVFocusAdapter All JClient bindings create an instance of this adapter to notify the panel which control and hence which binding is currently in focus.
JUSVUpdateableFocusAdapter This focus adapter class is registered by controls that should perform setAttribute on the binding directly upon focusOut.
JUTabbedPaneListener This listener is associated with JTabbedPane instances in an ADF Swing environment.
JUTableBinding A lightweight TableModel that implements binding a javax.swing.JTable to a RowIterator for a BC4J ViewObject.
JUTableSortModel Implements a sorting filter over JUTableBinding's TableModel such that when a user clicks (or Shift_click) on a column header of the Table, the display of rows from the JUTableBinding (and hence BC4J), is sorted by that column.
JUTextFieldBinding JUTextFieldBinding is a lightweight Document model that implements binding a javax.swing.JTextComponent to an attribute in a row of a BC4J ViewObject.
JUTreeAccessorTypeBinding Implements rules that govern display of rows of a given ViewObject type in a JTree.
JUTreeBinding A lightweight Document model that implements binding a javax.swing.JTree to a BC4J RowIterator and display a selected attribute.
JUTreeDefaultMouseListener A sample mouse adapter that could be wired up with a JUTreeBinding to handle double-click on the tree nodes: The selected row is made current in the associated row iterator.
JUTreeDiscrAttrTypeBinding Implements rules that govern the display of rows of a given ViewObject type in a JTree.
JUTreeNodeBinding This class implements rules that govern display of each node in a JTree that is bound to a JUTreeBinding.
JUTreeTableDef This class provides the definition for a grid (table) with a hierarchy (tree).
RegExpFormatter A regular expression based implementation of AbstractFormatter.

Package oracle.jbo.uicli.jui Description

Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows.

This package contains classes that implement JClient bindings for Swing controls and models so that they can be bound to BC4J objects. This package also contains JClient interfaces and event listeners that can be implemented by applications to provide customizations for some JClient controls and events.

About JClient Application Code

In a JClient application, data binding between the Swing controls and Business Components datasources relies on the creation a set of JClient objects that closely resemble the UI containers used to assemble the JClient forms. You can see these containers and their JClient-specific code when you use the JClient Form Wizard to generate a complete application. For example, assuming a master-detail type form, based on a Dept and Emp view object, the wizard would generate the following classes:

  • FrameDeptViewEmpView1 extends JFrame
  • LYPanelDeptViewEmpView1 extends JPanel
  • PanelDeptView extends JPanel
  • PanelEmpView1 extends JPanel

    Where JFrame and JPanel are Swing classes. When you run the application, starting with the JFrame, the following JClient code is executed:

  • The main() bootstraps the application by creating an application object (JUApplication) that allows an application module session object to be created.
  • The frame is initialized (FrameDeptViewEmpView1 in the above example) through a constructor that takes an application object.
  • The frame or applet class creates the layout panel is initialized through a call to a constructor that takes a JUApplication object.
  • Initialization of the layout panel (LYPanelDeptViewEmpView1 in the above example) results in a panel binding object (JUPanelBinding) for a specific client data model. The creation of the panel binding is an important part of the JClient functionality.
  • In the layout panel's jbInit() method, the data browsing (children) panels are created. For this, JClient passes the layout panel's panel binding into the children data panels (PanelDeptView and PanelEmpView1 in the above example). Thus, children panels share the panel binding with the layout panel.
  • A control to attribute data binding occurs using the control's specified JClient model.
  • The control binding handles events to populate and update data for the UI control.

    During design-time, each data browsing panel you add to the JClient application gets it context for marshaling interactions between the UI controls and the Business Component datasource's rowset iterator from the panel binding created in the frame or layout panel. Once you have a frame or layout panel that creates this panel binding, JClient permits you to assemble the application by adding new data browsing panels.

    Then you can use the UI Editor in JDeveloper to add controls one by one to the data panel. You set the data binding by specifying a JClient control model on the control's document or model property. At runtime, each control in the data panel becomes data bound through a getPanelBinding() call as an argument to its setModel() or setDocument() method.

    About the Frame or Applet Class in JClient

    Application Bootstrap

    When you run the JClient application by selecting the Frame or Applet class in the Navigator and select Run, one of the first things that happens in the JClient bootstrap code is the creation of the JUApplication object. The following code line makes this happen:

    JUApplication app = JUMetaObjectManager.createApplicationObject("MyJClientProject.ClientDataModel1", null, new JUEnvInfoProvider());

    The first parameter to createApplicationObject(), "MyJClientProject.ClientDataModel1", identifies the data model from which the JUApplication instance is to be created. A JUMetaObjectManager object takes this name and uses the first part (MyJClientProject) to form the client project file name (MyJClientProject.cpx). The .cpx file is read and parsed. The Session information is extracted and cached in JUMetaObjectManager.

    Then, the Session definition, specifically the Package and Configuration values, is extracted. The information is passed to the ApplicationModule pool manager, which creates an application module instance. (Refer to the Business Components for Java documentation for information about the ApplicationModule pool.)

    The JUApplication instance is created from this application module instance.

    Frame Initialization

    After the JUApplication is instantiated, initialization of the frame proceeds. An instance of the frame is created by invoking the constructor that takes the JUApplication. That constructor creates the status bar for the frame and saves the JUApplication reference in a field (app). Then, it calls jbInit() and initialization of the main layout panel proceeds.

    Applet Initialization

    After an instance of the applet is created, initialization of the applet proceeds. The JUApplication is created and the reference is saved in a field (app). Then jbInit() is called and initialization of the main layout panel and the status bar proceeds.

    About the Layout Panel in JClient

    The main panel within a JClient frame is called the layout panel (field "layoutPanel"). This panel is a UI container for one or more data browsing panels. If the frame is to show master-detail data, the layout panel will contain two data browsing panels, one for the master and one for the detail.

    The layout panel is created through a call to the contructor that takes the JUApplication. An important part of layout panel initialization is the creation of the panel binding. Panel binding acts as the container of all "iterator bindings" used by the panel (or its children). An iterator binding is the object that marshals interactions between UI controls and BC4J datasource rowset iterator.

    The panel binding is registered with the application (JUApplication) object through the following line of code:


    In the layout panel's jbInit() method, the creation of the data browsing (children) panels proceeds. For this, JClient passes the layout panel's panel binding into the children panels. Thus, children panels end up sharing the panel binding with the layout panel.

    About Data Panels in JClient

    A data browsing panel contains controls through which the user can view and edit data. Thus, it has a set of controls declared and instantiated as fields. The data browsing panel receives its panel binding from the layout panel (in its constructor). After that, jbInit() is called.

    In the jbInit() method, binding of the control to attributes occurs. Examine the following code:

    textFieldDeptName.setDocument(JUTextFieldBinding.createAttributeBinding(getPanelBinding(), textFieldDeptName, "DeptView", null, "DeptViewIter", "DName"));

    The above code line sets the Swing Document object for a text field named textFieldDeptName. In short, textFieldDeptName is to show and edit the DName attribute of the view object named DeptView.

    The Document object is created by a static createAttributeBinding() method on JUTextFieldBinding. JClient provides model objects for Swing controls (where the model for text field is called Document) that are responsible for marshalling interaction between the Swing controls and BC4J rowset iterator. We refer to these JClient implementation of Swing models as control bindings.

    The first parameter to createAttributeBinding() is the panel binding. The second parameter is the text field control itself. The third parameter DeptView identifies the view object. In order to locate the view object, we need the application module in addition to the view object name. The application module is provided by the panel binding (the first parameter) since the panel binding is registered with the JUApplication object. While this happens, the panel binding receives the application module reference from the JUApplication object. This application module is used as the context in which the named view object is found.

    The fourth parameter is an optional name of the rowset iterator within the view object. This enables the user to work with a secondary rowset iterator if desired. To use a secondary rowset iterator, the user must change code manually and enter the name of the rowset iterator. "null" means that this control will bind to the default rowset iterator of the view object.

    The panel binding keeps a list of iterator bindings. Each iterator binding specifies the view object instance and (optionally) the rowset iterator. An iterator binding (within the panel binding) is identified by its name. The fifth parameter (DeptViewIter) specifies the iterator binding name.

    Thus, when createAttributeBinding() is called, JClient tries to look for an iterator binding by the specified name (DeptViewIter). If one is found, JClient uses that iterator binding. If one is not found, JClient uses the view object name and rowset iterator name to create a new iterator binding, assign its name, and register it with the panel binding.

    The last parameter (DName) is the name of the view object attribute to which the text field is bound.

    About Control Binding in JClient

    Populating Controls with Data

    After data browsing panels are initialized, the layout panel calls executeIfNeeded() on the panel binding to execute the query on the BC4J datasource.

    This method checks to see if the query had been executed on the view object and if not calls executeQuery() on it. This brings data from the database into the cache and causes BC4J's RowSetListener events to fire. The first among these would be the RowSetListener.rangeRefreshed event. This event is captured by the iterator binding (because it implements RowSetListener and has registered itself as a listener). It retrieves the rows of the range and calls updateValuesFromRows() on the control binding. The control binding takes the data out from the rows and assigns them to the controls using Swing API. This updates the panel UI with the data.

    Updating Data through Controls

    The user's interaction with a JClient-bound control may result in updating of data through BC4J APIs. Let's take textFieldDname (TextField) for an example. If the user edits its content and leaves the control (generating focusLost event), JClient is notified of the event. It retrieve the updated data from the control and calls setAttribute() on the row.

    Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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