Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle PDK Java
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class PortletDefinition

  extended by oracle.portal.provider.v2.PortletDefinition
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PortletDefinition
extends java.lang.Object
implements Validateable

A PortletDefinition is a sub-part of a ProviderDefinition that defines the properties of a single portlet. Again, a PortletDefinition is simply a container for meta data, and drives the behaviour of one or more PortletInstance objects which perform the portlet's functions. Users who require a richer set of portlet-level properties or accessors to these properties should feel free to use their own subclass.

It is recommended that you support multiple languages within portlet meta-data. This is accomplished by storing text in resource bundles and then registering the resource bundle by setting the resource property.

The following PortletDefinition properties can be specified via a resource bundle: name, title, shortTitle, description, and timeoutMessage. The PortletConstants interface defines constants for the resource names used to extract these properties from the resource file. Note that a resource look up for these properties will only occur if they are not set explicitly on the PortletDefinition.

It is also possible to define your own specific resource keys for each of the translatable strings by using the following properties: nameKey, titleKey, shortTitleKey, descriptionKey, and timeoutMessageKey.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addAcceptContentType(java.lang.String type)
          Adds to the set of mime-types (represented as Strings) that this Portlet can render.
 void addEvent(EventDefinition event)
          Adds to the array of events that this portlet can raise to Portal.
 void addInputParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter)
          Adds to the array of (input) parameters that this portlet recognizes when requested to render to control/affect the rendering.
 boolean callGetPortlet()
          Returns true if calls to retrieve this portlet's meta data should be made before displaying in the portlet repository.
 boolean callIsRunnable()
          Returns true if calls to hasAccess(oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderInstance, oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderUser) should be made to determine whether this portlet is runnable, before displaying it in the portlet repository.
 void deregister(ProviderInstance pi)
          Called on each of a Provider instance's PortletDefinitions when the provider is deregistered from a Portal.
 byte[] exportData(ProviderInstance pi, boolean exportUsers, java.lang.String[] userNames, TransportLogger logger)
          Exports portlet level data from this PortletDefinition.
 java.lang.String[] getAcceptContentTypes()
          Gets an array of mime-types (represented as Strings) that this Portlet can render.
 int getCacheLevel()
          Returns the caching level used for portlet render requests.
 CipherManager getCipherManager()
          Gets the the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data.
 PortletContainerRenderer getContainerRenderer()
          Returns the controller that will render this portlet's container.
 java.lang.String getContextPath(ProviderInstance pi)
          Returns a string which uniquely identifies this PortletDefinition in the context of the supplied ProviderInstance.
 java.util.Locale getDefaultLocale()
          Gets this Portlet's default locale.
 java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the portlet description.
 java.lang.String getDescriptionKey()
          Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's description from a resource bundle.
 EventDefinition[] getEvents()
          Gets the array of events that this portlet can raise to Portal.
 long getId()
          Gets the portlet unique ID.
 ParameterDefinition[] getInputParameters()
          Gets an array of (input) parameters that this portlet recognizes when requested to render to control/affect the rendering.
 java.util.Set getInstanceNames(ProviderInstance pi)
          Retrieves the names of all known PortletInstances defined by this PortletDefinition and belonging to the supplied ProviderInstance.
 int getLocalePersonalizationLevel()
          Gets the locale personalization level for this PortletDefinition.
 int getMinEditAuthLevel()
          Returns the minimum user authentication level required for the customize link to be displayed in the portlet header If the authentication level of a user is less than the minimum authentication level specified, the customize link will not be displayed in the portlet header.
 MobileFlags getMobileFlags()
          Returns the portlet's mobile settings as a bitwise flag.
 java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the portlet name.
 java.lang.String getNameKey()
          Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's name from a resource bundle.
 boolean getPassAllUrlParams()
          Determines whether Portal should always pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.
 oracle.webdb.provider.v2.builder.BuilderMetaData getPortletBuilder()
          Each portlet can specifiy the builder attached to edit this portlet.
 java.lang.Class getPortletInstanceClass()
          Returns the Class representing the PortletInstance class or subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.
 PreferenceStore getPreferenceStore()
          Gets the default PreferenceStore that should be used by the portlet and all its child objects for which a preference store has not been chosen explicitly.
 ProviderDefinition getProviderDefinition()
          Gets the ProviderDefinition that owns this portlet.
 java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the string resource (bundle) for this Portlet.
 boolean getRewriteUrls()
          Determines whether URL rewriting will be performed on the result of a portlet render request.
 java.lang.String getShortTitle(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the portlet short title.
 java.lang.String getShortTitleKey()
          Gets the key used to look up this portlet's short title from a resource bundle.
 boolean getShowEditToPublic()
          Deprecated. use getMinEditAuthLevel() to specify the minimum authentication level needed to edit the portlet
 int getTimeout()
          Gets the number of seconds the portal should wait before timing out a request to this portlet.
 java.lang.String getTimeoutMessage(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the timeout messsage that the portal should use in its response when a request to this portlet times out.
 java.lang.String getTimeoutMessageKey()
          Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's timeout message from a resource bundle.
 java.lang.String getTitle(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the portlet title.
 java.lang.String getTitleKey()
          Gets the key used to look up this portlet's title from a resource bundle.
 boolean hasAbout()
          Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying about information.
 boolean hasAccess(ProviderInstance pi, ProviderUser user)
          Verifies whether the user is authorized to use instances of this PortletDefinition.
 boolean hasHelp()
          Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying help information.
 boolean hasShowDetails()
          Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying a full-screen (detailed) version of itself.
 boolean hasShowEdit()
          Returns true if this portlet supports per user personalization, false otherwise.
 boolean hasShowEditDefault()
          Returns true if this portlet supports per portlet customization, false otherwise.
 boolean hasShowLink()
          Returns true if this portlet is capable of rendering content for link mode.
 boolean hasShowPreview()
          Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization).
 void importData(ProviderInstance pi, byte[] data, TransportLogger logger)
          Imports portlet level data into this PortletDefinition, for example by updating an associated persistant store.
 void init(ProviderDefinition pd)
          Should be called immediately after construction of a PortletDefinition to associate it with its parent ProviderDefinition.
 void register(ProviderInstance pi)
          Called on each of a Provider instance's PortletDefinitions when it is first registered on a Portal.
 void setCacheLevel(int cacheLevel)
          Sets the caching level used for portlet render requests.
 void setCallGetPortlet(boolean value)
          Controls whether calls to retrieve this Portlet's meta data should be made before displaying it in the portlet repository.
 void setCallIsRunnable(boolean value)
          Controls whether calls to hasAccess(oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderInstance, oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderUser) should be made to determine whether this portlet is runnable, before displaying it in the portlet repository.
 void setCipherManager(CipherManager cipherManager)
          Sets the the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data.
 void setContainerRenderer(PortletContainerRenderer renderer)
          Sets the controller that will render this portlet's container.
 void setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale l)
          Sets the default Locale for this Portal
 void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
          Sets the portlet description.
 void setDescriptionKey(java.lang.String descriptionKey)
          Sets the key used to look up the portlet's description in a resource bundle.
 void setHasAbout(boolean hasAbout)
          Controls whether this portlet displays about information.
 void setHasHelp(boolean hasHelp)
          Controls whether this portlet displays help information.
 void setId(long id)
          Sets the portlet unique ID.
 void setLocalePersonalizationLevel(int level)
          Sets the locale personalization level for this PortletDefinition.
 void setMinEditAuthLevel(java.lang.String authLevel)
          Sets the minimum user authentication level required for the customize link to be displayed in the portlet header If the authentication level of a user is less than the minimum authentication level specified, the customize link will not be displayed in the portlet header.
 void setMobileFlags(long flags)
          Sets the portlet's mobile settings.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the portlet name.
 void setNameKey(java.lang.String nameKey)
          Sets the key used to look up the portlet's name in a resource bundle.
 void setPassAllUrlParams(boolean value)
          Controls whether Portal will pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.
 void setPortletBuilder(oracle.webdb.provider.v2.builder.BuilderMetaData builderMetaData)
          Each portlet can specifiy the builder attached to edit this portlet.
 void setPortletInstanceClass(java.lang.Class c)
          Defines the PortletInstance subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.
 void setPrefStoreName(java.lang.String preferenceStoreName)
          Selects the default PreferenceStore that should be used by the portlet and all its child objects for which a preference store has not been chosen explicitly.
 void setResource(java.lang.String resourceClassName)
          Sets the name of the default resource bundle class for this Portlet.
 void setRewriteUrls(boolean rewriteUrls)
          Controls whether or not URL rewriting will be performed on the results of a portlet render request.
 void setShortTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Sets the portlet short title.
 void setShortTitleKey(java.lang.String shortTitleKey)
          Sets the key used to look up the portlet's short title in a resource bundle.
 void setShowDetails(boolean hasDetails)
          Controls whether this portlet displays "detailed" mode.
 void setShowEdit(boolean canEdit)
          Controls whether this portlet supports per user personalization.
 void setShowEditDefault(boolean canEditDefault)
          Controls whether this portlet supports per portlet customization.
 void setShowEditToPublic(boolean canEdit)
          Deprecated. use setMinEditAuthLevel(java.lang.String) to specify the minimum authentication level needed to edit the portlet
 void setShowLink(boolean value)
          Controls whether this portlet is capable of rendering content for link mode.
 void setShowPreview(boolean canPreview)
          Controls whether this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization).
 void setTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets the number of seconds the portal should wait before timing out a request to this portlet.
 void setTimeoutMessage(java.lang.String msg)
          Sets the timeout messsage that the portal should use in its response when a request to this portlet times out.
 void setTimeoutMessageKey(java.lang.String timeoutMessageKey)
          Sets the portlet timeout message key.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Sets the portlet title.
 void setTitleKey(java.lang.String titleKey)
          Sets the portlet title key.
 void validate()
          Deprecated. All validation is handled by the validate(String, ValidationError) method specified by the Validateable interface.
 void validate(java.lang.String context, ValidationError errors)
          Validates the internal state of this PortletDefinition instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PortletDefinition()
Method Detail


public void init(ProviderDefinition pd)
Should be called immediately after construction of a PortletDefinition to associate it with its parent ProviderDefinition.

pd - the parent provider definition.


public void validate()
              throws PortletException
Deprecated. All validation is handled by the validate(String, ValidationError) method specified by the Validateable interface.



public java.lang.Class getPortletInstanceClass()
Returns the Class representing the PortletInstance class or subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.

a Class representing the PortletInstance subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.


public void setPortletInstanceClass(java.lang.Class c)
Defines the PortletInstance subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.

c - a Class representing the PortletInstance subclass that implements the portlet's behaviour.


public ProviderDefinition getProviderDefinition()
Gets the ProviderDefinition that owns this portlet.

the ProviderDefinition that owns this portlet.


public java.util.Locale getDefaultLocale()
Gets this Portlet's default locale. If this has not been specified with either setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale) or ProviderDefinition.setDefaultLocale(Locale), the VM's default locale is returned.


public java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the string resource (bundle) for this Portlet.

l - the Locale of the resource bundle being requested.
the string resource (bundle) for this Portlet, or null if there isn't one.


public void setResource(java.lang.String resourceClassName)
Sets the name of the default resource bundle class for this Portlet.

resourceClassName - full name of class extending ResourceBundle.


public java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the portlet name.

l - the Locale (language) the requested name should be retrieved/returned in.
the portlet name. This is the Portlet's non-unique display name.


public java.lang.String getNameKey()
Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's name from a resource bundle.

the key used to look up this portlet's name from a resource bundle.


public long getId()
Gets the portlet unique ID.

the portlet (unique) ID. Value should be unique with respect to the Provider.


public java.lang.String getTitle(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the portlet title.

l - the Locale (language) the requested title should be retrieved/returned in.
the title of this Portlet. This is the name that shows up in a portlet's title bar.


public java.lang.String getTitleKey()
Gets the key used to look up this portlet's title from a resource bundle.

the key used to look up this portlet's title from a resource bundle.


public java.lang.String getShortTitle(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the portlet short title. This is the name used when real estate is at a premium such as when rendering a mobile link.

l - the Locale (language) the requested short title should be retrieved / returned in.
the short title of this Portlet.


public java.lang.String getShortTitleKey()
Gets the key used to look up this portlet's short title from a resource bundle.

the key used to look up this portlet's short title from a resource bundle.


public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the portlet description. This is displayed at design-time along with the name when a user is choosing to add a portlet to a page.

l - the Locale (language) the requested description should be retrieved/returned in.
a short description of what this portlet is.


public java.lang.String getDescriptionKey()
Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's description from a resource bundle.

the key used to look up this portlet's description from a resource bundle.


public ParameterDefinition[] getInputParameters()
Gets an array of (input) parameters that this portlet recognizes when requested to render to control/affect the rendering.

array of ParameterDefinitions.


public EventDefinition[] getEvents()
Gets the array of events that this portlet can raise to Portal.

array of EventDefinitions.


public java.lang.String[] getAcceptContentTypes()
Gets an array of mime-types (represented as Strings) that this Portlet can render. For example {"text/html", "text/xml"}.

array containing a list of mime-types.


public int getTimeout()
Gets the number of seconds the portal should wait before timing out a request to this portlet.

timeout period in seconds.


public java.lang.String getTimeoutMessage(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the timeout messsage that the portal should use in its response when a request to this portlet times out.

l - the Locale (language) the requested timeout message should be retrieved/returned in.
Timeout message.


public java.lang.String getTimeoutMessageKey()
Gets the the key used to look up this portlet's timeout message from a resource bundle.

the key used to look up this portlet's timeout message from a resource bundle.


public boolean hasShowEdit()
Returns true if this portlet supports per user personalization, false otherwise.

true if this portlet supports per user personalization, false otherwise.


public boolean hasShowEditDefault()
Returns true if this portlet supports per portlet customization, false otherwise. Per portlet customizations means that all users of this instance see a customized version of the portlet vs. the generic version. Users are then free to further personalize this instance (via showEdit).

true if this portlet supports per portlet customization, false otherwise.


public boolean hasShowPreview()
Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization). Returns false otherwise.

true if this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization) or false otherwise.


public boolean hasShowDetails()
Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying a full-screen (detailed) version of itself.

true if this portlet is capable of displaying a full-screen (detailed) version of itself.


public boolean hasHelp()
Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying help information.

true if this portlet is capable of displaying help information.


public boolean hasAbout()
Returns true if this portlet is capable of displaying about information.

true if this portlet is capable of displaying about information.


public boolean hasShowLink()
Returns true if this portlet is capable of rendering content for link mode.

true if this portlet is capable of rendering content for link mode.


public boolean callIsRunnable()
Returns true if calls to hasAccess(oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderInstance, oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderUser) should be made to determine whether this portlet is runnable, before displaying it in the portlet repository. If false, the portlet is treated as a public portlet visible to all users.

true if calls to hasAccess(oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderInstance, oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderUser) should be made to this Portlet.


public boolean callGetPortlet()
Returns true if calls to retrieve this portlet's meta data should be made before displaying in the portlet repository. If false, the default meta data will be used for all users.

returns true if calls to retrieve this portlet's meta data should be made.


public MobileFlags getMobileFlags()
Returns the portlet's mobile settings as a bitwise flag. The flags values are defined in the class MobileFlags.

the portlet's mobile setting in a bitwise flag


public boolean getPassAllUrlParams()
Determines whether Portal should always pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.

boolean indicating whether Portal will always pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.
See Also:


public int getCacheLevel()
Returns the caching level used for portlet render requests.

int the portlet's cache level.
See Also:


public boolean getRewriteUrls()
Determines whether URL rewriting will be performed on the result of a portlet render request.

boolean true if URL rewriting is to be performed. Otherwise false.
See Also:


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the portlet name.

name - the portlet name. This is the Portlet's non-unique display name.


public void setNameKey(java.lang.String nameKey)
Sets the key used to look up the portlet's name in a resource bundle.

nameKey - the string value for the key used to look up the portlet's name in a resource bundle.


public void setId(long id)
Sets the portlet unique ID.

id - the portlet (unique ID). Value should be a long value, unique with respect to the Provider.


public void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Sets the portlet title.

title - the title of this Portlet. This is the name that shows up in a portlet's title bar.


public void setTitleKey(java.lang.String titleKey)
Sets the portlet title key.

titleKey - the string value for the key used to look up the portlet's title in a resource bundle.


public void setShortTitle(java.lang.String title)
Sets the portlet short title.

title - the short title of this Portlet. This is the name used when real estate is at a premium such as when rendering a mobile link.


public void setShortTitleKey(java.lang.String shortTitleKey)
Sets the key used to look up the portlet's short title in a resource bundle.

shortTitleKey - the string value for the key used to look up the portlet's short title in a resource bundle.


public void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
Sets the portlet description.

description - a short description of what this portlet is. Displayed at design-time along with the name and thumbnail image when a user is choosing to add a portlet to a page.


public void setDescriptionKey(java.lang.String descriptionKey)
Sets the key used to look up the portlet's description in a resource bundle.

descriptionKey - the string value for the key used to look up the portlet's description in a resource bundle.


public void addInputParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter)
Adds to the array of (input) parameters that this portlet recognizes when requested to render to control/affect the rendering.

parameter - a ParameterDefinition.


public void addEvent(EventDefinition event)
Adds to the array of events that this portlet can raise to Portal.

event - an EventDefinition.


public void addAcceptContentType(java.lang.String type)
Adds to the set of mime-types (represented as Strings) that this Portlet can render.

type - mime-type String, e.g. "text/html" or "text/xml".


public void setTimeout(int timeout)
Sets the number of seconds the portal should wait before timing out a request to this portlet.

timeout - integer number of seconds.


public void setTimeoutMessage(java.lang.String msg)
Sets the timeout messsage that the portal should use in its response when a request to this portlet times out.

msg - timeout message.


public void setTimeoutMessageKey(java.lang.String timeoutMessageKey)
Sets the portlet timeout message key.

timeoutMessageKey - the string value for the key used to look up the portlet's timeout message in a resource bundle.


public void setShowEdit(boolean canEdit)
Controls whether this portlet supports per user personalization.

canEdit - Should be true if this portlet is to support per user personalization, false otherwise.


public void setShowEditToPublic(boolean canEdit)
Deprecated. use setMinEditAuthLevel(java.lang.String) to specify the minimum authentication level needed to edit the portlet

Controls whether this Portlet exposes per user personalization to the public non-logged in user.

canEdit - set to true to expose personalization to the public non-logged in user, false otherwise.


public void setShowEditDefault(boolean canEditDefault)
Controls whether this portlet supports per portlet customization. Per portlet customizations means that all users of this instance see a customized version of the portlet vs. the generic version. Users are then free to further personalize this instance (via showEdit).

canEditDefault - Should be true if this Portlet supports per portlet customization, false otherwise.


public void setShowPreview(boolean canPreview)
Controls whether this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization).

canPreview - Should be true if this portlet is capable of displaying a design-time preview of itself (after customization or personalization), or false otherwise.


public void setShowDetails(boolean hasDetails)
Controls whether this portlet displays "detailed" mode. Detailed mode is a full page mode where this portlet is expected to display a finer level of information.

hasDetails - Should be true if this portlet is capable of displaying a "detailed" mode, or false otherwise.


public void setHasHelp(boolean hasHelp)
Controls whether this portlet displays help information.

hasHelp - Should be true if this portlet is capable of displaying a help information, or false otherwise.


public void setHasAbout(boolean hasAbout)
Controls whether this portlet displays about information.

hasAbout - Should be true if this portlet is capable of displaying about information, or false otherwise.


public void setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale l)
Sets the default Locale for this Portal

l - a Locale


public void setShowLink(boolean value)
Controls whether this portlet is capable of rendering content for link mode.

value - boolean flag.


public void setCallIsRunnable(boolean value)
Controls whether calls to hasAccess(oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderInstance, oracle.portal.provider.v2.ProviderUser) should be made to determine whether this portlet is runnable, before displaying it in the portlet repository.

value - Should be true if access checks should be made on a per-user basis before displaying the portlet in the portlet repository. If false, the portlet is treated as a public portlet visible to all users.


public void setCallGetPortlet(boolean value)
Controls whether calls to retrieve this Portlet's meta data should be made before displaying it in the portlet repository.

value - If true, portal will retrieve the portlet meta data before displaying it in the portlet repository. If false, the default meta data will be used for all users.


public void setMobileFlags(long flags)
Sets the portlet's mobile settings. The flags values are defined by the MobileFlags class.

flags - the portlet's mobile setting in a bitwise flag


public void setPassAllUrlParams(boolean value)
Controls whether Portal will pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.

value - boolean indicating whether Portal should always pass the requested page's URL parameters to the portlet.


public void setCacheLevel(int cacheLevel)
                   throws PortletException
Sets the caching level used for portlet render requests. This controls the set of parameters sent to the provider in a render request and hence the "cache key" under which the returned markup is stored. This overrides the User/Session information entered for the provider on registration. The possible settings are:

cacheLevel - int indicates the caching level - can be one of PortletConstants.CACHE_LEVEL_SYSTEM, PortletConstants.CACHE_LEVEL_USER, or PortletConstants.CACHE_LEVEL_SESSION. The cache level for a portlet render request is determined using the following order of precedence:
  • If specified, the portlet setting is used
  • If specified, the provider setting is used
  • If the provider is registered as "public" then the portlet will be called using the "public" user and cached at the system level
  • If the provider is registered as "user" and "portal session data" is requested then portlet will be cached at the session level
  • Otherwise, the portlet will be cached at user level


public void setRewriteUrls(boolean rewriteUrls)
Controls whether or not URL rewriting will be performed on the results of a portlet render request.

If this method is called then the specified setting will override any equivalent provider setting. If this method is not called then the equivalent provider setting will be used for this portlet.

rewriteUrls - boolean true if URL rewriting is to be performed. Otherwise false.


public void setPrefStoreName(java.lang.String preferenceStoreName)
                      throws PreferenceStoreException
Selects the default PreferenceStore that should be used by the portlet and all its child objects for which a preference store has not been chosen explicitly.

preferenceStoreName - the name of one of the PreferenceStores declared in the ProviderDefinition.
PreferenceStoreException - if a PreferenceStore with the given name has not been defined.
See Also:


public PreferenceStore getPreferenceStore()
Gets the default PreferenceStore that should be used by the portlet and all its child objects for which a preference store has not been chosen explicitly. If this has not been set with setPrefStoreName(java.lang.String), then the provider's default preference store, returned by ProviderDefinition.getPreferenceStore() will be returned if one has been defined, or null otherwise.

the PreferenceStore that should be used by child objects by default if one has been defined, or null otherwise.


public boolean getShowEditToPublic()
Deprecated. use getMinEditAuthLevel() to specify the minimum authentication level needed to edit the portlet

Determines whether this Portlet exposes per user personalization to the public non-logged in user.

true if the public (not logged in) user should be allowed to personalize this portlet. Otherwise false.


public int getMinEditAuthLevel()
Returns the minimum user authentication level required for the customize link to be displayed in the portlet header If the authentication level of a user is less than the minimum authentication level specified, the customize link will not be displayed in the portlet header.

the min. authentication level required to edit the portlet.


public void setMinEditAuthLevel(java.lang.String authLevel)
                         throws PortletException
Sets the minimum user authentication level required for the customize link to be displayed in the portlet header If the authentication level of a user is less than the minimum authentication level specified, the customize link will not be displayed in the portlet header.

authLevel - minimum authentication level. Possible values are "PUBLIC", "WEAK", "STRONG"


public PortletContainerRenderer getContainerRenderer()
Returns the controller that will render this portlet's container. If this has not been set with setContainerRenderer(oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.PortletContainerRenderer), then the provider's default container renderer, returned by ProviderDefinition.getContainerRenderer() will be returned. The container renderer is responsible for rendering the portlet container in each of the show modes the portlet supports.

the portlet container renderer that should be used to render the container for this portlet


public void setContainerRenderer(PortletContainerRenderer renderer)
                          throws PortletException
Sets the controller that will render this portlet's container. The container renderer is responsible for rendering the portlet container in each of the show modes the portlet supports

renderer - the portlet container renderer


public void register(ProviderInstance pi)
Called on each of a Provider instance's PortletDefinitions when it is first registered on a Portal. This gives a PortletDefinition a chance to initialize storage for the portlet. This default implementation does nothing. Subclasses should override.



public void deregister(ProviderInstance pi)
Called on each of a Provider instance's PortletDefinitions when the provider is deregistered from a Portal. This gives a PortletDefinition a chance to release storage for the portlet. This default implementation does nothing. Subclasses should override.



public boolean hasAccess(ProviderInstance pi,
                         ProviderUser user)
Verifies whether the user is authorized to use instances of this PortletDefinition. That is, does this user have the necessary privileges to create, get, copy, and destroy instances of this PortletDefinition.

user - the current user we are being asked to authorize.
true is this user is authorized to access this portlet. This base implementation always returns true. Subclasses should override.


public oracle.webdb.provider.v2.builder.BuilderMetaData getPortletBuilder()
Each portlet can specifiy the builder attached to edit this portlet. This method returns the PortletBuilder associated with this portlet.

PortletBuilder the portlet builder attribute for this portlet definition.


public void setPortletBuilder(oracle.webdb.provider.v2.builder.BuilderMetaData builderMetaData)
Each portlet can specifiy the builder attached to edit this portlet. This method sets a PortletBuilder with this portletDefinition.

builderMetaData - the PortletBuilder attribute for this Portlet Defintion.


public void setLocalePersonalizationLevel(int level)
Sets the locale personalization level for this PortletDefinition. This level determines whether or not the portlet stores localized default personalization data and if so, at what level. Possible values are:

Note: this setting does not affect user level personalizations, just the default level.

level - the required locale personalization level.


public int getLocalePersonalizationLevel()
Gets the locale personalization level for this PortletDefinition. If the level has not been specified, the enclosing ProviderDefinition is queried. See ProviderDefinition.getLocalePersonalizationLevel(). For more information on the locale personalization level, see setLocalePersonalizationLevel(int).

the locale personalization level for this PortletDefinition.


public java.util.Set getInstanceNames(ProviderInstance pi)
                               throws PortletException
Retrieves the names of all known PortletInstances defined by this PortletDefinition and belonging to the supplied ProviderInstance. This may be achieved, for example, by querying any associated persistant stores.

a java.util.Set of java.lang.Strings representing the names of all known PortletInstances
PortletException - if an error occurs while querying for instances.


public CipherManager getCipherManager()
Gets the the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data. A null value indicates that exported data will not be encrypted. The PortletDefinition level cipher manager overides any set at ProviderDefinition level.

the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data.


public void setCipherManager(CipherManager cipherManager)
Sets the the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data. A null value indicates that exported data will not be encrypted. The PortletDefinition level cipher manager overides any set at ProviderDefinition level.

cipherManager - the CipherManager which will be employed to encrypt exported data and decrypt imported data.


public byte[] exportData(ProviderInstance pi,
                         boolean exportUsers,
                         java.lang.String[] userNames,
                         TransportLogger logger)
                  throws PortletException
Exports portlet level data from this PortletDefinition. If includeUsers is true, user specific data will be included for the set of users specified in userNames. Log messages may be included in the exported data set using the supplied TransportLogger.

pi - the ProviderInstance in which context the export operation is being carried out.
exportUsers - speficies if the export data should contain user specifc data.
userNames - the set of users whose data should be exported. If null, data for all users will be included. If includeUsers is false, this parameter will be ignored.
logger - a TransportLogger which may be used for logging messages to be included with the exported data.
a byte[] encapsulating all export worthy data, or null if there exists no data to export.
PortletException - if any non-recoverable error occurred while exporting the data.


public void importData(ProviderInstance pi,
                       byte[] data,
                       TransportLogger logger)
                throws PortletException
Imports portlet level data into this PortletDefinition, for example by updating an associated persistant store. Messages may be logged to the import initiator using the supplied TransportLogger

pi - the ProviderInstance in which context the import operation is being carried out.
data - the data to import.
logger - a TransportLogger which can be used to log messages to the import initiator.
PortletException - if any non-recoverable error occurred while importing the data.


public java.lang.String getContextPath(ProviderInstance pi)
Returns a string which uniquely identifies this PortletDefinition in the context of the supplied ProviderInstance.

pi - the ProviderInstance in context.


public void validate(java.lang.String context,
                     ValidationError errors)
Validates the internal state of this PortletDefinition instance. Errors found are reported using the supplied ValidationError instance.

Specified by:
validate in interface Validateable
context - The context of the calling instance.
errors - The current list of errors.

Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle PDK Java
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Copyright (c) 1999, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.