Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle PDK Java
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Package oracle.portal.provider.v2.render

Interface Summary
PortletRenderRequest The PortletRenderRequest contains all the request details a renderer needs to process the request and output its rendition.

Class Summary
ContainerRenderer306 A ContainerRenderer306 is a utility class that renders the container for a portlet in the style of Oracle Portal v 3.0.6
DefaultContainerRenderer A PortletContainerRenderer is a utility class that renders the container for a portlet.
DeviceInfo.DeviceOrientation To level nested class representing the enumerated types used to represent data members of deviceInfos.
ManagedRenderer A ManagedRenderer is a controller used, in conjunction with RenderManager, to construct a correctly ordered response to a PortletRenderRequest.
MocContainerRenderer A PortletContainerRenderer is a utility class that renders the container for a portlet.
PortletContainerRenderer A PortletContainerRenderer is a utility class that renders the container for a portlet.
PortletRenderer A PortletRenderer is the portlet controller responsible for generating the portlet's display (via markup).
PortletRendererUtil Contains utilities useful for rendering.
RenderContext A RenderContext is used to describe to a PortletInstance the context in which it is to be renderered.
RenderManager RenderManager implements a model whereby users can plug in individual renderers which handle a request for a specific render mode in a specific content type.

Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle PDK Java
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

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