Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


a_abBottomLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_aBottomLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_abTopLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_abValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_alertsVisibility - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_alignTickMarks - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_alongGraphEdge - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.LegendArea
a_angleExtent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_animationDownColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_animationDuration - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_animationIndicators - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_animationOnDataChange - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_animationOnDisplay - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_animationUpColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_annotationsVisibility - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_ascending - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseDataAxis
a_assignedToY2 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_association - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_aTopLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_autoLayout - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_automaticPlacement - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.LegendArea
a_automaticRotation - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_aValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_axisAutoScaledFromZero - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisLocation - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseDataAxis
a_axisMaxAutoScaled - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisMaxLabelVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseDataAxis
a_axisMaxValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisMinAutoScaled - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisMinLabelVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseDataAxis
a_axisMinValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisZoomMaxValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_axisZoomMinValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_background - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_backGround - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_backgroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_barShape - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_bBottomLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_borderBottomColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderBottomColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderBottomStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderBottomStyleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderBottomWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderBottomWidthUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftStyleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderLeftWidthUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightStyleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderRightWidthUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_borderTopColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTopColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTopStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTopStyleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTopWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTopWidthUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderTransparent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_borderUsingDefaults - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_borderWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_borderWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_borderWidthUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_bTopLabel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_bubbleLabelsMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_bubbleMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_bValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_cellEditStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_cellEditStyleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_color - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_column - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_condOperator - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
a_content - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_CTAInterval - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_currencySymbol - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_currencySymbolUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_customLayout - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_customLayout - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_dataModelType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_dataRowShownAsASeries - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_date - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.DateValueDiscriminator
a_dateFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_decimalDigit - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_decimalDigitUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_decimalSeparator - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_decimalSeparatorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_defaultAssignedToY2 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultBorderColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultBorderTransparent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultFirstMarkerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultFitlineType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultHighMarkerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultLastMarkerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultLineWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultLowMarkerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultMarkerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultMarkers - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultMarkerShape - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_defaultMarkerType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_depth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_depthAngle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_depthRadius - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_description - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_displayAnalyticLayer - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_displayedInLegend - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_displayGroups - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_displaySeries - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_doubleUnderline - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_doubleUnderlineUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_drillingEnabled - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewXML
a_drillOutLinksUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_edge - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_editBackground - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_editBackgroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_editForeground - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_editForegroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_explicitEnd - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_explicitStart - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_explicitTimeRangeEnd - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_explicitTimeRangeStart - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_fallingColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.StockMarker
a_fillColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_fillColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_fillType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_fitlineType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_focusFactor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_fontBold - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontBoldUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontItalic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontItalicUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontName - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontNameUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontSize - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_fontSizeAbsolute - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_fontSizeUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_foreground - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_foregroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_frameSizeAutomatic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_funnelHeightRatio - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_funnelMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_funnelPercentMeasure - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_funnelRotateAngle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_funnelViewAngle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_gauge - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_gaugeType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_gradientDirection - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientNumPins - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientNumStops - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientPinLeftColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientPinRightColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientReversed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientStopColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_gradientStopPosition - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_graph - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_graphicAntialiasing - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_graphicBarColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicBarColorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicBarVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicBarVisibleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicImageIndex - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicImageIndexUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicImageTooltip - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphicImageTooltipUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_graphProportionalFontSize - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphFont
a_graphType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_group - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_group - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.ExceptionalRiser
a_group - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_groupTooltipLabelType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_gsalignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_gscolcount - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_gsdirection - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_height - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_hideAndShowBehavior - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_high_value - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_HLCMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_HLCVMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_HLMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_HLVMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_horizontalAlignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_horizontalAlignment - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeConstants
Horizontal Alignment for gauge
a_horizontalAlignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_horizontalAlignmentUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_horzAlign - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleXML
a_hPageBreak - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_hPageBreakUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_htmlPagingControlAutosubmit - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewXML
a_htmlPagingControlWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewXML
a_id - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
a_imageHeight - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
a_imageSource - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_imageWidth - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
a_index - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.DataSpecification
a_index - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_indicatorBarFillColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_indicatorType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_interactiveSliceBehavior - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_ISOC - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_isometricProjection - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_javaDateFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_javaDateFormatUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_label - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
a_labelPosition - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lastStageOnly - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_leadingZero - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_leadingZeroUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_ledStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_leftDisc - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
a_legendMarkersPerRow - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_legendOrientation - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_legendTextPosition - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lightSourceX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lightSourceY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lightSourceZ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_line_value - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lineColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lineDataLineDisplayed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_lineIndex - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lineStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_lineWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_localName - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_location - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_logarithmicBase - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_low_value - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_majorIncrement - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_majorIncrement - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_majorTickColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_majorTickCount - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_majorTickStep - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_majorTickStepAutomatic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerDisplayed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_markerShape - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerShape - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_markerShapeInLegend - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_markerShapeUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_markerSize - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markersPerRowAutomatic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerTextAngleDefault - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerTextPlace - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerTextRadiusDefault - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerTooltipTemplate - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_markerTooltipType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_markerType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_markerVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_markerVisibleUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphStyle
a_minAutoMajorTickStep - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseDataAxis
a_minLength - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_minLength - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseLegendText
a_minorIncrement - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_minorIncrement - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_minorTickColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_minorTickCount - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_minorTickStep - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_minorTickStepType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_mode - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_name - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_name - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.DataSpecification
a_negCurFmt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_negCurFmtUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_negNumFmt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_negNumFmtUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_negPctFmt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_negPctFmtUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_nfs - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_nft - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_noDataErrorText - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_number - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.NumberValueDiscriminator
a_numberType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_numberType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_numberTypeUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_OCMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_OCVMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_OHLCMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_OHLCVMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_oracleDateFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_oracleDateFormatUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_pagingControlPosition - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewXML
a_pagingControlVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_pagingControlVisible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewXML
a_panX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_panY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_paretoMajorTickStep - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.Y2Axis
a_pieDepth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_pieSliceExplode - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_pieTilt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_pinIndex - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_posCurFmt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_posCurFmtUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_posNumFmt - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_posNumFmtUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_quadrantLineCountX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_quadrantLineCountY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_quadrantLineValueX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_quadrantLineValueY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_relativeTimeRange - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_relOperator - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.ValueDiscriminator
a_rendered - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_rightDisc - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
a_risingColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.StockMarker
a_rollover_behavior - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_row - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
a_scaledLogarithmic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_scaleDownBillions - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownBillionsUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownMillions - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownMillionsUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownQuadrillions - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownQuadrillionsUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownThousands - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownThousandsUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownTrillions - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleDownTrillionsUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleFactor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scaleFactorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_scatterDataModel - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_scatterLabelsMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_scatterMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_scrollbarPresenceGroups - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_scrollbarPresenceX1 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_scrollbarPresenceY1 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_scrollbarPresenceY2 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_selectBackground - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_selectBackgroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_selected - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
a_selectForeground - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_selectForegroundUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_series - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_series - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.ExceptionalRiser
a_seriesEffect - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_seriesObjectCount - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_seriesReferenceObjectDisplay - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_seriesRolloverBehavior - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_seriesTooltipLabelType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_setOperator - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.QDRDiscriminator
a_sharePanelProperties - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_sizeX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_sizeY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_sizeZ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_skippedWithLabels - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_specularHighlight - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_squareRisers - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_standardShapeAndWidth - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_startGroup - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_startSeries - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_strikeThrough - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_strikeThroughUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_stringValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.StringValueDiscriminator
a_style - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphFont
a_stylePath - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_swapAllowed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_swapAllowed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_targetFactor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_tdMaxValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_tdStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_text - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleXML
a_text - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_textAntialiasing - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_textFittingAutomatic - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_textRotation - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_textType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_textureDisplayMode - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_textureURL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SFX
a_thousandSeparator - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_thousandSeparatorUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_thresholdColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_thresholdMaxValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_thresholdMaxValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_thresholdMinValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickLabelSkipCount - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickLabelSkipFirst - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickLabelSkipMode - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickLabelStaggered - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickLabelWrapped - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_tickStyle - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_timeAxis - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisDayFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisMonthFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisQuarterFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisTimeFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisType - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeAxisYearFormat - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_timeRangeMode - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_totalMeasures - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.DataCallback
a_translationX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_translationY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_translationZ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_transparent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_type - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
a_type - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.DataSpecification
a_type - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_type - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.DiscriminatorRule
a_underline - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_underlineUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_useThresholdFillColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
a_value - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
a_version - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
a_verticalAlignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_verticalAlignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_verticalAlignmentUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_viewerX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_viewerY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_viewerZ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_visibility - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_visible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleXML
a_visible - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_visualEffects - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
a_vPageBreak - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_vPageBreakUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_wallThickX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_wallThickY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_wallThickZ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_width - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_wordWrapEnabled - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_wordWrapEnabled - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_wordWrapEnabledUsed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
a_x - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_x1ReferenceObjectDisplay - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_xValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_y1ReferenceObjectDisplay - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_y2ReferenceObjectDisplay - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_yValue - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_yValueAssignment - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_zoomDirection - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
a_zoomFactor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
ABOVE_FOOTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
Position for line.
ABOVE_FOOTER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter
Position for line.
above_title - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
AbstractMap - Class in oracle.dss.util
List of the requested types of data or metadata for a cursor.
AbstractMap() - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.AbstractMap
Constructor for an empty map.
AbstractMap(Enumeration) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.AbstractMap
Constructor that initializes the map from an Enumeration.
AbstractMap(String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.AbstractMap
Constructor that initializes the map from an array.
AbstractMap(String) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.AbstractMap
Constructor that initializes the map with one type.
acp_always - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
acp_never - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
ACTION_COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in class
ACTION_EXPRESSION_KEY - Static variable in class
ACTION_LISTENER_KEY - Static variable in class
ACTION_LISTENER_KEY - Static variable in class
ACTION_LISTENER_KEY - Static variable in class
ACTIVEDATA_PROPERTIES_KEY - Static variable in class
ActiveDataModel - Interface in
ActiveDataModel is the interface that all data models supporting pushing data must implement to take advantage of framework support for pushing data to the client.
ActiveDataModel.ActiveDataPolicy - Enum in
Supported active data policy
ActiveDataModelDecorator - Class in
ActiveDataModelDecorator() - Constructor for class
ActiveDataProperties - Class in
ActiveDataProperties() - Constructor for class
ActiveGaugeDataModelDecorator - Class in
ActiveGaugeDataModelDecorator() - Constructor for class
ActiveGeoMapDataModelDecorator - Class in
ActiveGeoMapDataModelDecorator() - Constructor for class
ACTIVETHEMEID_KEY - Static variable in class
ACTUAL_END_TIME - Static variable in interface
ACTUAL_START_TIME - Static variable in interface
actualColumnCount - Variable in class oracle.dss.graph.NotEnoughData
The number of actual columns of data.
actualRowCount - Variable in class oracle.dss.graph.NotEnoughData
The number of actual rows of data.
ad_auto - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
AD_AUTO - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Apply an initial rendering effect automatically based on chosen gauge type.
AD_MAX - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the maximum value for the initial effects attribute.
AD_MIN - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the minimum value for the initial effects attribute.
ad_none - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
AD_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Do not show any initial rendering effect.
ADA_ACCESSIBILITY - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
ADA accessibility mode is on
ADA_OFF - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
ADA mode is off
ADA_SCREEN_READER_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
adc_auto - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
ADC_AUTO - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Renders Active Data Service (ADS) data change animation effects.
ADC_MAX - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the maximum value for the animation type attribute.
ADC_MIN - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the minimum value for the animation type attribute.
adc_none - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
ADC_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Renders no data change animation effects.
adc_on - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
ADC_ON - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Renders Partial Page Refresh (PPR) data change animation effects.
add(RangeCollection) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.RangeCollection
Merges two RangeCollections.
add(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBag
add(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBagImpl
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
Adds a action listener.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
addAlertListener(AlertListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Adds an alert listener to this graph.
addAttributeChange(String, Object) - Method in class
addCellImageClickListener(CellImageClickListener) - Method in class
Deprecated. Use <dvt:dataCell> with child tag <af:image> or <af:commandImageLink> instead
addClickListener(ClickListener) - Method in class
addClickListener(ClickListener) - Method in class
addConditionProperty(ObjectNode, ConditionElement) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a listener for user gestures that do not affect data, such as selecting or resizing a component.
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.UIDataviewAdapter
Adds a listener for user gestures that do not affect data, such as selecting or resizing a component.
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIView
Adds a listener for user gestures that do not affect data, such as selecting or resizing a component.
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Set non-data related event listener on bean.
addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewControllerAdapter
Set non-data related event listener on bean.
addDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a data change listener.
addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.LocalDataSource
addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.LocalXMLDataSource
Registers a listener to the data source for changes.
addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.SampleDataSource
addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DataAccessAdapter
Registers a listener to the data source for changes.
addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.DataDirector
Registers a listener to the data source for changes.
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a listener for changes to data, such as drilling or pivoting data.
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.Model
Registers a data listener with this model.
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
Registers a data listener with this model.
addDateXML(ObjectNode, String, Date) - Static method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
addDelete(String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.BasePayloadHelper
addDimensionMembers(List, String) - Static method in class oracle.dss.util.RuleMemberContext
addDimMemberPair(String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Adds a dimension-member pair to this QDR.
addDimMemberPair(String, HierarchicalQDRMember) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Adds a dimension-member pair to this HierarchicalQDR.
addDimMemberPair(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Adds a dimension-member pair to this HierarchicalQDR.
addDimMemberPair(String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
Adds a dimension-member pair to this QDR.
addDimMemberPair(String, QDRMember) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
Adds a dimension-member pair to this QDR.
addDimMemberPair(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.QDRInterface
addDoubleClickListener(DoubleClickListener) - Method in class
Adds a double click listener.
addDoubleClickListener(DoubleClickListener) - Method in class
Adds a double click listener.
addDrillListener(DrillListener) - Method in class
addDrillListener(DrillListener) - Method in class
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class
Adds an UndoableEdit to UndoManager.
addElements(Enumeration) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBag
addElements(Enumeration) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBagImpl
addEntry(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>, String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.BasePayloadHelper
addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
Specifies the error handler for this view.
addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Specifies the error handler for this view.
addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.ErrorHandlerCallback
Adds a single error handler to the bean.
addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.Timer
Adds an ErrorHandler object to this DefaultBuilderContext object.
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class
Register a new Filter.
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in class
Adds a filter listener.
addGanttActionListener(GanttActionListener) - Method in class
Adds a gantt action listener.
addIfAbsent(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBag
addIfAbsent(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBagImpl
addIncrementalDimMemberPair(String, HierarchicalQDRMember) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
addInsert(String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.BasePayloadHelper
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Adds a key listener to this graph.
addLegendItem(LegendItem) - Method in class
addModelListener(ModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.Model
addModelListener(ModelListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
Registers a model listener with this model.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Adds a mouse listener to this graph.
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Adds a mouse motion listener to this graph.
addPivotListener(PivotListener) - Method in class
addPointSelectionListener(PointSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds PointSelectionListener.
addProperty(ObjectNode, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a property change listener for this view.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Add a PropertyChangeListener to this CommonGauge instance
addQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class
Adds a query listener.
addQueryPivotListener(QueryPivotListener) - Method in class
Adds a query pivot listener.
addResourceSelectionListener(ResourceSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds a resource selection listener.
addResourceSelectionListener(ResourceSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds a resource selection listener.
addRule(Rule) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.RuleBundle
Adds a Rule to the end of this RuleBundle.
addRule(Rule, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.RuleBundle
Adds a Rule to this RuleBundle, at the specified index.
addRuleBundleListener(RuleBundleListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.RuleBundle
Registers a listener for this RuleBundle.
addScrollListener(ScrollListener) - Method in class
Adds ScrollListener.
addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds SelectionListener.
addShape(String, CustomShape) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CustomShapesParser
Adds the specified CustomShape to the Map.
addSliceLabelInfoToTooltip() - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.ToolTipTextCallback
if the graph is in ADA mode, add supplement information to tooltips for pie graph, add information to tooltip from slice label if they are different
addSortListener(SortListener) - Method in class
Adds a sort listener.
addSortListener(SortListener) - Method in class
addSubcomponent(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
addSubtype(Subtype, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Type
Adds a Subtype object to this graph type category at a specified place in the list of available graph subtypes.
addSubtype(Subtype) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Type
Adds a Subtype object to this graph type category, at the end of the list of available graph subtypes.
addTaskSelectionListener(TaskSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds a task selection listener.
addTaskSelectionListener(TaskSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds a task selection listener.
addTimeAxisListener(TimeAxisListener) - Method in class
Adds TimeAxisListener.
addTimeBucketDoubleClickListener(TimeBucketDoubleClickListener) - Method in class
Adds a double click listener.
addTimeBucketSelectionListener(TimeBucketSelectionListener) - Method in class
Adds a time bucket selection listener.
addTimeSelectorListener(TimeSelectorListener) - Method in class
Add a TimeSelectorListener.
addType(String) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.AbstractMap
Adds a type to this map.
addUpdate(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.BasePayloadHelper
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
addViewFocusListener(ViewFocusListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a ViewFocusListener to this view.
addViewFocusListener(ViewFocusListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Add ViewFocusListener to presentation engine.
addViewFocusListener(ViewFocusListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewControllerAdapter
Add ViewFocusListener to presentation engine.
addViewKeyListener(ViewKeyListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a ViewKeyListener to this view.
addViewKeyListener(ViewKeyListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Add ViewKeyListener to presentation engine.
addViewKeyListener(ViewKeyListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewControllerAdapter
Add ViewKeyListener to presentation engine.
addViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a ViewListener to the listener list.
addViewMouseListener(ViewMouseListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a ViewMouseListener to this view.
addViewMouseListener(ViewMouseListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Add ViewMouseListener to presentation engine.
addViewMouseListener(ViewMouseListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewControllerAdapter
Add ViewMouseListener to presentation engine.
addViewMouseMotionListener(ViewMouseMotionListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Adds a ViewMouseMotionListener to this view.
addViewMouseMotionListener(ViewMouseMotionListener) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Add ViewMouseMotionListener to presentation engine.
addViewMouseMotionListener(ViewMouseMotionListener) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewControllerAdapter
Add ViewMouseMotionListener to presentation engine.
addZoomAndScrollListener(ZoomAndScrollListener) - Method in class
Deprecated. replace by ZoomListener and ScrollListener
addZoomListener(ZoomListener) - Method in class
Adds ZoomListener.
ADJUST_FOR_HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
Margin adjustment: When headers or footers do not fit in the specified margin, the margins are enlarged so that the headers or footers fit.
ADJUST_FOR_HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter
Margin adjustment: When headers or footers do not fit in the specified margin, the margins are enlarged so that the headers or footers fit.
adjustDate(Date, int, boolean) - Method in class
adjustForEnhancedFont(int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewUtils
adjustForEnhancements(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitle
adjustMargins() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter
adjustProperties(Perspective, Access, JChart_Base, int, LegendObj, TitleObj, TitleObj, TitleObj, List[], Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.BILabelLayout
AdornmentLayout - Class in oracle.dss.dataView
AdornmentLayout(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.AdornmentLayout
ADVANCED_PROPERTIES_XML_KEY - Static variable in class
AFTER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.MemberSortInfo
A type of move that specifies moving a member after another member.
AGG - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.QDRMember
Member type: an aggregate member
ai_all - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
AI_ALL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Renders all data change indicators.
AI_MAX - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the maximum value for the animation indicators attribute.
AI_MIN - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Represents the minimum value for the animation indicators attribute.
ai_none - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonDataview
AI_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
Renders no data change indicators.
al_always - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AL_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
AutoLayout: Always layout components automatically, without checking whether it is necessary.
al_as_needed - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AL_AS_NEEDED - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
AutoLayout: Layout components automatically only when necessary.
AL_BOTH - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Axis location: Both on the left side and on the right side of the plot area.
al_both - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
AL_LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Axis location: On the left side of the plot area.
al_left - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
al_never - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AL_NEVER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
AutoLayout: Never layout components automatically.
AL_RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Axis location: On the right side of the plot area.
al_right - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Alert - Class in
Alert() - Constructor for class
alert(AlertEvent) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.AlertListener
Notifies listeners about abnormal conditions in a Dataview.
Alert - Class in oracle.dss.graph
This class represents Alerts
Alert(CommonGraph, Object, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.graph.Alert
ALERT - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
The Alert component.
ALERT_MAP_KEY - Static variable in class
ALERT_SET_KEY - Static variable in class
ALERT_VISIBILITY_KEY - Static variable in class
AlertEvent - Class in oracle.dss.dataView
The event that contains the information about a problem.
AlertEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.AlertEvent
AlertListener - Interface in oracle.dss.dataView
Methods for listening for display problems at runtime.
AlertSet - Class in
AlertSet() - Constructor for class
ALIGN_TICK_MARKS_KEY - Static variable in class
ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
Alignment constant =-= bts maybe these should be constant objects that have a method to get the default alignment
ALIGNMENT_LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
ALIGNMENT_RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
ALL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.TokenSubstitutionAdapter
Support all tokens.
ALL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
The constant representing all of graph components.
ALL_BORDERS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
All borders of the cell.
ALL_COLUMNS - Static variable in class
ALL_LOGICAL_PAGES - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
Range type: Print all the logical pages in the view.
ALL_LOGICAL_PAGES - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter
Range type: Print all the logical pages in the view.
ALL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
ALL_PROPERTIES_MODE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
ALL_TASKS - Static variable in class
ALL_TASKS_FILTER - Static variable in class
The id of the pre-defined 'All' data filter.
allSlicesFetched(int) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.DataAccess
Returns true if all slices on the entire given edge have been fetched and are available.
allSlicesFetched(int) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DataAccessAdapter
Returns true if all slices the entire given edge have been fetched and are available.
ALONG_EDGE_KEY - Static variable in class
ALPHABETICAL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.DimensionSortInfo
A sort type that represents sorting in alphabetical order.
ALT_KEY - Static variable in class
AND - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
Conditional AND (&&).
and - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
AND - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.CompoundCondition
AND (&) Performs a logical AND of left operand with the right operand
ANGLE_EXTENT - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ANGLE_EXTENT_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATION_DOWN_COLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_DOWN_COLOR_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATION_DURATION - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_DURATION_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATION_INDICATORS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_INDICATORS_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATION_ON_DATA_CHANGE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_ON_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATION_UP_COLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewConstants
ANIMATION_UP_COLOR_KEY - Static variable in class
ANIMATIONEFFECT_KEY - Static variable in class
Annotation - Class in
Annotation() - Constructor for class
Annotation - Class in oracle.dss.graph
This class
Annotation(CommonGraph, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.graph.Annotation
ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
The Annotation component.
ANNOTATION_MAP_KEY - Static variable in class
ANNOTATION_SET_KEY - Static variable in class
ANNOTATION_VISIBILITY_KEY - Static variable in class
AnnotationSet - Class in
AnnotationSet() - Constructor for class
AP_ALWAYS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Legend area automatic placement: Always.
ap_always - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
AP_NEVER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Legend area automatic placement: Never.
ap_never - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.ComponentTypeDiscriminator
Indicates whether the ComponentType from the specified RuleContext matches the ComponentType for this ComponentTypeDiscriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
Specifies whether the composite condition is met by the specified RuleContext.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.ConditionDiscriminator
Specifies whether this Discriminator applies.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.DateValueDiscriminator
Specifies whether the value from the DataView item meets the conditions specified in this Discriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in interface oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.Discriminator
Specifies whether this Discriminator applies.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.NumberValueDiscriminator
Specifies whether the value from the DataView item meets the conditions specified in this Discriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
Specifies whether the position in the specified RuleContext matches that of the position for this PositionDiscriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.QDRDiscriminator
Specifies whether the data reference from the specified RuleContext meets the conditions set in this QDRDiscriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.StringValueDiscriminator
Specifies whether the value from the DataView item meets the conditions specified in this Discriminator.
applies(RuleContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.TotalsDiscriminator
Specifies whether this Discriminator applies.
applies(RuleContext, Mergeable) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.DiscriminatorRule
Indicates whether this DiscriminatorRule applies.
applies(RuleContext, Mergeable) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.Rule
Specifies whether this rule applies in the specified context.
applyFontSizes(float) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
applyFontSizes(float) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
applyLayoutAccess(LayoutAccess, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.LayoutContext
Updates the LayoutContext data source with changed layout information.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications should not call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications should not call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications should not call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applyProperties(HashMap) - Method in class
Applications do not need to call this method.
applySampleData() - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
applyStyle(CustomStyle, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
applyStyle(CustomStyle, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
applyTitleAttributes(UIDataview) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.UIDataviewAdapter
applyToDataview(UIDataview) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.UIDataviewAdapter
Applies properties of this adapter to a UIDataview.
applyToMap() - Method in class
applyToPagingControlAttributes(PagingControlAttributes) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.PagingControlAttributesAdapter
Apply properties of this adapter to a PagingControlAttributes.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeRenderer
This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeSVGWriter
This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Graphics2DRenderer
This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.
applyViewFormat(ComponentHandle, ViewFormat) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.GraphAttribute
applyViewFormat(ComponentHandle, ViewFormat) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.GridViewAttribute
applyViewFormat(ComponentHandle, ViewFormat) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
applyViewStyle(ComponentHandle, ViewStyle) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.GraphAttribute
Applies a ViewStyle to a page item.
applyViewStyle(ComponentHandle, ViewStyle) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.GridViewAttribute
applyViewStyle(ComponentHandle, ViewStyle) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
APRIL - Static variable in interface
AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Automatic rotation: Automatically rotate horizontally, 270 degrees.
ar_horiz_rotate_270 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Automatic rotation: Automatically rotate horizontally, 90 degrees.
ar_horiz_rotate_90 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
AR_NO_ROTATE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
Automatic rotation: Horizontal.
ar_no_rotate - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
ARABIC - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
Deprecated. Clients should use oracle.bali.share.nls.LocaleUtils instead.
area_horiz_abs - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_HORIZ_ABS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
area_horiz_abs_split2y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_HORIZ_ABS_SPLIT2Y - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
area_horiz_percent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_HORIZ_PERCENT - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
area_horiz_stack - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_HORIZ_STACK - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
area_horiz_stack_split2y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_HORIZ_STACK_SPLIT2Y - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
area_vert_abs - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_VERT_ABS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Graph type: Absolute area graph.
area_vert_abs_split2y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_VERT_ABS_SPLIT2Y - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Graph type: Absolute, split dual-Y area graph.
area_vert_percent - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_VERT_PERCENT - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Graph type: Percent area graph.
area_vert_stack - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_VERT_STACK - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Graph type: Stacked area graph.
area_vert_stack_split2Y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
AREA_VERT_STACK_SPLIT2Y - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Graph type: Stacked, split dual-Y area graph.
areaData - Variable in class oracle.dss.graph.SampleDataSource
AreaMarker - Class in oracle.dss.graph
Represents a series of data in an area graph.
AreaMarker(CommonGraph, IdentObj) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.graph.AreaMarker
AREAMARKER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
The AreaMarker component.
areLevelIDsEquivalent(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.Comparison
Compare two unique ID level strings and determine if they are equivalent
arraycopy(Object[][]) - Static method in class oracle.dss.util.Utility
Copy a two dimensional Object array.
arraycopy(Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.dss.util.Utility
Copy an array even with a null destination.
arrayToString(Object) - Static method in class oracle.dss.util.Utility
Generate a string representation of an array of objects.
AS3Int - Class in oracle.dss.util.xdo.template.flash
AS3Int() - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.xdo.template.flash.AS3Int
ASCENDING - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.DimensionSortInfo
A sort direction that specifies sorting in ascending order.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.SortInfo
A sort direction that specifies sorting in ascending order.
ASCENT_TEXT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeEngine
ASSIGNED_TO_Y2_KEY - Static variable in class
ASSIGNED_TO_Y2_KEY - Static variable in class
assignedToY2All - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphDefaultValues
assignedToY2For1 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphDefaultValues
assignValue(Object[]) - Static method in class
associateParameter(Object, Parameter) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.SortInfo
ASSOCIATION_KEY - Static variable in class
AsyncDataSource - Interface in oracle.dss.util
ATTR_ADS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: ads.
ATTR_ALT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: alt.
ATTR_ANG - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: angle.
ATTR_ANGLE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: angle.
ATTR_ANIMATION_DOWN_COLOR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationDownColor.
ATTR_ANIMATION_DURATION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationDuration.
ATTR_ANIMATION_INDICATORS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationIndicators.
ATTR_ANIMATION_ON_DATA_CHANGE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationOnDataChange.
ATTR_ANIMATION_ON_DISPLAY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationOnDisplay.
ATTR_ANIMATION_UP_COLOR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: animationUpColor.
ATTR_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_BC - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: bc.
ATTR_BEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: bevel.
ATTR_BOUNDING_BOX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: bb.
ATTR_BW - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: bw.
ATTR_CLICK_ACTION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: clickAction.
ATTR_CLICK_EVENT_JS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: clickEventJs.
ATTR_CLICK_LISTENER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: clickListener.
ATTR_CLICKABLE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: clickable.
ATTR_CLIP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: clip.
ATTR_CLOSURE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: closureType.
ATTR_COLOR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: color.
ATTR_CURRENT_DATA - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: metric values
ATTR_CX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: cx.
ATTR_CY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: cy.
ATTR_D - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: d.
ATTR_DATA_VALUES - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.BasePayloadHelper
ATTR_DIR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: dir.
ATTR_DRAG - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ATTR_DRILL_JS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: drillJs.
ATTR_FC - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: fc.
ATTR_FONT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: font.
ATTR_FONTBOLD - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_FONTITALIC - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_FONTNAME - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_FONTSIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_FOREGROUND - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_FP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: fp.
ATTR_FT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: fillType.
ATTR_G_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: gId.
ATTR_G_ID_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: gIdList.
ATTR_GAUGE_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: gaugeType.
ATTR_GLOW - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: glow.
ATTR_GRADIENT_DIR_POINTS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: gradientDirPoints.
ATTR_H - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: h.
ATTR_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_HREF - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: href.
ATTR_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: id.
ATTR_INDICATOR_USE_THRESHOLD_FILLCOLOR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: useThresholdFillColor for indicator
ATTR_JUSTIFICATION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: justification.
ATTR_LINK - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: link.
ATTR_LS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: ls.
ATTR_LW - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: lw.
ATTR_M_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: mId.
ATTR_METADATA_FONT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ATTR_MOUSE_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: mouseTransparent.
ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: name.
ATTR_NOHREF - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: nohref.
ATTR_OBJECT_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: ObjectID.
ATTR_ON_BLUR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onBlur.
ATTR_ON_CLICK - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onClick.
ATTR_ON_DBL_CLICK - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onDblClick.
ATTR_ON_DRAG_AND_DROP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ATTR_ON_DRAG_AND_DROP_JS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ATTR_ON_FOCUS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onFocus.
ATTR_ON_KEY_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onKeyDown.
ATTR_ON_KEY_PRESS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onKeyPress.
ATTR_ON_KEY_UP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onKeyUp.
ATTR_ON_MOUSE_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onMouseDown.
ATTR_ON_MOUSE_MOVE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onMouseMove.
ATTR_ON_MOUSE_OUT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onMouseOut.
ATTR_ON_MOUSE_OVER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onMouseOver.
ATTR_ON_MOUSE_UP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: onMouseUp.
ATTR_P - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: p.
ATTR_POINT_OF_ROTATION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: point of rotation.
ATTR_POINTS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: points.
ATTR_POSITION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: position.
ATTR_R - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: r.
ATTR_RX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: rx.
ATTR_RY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: ry.
ATTR_S_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: sId.
ATTR_S_ID_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: series.
ATTR_SHADOW - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: shadow.
ATTR_ST_ID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: stId.
ATTR_STYLE_MAXID - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_STYLE_MAXID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
ATTR_STYLE_MAXID - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
ATTR_TABINDEX - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: tabindex.
ATTR_TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: target.
ATTR_TEXTANTIALIASING - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
ATTR_TEXTURE_DISPLAY_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: textureDisplayMode.
ATTR_TEXTURE_URL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: textureUrl.
ATTR_THRESHOLD_COLORS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: threshold colors
ATTR_THRESHOLD_VALUES - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: threshold values
ATTR_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: title.
ATTR_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: tooltip.
ATTR_UNDERLINE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.BaseTitleAttributes
ATTR_URL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: url.
ATTR_USE_TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: useTooltipTemplate.
ATTR_VERSION - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: version.
ATTR_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: visibility.
ATTR_W - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: w.
ATTR_X - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: x.
ATTR_X1 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: x1.
ATTR_X2 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: x2.
ATTR_Y - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: y.
ATTR_Y1 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: y1.
ATTR_Y2 - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Attribute name: y2.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.DimensionSortInfo
A sort type that specifies sorting in order by a specified attribute, such as SalesPerson.
Attributes - Class in oracle.dss.dataView
Describes the attributes of a data component.
Attributes(DataAccess, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.Attributes
Constructor Applications do not need create this class.
AUGUST - Static variable in interface
AUTO_LAYOUT_KEY - Static variable in class
AUTO_PLACEMENT_KEY - Static variable in class
AUTO_ROTATION_KEY - Static variable in class
AUTO_SCALE_KEY - Static variable in class
AUTOINDENT_KEY - Static variable in class
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.DialGauge
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeEngine
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeType
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.LabelGauge
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.LEDGauge
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.StatusMeterGauge
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout(Graphics2D, Rectangle, Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.VerticalStatusMeterGauge
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
autoLayout - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphDefaultValues
AUTOMATIC - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.graph.GraphConstants
Date format: Automatic.
AUTOSIZE - Static variable in class
Value used to specify that a column width / row height should be ignored and that row/column autosizing should occur for the specified row/column.
AUTOZOOMSTRATEGY_KEY - Static variable in class
AUTOZOOMTHEMEID_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_LABELS_TRUNCATED - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.AlertEvent
ID: The Axis labels truncated During automatic graph layout, the graph found that axis labels on on X1 axis(polar graph) or O1 axis(radar graph) are truncated
AXIS_MAX_AUTO_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_MAX_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_MIN_AUTO_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_MIN_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_TITLE_TRUNCATED - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.AlertEvent
ID: The axis title is truncated.
AXIS_ZOOM_MAX_KEY - Static variable in class
AXIS_ZOOM_MIN_KEY - Static variable in class

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

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