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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.irm.engine.core.license

Licensing rules and license distributing algorithms.


Interface Summary
License A license.
LicenseCriteria License criteria.
LicenseIndex License indexing.
LicenseStatus License status.


Class Summary
LicenseCollectionFactory License collection factory and utilities.
LicenseCriteriaFactory License Criteria factory.
LicenseFactory License factory.
LicenseIndexCasting Dynamic casting helper for LicenseIndex.
LicenseStatusCollectionFactory License Status collection factory and utilities.
LicenseStatusFactory License Status factory.


Enum Summary
License.Availability License availability status options.
License.ExpiryType The reason for a license expiring.
LicenseCriteria.Delivery How a license is delivered to the device.
LicenseCriteria.Storage How a license is stored on a device.
LicenseCriteria.Use The intended use of a license.


Exception Summary
LicenseInUseException A license or licenses is in use on another device or devices.
LicenseUnavailableException One or more licenses is unavailable for use.


Package oracle.irm.engine.core.license Description

Licensing rules and license distributing algorithms. Definition of a license and the operations that can be performed on a license.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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