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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.irm.engine.rights.context

Content classification system rights provisioning.


Interface Summary
ContextConstants Constants for the context rights area.
ContextInstance A context created from a template.
ContextOperations Context related operations.
ContextTemplate Context template.
ContextTemplateOperations Context template operations.
DocumentRight Context classified document rights.
DocumentRightOperations Document right operations.
DocumentRole Context classified document role.
DocumentRoleOperations Document role operations.
Domain Domain.
DomainAccount A domain account.
DomainOperations Domain methods.


Class Summary
ContextInstanceCollectionFactory Context Instance collection factory and utilities.
ContextInstanceFactory Context Instance factory.
ContextOperationsInstance Context related operations.
ContextTemplateCollectionFactory Context Template collection factory and utilities.
ContextTemplateFactory Context Template factory.
ContextTemplateOperationsInstance Context template operations.
DocumentRightCollectionFactory Document Right collection factory and utilities.
DocumentRightFactory Document Right factory.
DocumentRightOperationsInstance Document right operations.
DocumentRoleCollectionFactory Document Role collection factory and utilities.
DocumentRoleFactory Document Role factory.
DocumentRoleOperationsInstance Document role operations.
DomainAccountCollectionFactory Domain Account collection factory and utilities.
DomainAccountFactory Domain Account factory.
DomainCollectionFactory Domain collection factory and utilities.
DomainFactory Domain factory.
DomainOperationsInstance Domain methods.


Enum Summary
ContextInstance.Role Roles within a context.
ContextInstance.Visibility Context visibility.
ContextTemplate.Status Status of the template.
DocumentRole.ExportConstraints Export constraint options.
DocumentRole.TimeConstraints Time constraint common use cases.
Domain.Role Roles that user's can have within a domain.


Exception Summary
AccountAlreadyAdministratorException Account already assigned an administrator role.
AccountAlreadyAssignedException Account already assigned a role.
AccountAlreadyInspectorException Account already assigned an inspector role.
AccountAlreadyManagerException Account already assigned a manager role.
CannotRemoveAdministratorsException Cannot remove administrators.
CannotRemoveContextInstanceException The context cannot be deleted.
CannotRemoveContextTemplateException The context template cannot be deleted.
CannotRemoveDocumentRoleException The document role cannot be deleted.
CannotRemoveManagersException Cannot remove managers.
ContextInstanceAlreadyExistsException The context already exists.
ContextTemplateAlreadyExistsException The context template already exists.
DocumentRoleAlreadyExistsException The document role already exists.
DomainAlreadyExistsException The domain already exists.
DomainNotAvailableException No domains available.
ImmutableDocumentRoleException Immutable document role.
InactiveContextTemplateException The context template is inactive.
InvalidDocumentRoleException Invalid document role.
InvalidFeaturesException Invalid features.
InvalidTimePeriodException Invalid time period.
UnknownContextTemplateException Unknown context template.
UnknownDocumentRightException Unknown right.
UnknownDocumentRoleException Unknown document role.
UnknownDomainException Unknown domain.
UnsupportedDocumentRoleException Unsupported document role.


Package oracle.irm.engine.rights.context Description

Content classification system rights provisioning. The context classification system rights provisioning provides the structure for managing and defining rights for content sealed against a Context. Information security policies can be created by defining a global set of DocumentRole and templates definitions. These standard set of roles allow global policy to be controlled by providing a consistent set of roles that can be assigned to users and groups. Context templates provided a similar way of controlling the structure of contexts.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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