Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing

Interface Summary
CheckBoxTreeModel A tree model with a checkbox state for each object.N

Class Summary
AbstractTreeModel An abstract tree model.
CenterLayout A layout manager which centers a child in a container.
CheckBoxTree A tree with a checkbox for each object.
CheckBoxTreeCellEditor Adapts a CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer to be a TreeCellEditor.
CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer Renders a boolean value in a tree.
ComboBoxLabel A label which displays the selected item of a combo box model.
CommandButtonLayout A layout manager which which lays out a horizontal command button panel.
DelegatingLayout A layout manager which delegates all layout to its first child.
DialogFactory A factory for dialogs.
DropdownButton A toggle button which drops down a window when pressed.
FocusBorder A normally empty border which provides a visual indication when its component is the focus owner.
HtmlTreeCellRenderer Displays an entry in a tree.
JLabelField A text area disguised as a multi-line JLabel.
MessageDialog A modal message dialog based on JOptionPane but with a simpler interface.
NullablePanel A labelled panel whose content can appear and disappear.
RowTableTransferHandler A TransferHandler for a JTable that ignores column selection when creating the transferable.
WhitespaceDecoratorIcon An icon which decorates another icon with whitespace.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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