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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface ChangeLogManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ChangeLogManager
extends EntityManager

This interface represents the change log manager that is used to query for incremental changes in policy (grants) and application roles. Following Code snippet shows how to obtain an instance of ChangeLogManager:
JpsContextFactory f = JpsContextFactory.getContextFactory(); // get context factory
JpsContext c = f.getContext(); // get jps context
PolicyStore ps = JpsContext.getServiceInstance(PolicyStore.class); // get policy store as the first step (OID policy store instance must be defined in jps-config.xml)
ApplicationPolicy ap = ps.getApplicationPolicy(appId); //get the application policy object from policy store using appId
ChangeLogManager clm = ap.getEntityManager(ChangeLogManager.class); // get the change log manager using getEntityManager() API

Nested Class Summary
static class ChangeLogManager.ChangeLogEntity
          Supported change log entities


Method Summary
 java.util.List getApplicationRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns the added AND modified roles in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of Application Roles returned earlier.
 java.util.List getDeletedAppRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns all approles deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp
 java.util.List getDeletedPermissions(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns all permissions deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp.
 java.lang.String getLastModifiedTimeStamp(java.lang.String oldtimeStamp, ChangeLogManager.ChangeLogEntity ent)
          Gets the last known time stamp (of change) to the ChangeLogEntity ent after the timeStamp provided.
 java.util.List getPolicies(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns the added AND modified policies (grant entries) in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of grantes already returned earlier.


Methods inherited from interface


Method Detail


java.lang.String getLastModifiedTimeStamp(java.lang.String oldtimeStamp,
                                          ChangeLogManager.ChangeLogEntity ent)
                                          throws PolicyStoreException
Gets the last known time stamp (of change) to the ChangeLogEntity ent after the timeStamp provided.
oldtimeStamp - time stamp after when the last maximum time stamp is saught.
ent - ChangeLogEntity that is being queried for last time stamp
maximum time stamp sincelast known timestamp if present or null otherwise
PolicyStoreException - if there is an error while retrieving the timestamp


java.util.List getApplicationRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
                                   throws PolicyStoreException
Returns the added AND modified roles in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of Application Roles returned earlier.
query - Specifies the create/modify timestamp to search from. ChangeLogSearchQuery
a list of AppRoleEntries if any were changed/added after the timestamp provided in the query.
PolicyStoreException - if unable to read from the policy store


java.util.List getPolicies(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
                           throws PolicyStoreException
Returns the added AND modified policies (grant entries) in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of grantes already returned earlier.
query - Specifies the create/modify timestamp to search from. ChangeLogSearchQuery
a list of Grant Entries if any were changed/added after the timestamp provided in the query.
PolicyStoreException - if unable to read from the policy store


java.util.List getDeletedAppRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
                                  throws PolicyStoreException
Returns all approles deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp
query - Specifies delete time stamp past which the deleted app roles are to be searched. The timestamp must be obtained from ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
a list of AppRoleEntries if any were deleted after the timestamp provided
PolicyStoreException - if unable to read from the policy store


java.util.List getDeletedPermissions(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
                                     throws PolicyStoreException
Returns all permissions deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp. Clients of this API must invalidate any Grants using the deleted permissions.
query - Specifies delete time stamp past which the deleted policies are to be searched. The timestamp must be obtained from ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
a list of Grant Entries if any were deleted after the timestamp provided.
PolicyStoreException - if unable to read from the policy store

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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