Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IOdiEntity
oracle.odi.core.persistence Provides Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure persistence management API. 
oracle.odi.domain Root package of Oracle Data Integrator domain concerns, providing commons classes required by sub-packages. 
oracle.odi.domain.finder Provides foundation of finder concerns. 
oracle.odi.domain.flexfields Provides class related to FlexFields override concerns. 
oracle.odi.domain.impexp Provides foundation for exportable and importable objects. 
oracle.odi.domain.model This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Data Model domain implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Scenarios and related objects. 
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Sequences and their values. 
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Sessions and related objects. 
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable This package contains classes for needed to create and work with Oracle Data Integrator variables and their values. This package contains user implementation.   
oracle.odi.domain.topology This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Topology domain model implementation. 
oracle.odi.missingref Provides classes to manage missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations. Provides classes to support the management of missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations. 

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.core.persistence

Methods in oracle.odi.core.persistence that return IOdiEntity
 IOdiEntity IOdiEntityManager.findById(java.lang.Class pRequiredType, pId)
          Find the entity instance of the given class and with the given identifier / primary key from the ODI instance that manager belongs to.
 IOdiEntity IOdiEntityManager.merge(IOdiEntity pEntity)
          Merge the states of the given entity into the current persistent context.

Methods in oracle.odi.core.persistence with parameters of type IOdiEntity
 void IOdiEntityManager.initialize(IOdiEntity pEntity, IInitializationCriteria pInitializationCriteria)
          WARNING : This method is experimental and may be removed in future drop.
 IOdiEntity IOdiEntityManager.merge(IOdiEntity pEntity)
          Merge the states of the given entity into the current persistent context.
 void IOdiEntityManager.persist(IOdiEntity pEntity)
          Make the given entity instance managed and persistent.
 void IOdiEntityManager.refresh(IOdiEntity pEntity)
          Refresh the given entity with the persistente context.
 void IOdiEntityManager.remove(IOdiEntity pEntity)
          Remove the given entity from the persistent context.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain

Subinterfaces of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain
 interface IMasterOdiEntity
          Marker interface for entities that resides in the ODI Master Repository.
 interface IWorkDevelopmentOdiEntity
          Marker interface for entities that resides in the ODI Work development Repository.
 interface IWorkRuntimeOdiEntity
          Marker interface for entities that resides in the ODI Runtime Repository.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.finder

Methods in oracle.odi.domain.finder that return IOdiEntity
 IOdiEntity IFinder.findById( pId)
          Find finder type object by internal object id.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.flexfields

Subinterfaces of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.flexfields
 interface IFlexFieldUser
          This interface is implemented by ODI objects for which an OdiFlexField's default value can be overridden.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.impexp

Method parameters in oracle.odi.domain.impexp with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 boolean IImportRoot.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)
          Returns whether the given entity type is supported to be imported into that root import object.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.model

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.model that implement IOdiEntity
 class AbstractOdiSubModel
          Abstract base class for sub-models.
 class OdiColumn
          An OdiColumn represents the data structure of a column part of an OdiDataStore.
 class OdiCondition
          An OdiCondition allows to define a data constraint to check on an OdiDataStore.
 class OdiDataStore
          An OdiDataStore represents a two-dimensional tabular data structure, generally a database table structure.
 class OdiFilter
          An OdiFilter allows to define data filter relative to an OdiDataStore.
 class OdiGlobalSubModel
          AbstractOdiSubModel subclass, to manage global ODI submodels.
 class OdiKey
          A key for an OdiDataStore.
 class OdiMainPartition
          Represents a main partition of an OdiDataStore.
 class OdiModel
          An OdiModel represents a set of datastores corresponding to data structures contained in a physical schema.
 class OdiModelFolder
          An OdiModelFolder is used to arrange OdiModels.
 class OdiPartition
          An OdiPartition is an abstract class defining database partitioning.
 class OdiReference
          An OdiReference is a reference between a foreign OdiDataStore and a primary OdiDataStore.
 class OdiSubModel
          A sub model is a group of functionally homogeneous datastores within a model.
 class OdiSubPartition
          Subclasses OdiPartition, and is a child of a OdiMainPartition instance.

Method parameters in oracle.odi.domain.model with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 boolean OdiModel.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)
 boolean OdiModelFolder.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.project

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.project that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiCKM
          Represents the Control Knowledge Module.
 class OdiFolder
          An OdiFolder is a workbench entity that ODI users will use to organize their work related to a single OdiProject.
 class OdiIKM
          Represents an Integration Knowledge Module.
 class OdiInterface
          An OdiInterface is the main class that implement target datastore feeding, suppling data from several source datastores.
 class OdiJKM
          Represents a journalization knowledge module.
 class OdiKM<L extends OdiProcedureLine>
          Abstract base class that all knowledge modules types subclasses.
 class OdiLKM
          Represents the Loading Knowledge Module.
 class OdiPackage
          Represents an ODI package.
 class OdiProcedure<L extends OdiProcedureLine>
          Abstract high-level object encompassing ODI User Procedures and ODI Knowledge Modules.
 class OdiProject
          An OdiProject is a top level workbench object in ODI.
 class OdiRKM
          Represents the Reverse Knowledge Module.
 class OdiSequence
          Represents design time metadata about a sequence.
 class OdiSKM
          Represents the Service Knowledge Module.
 class OdiUserFunction
          Represents design time metadata about a customized function that can be used in expressions of other objects such as OdiInterface, OdiUserProcedure.
 class OdiUserProcedure
          Represents the ODI user procedures.
 class OdiVariable
          Represents design time metadata about a variable.

Method parameters in oracle.odi.domain.project with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 boolean OdiFolder.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)
          Return true if OdiFolder is root for an import of this class.
 boolean OdiProject.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)
          For now only OdiKM and its subclasses could be imported to an OdiProject.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiScenario
          An ODI Scenario is designed to put a source component (interface, package, procedure, variable) into production.
 class OdiScenarioFolder

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiStandardSequenceValue
          OdiStandardSequenceValue class represents current value of ODI sequences of SequenceType.STANDARD type.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiSession
          An OdiSession is an execution (of a scenario, an interface, a package or a procedure, ...) undertaken by an execution agent.
 class OdiSessionFolder
          An OdiSessionFolder is used to group OdiSession using predefined Keywords.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiVariableValue
          An OdiVariableValue is used to store a value taken by a variable during execution when defined as oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.Action.HISTORIZE or oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.Action.LATEST_VALUE.

Uses of IOdiEntity in

Classes in that implement IOdiEntity
 class OdiUser
          The OdiUser class contains informations about a user including password and supervisor.

Uses of IOdiEntity in

Classes in that implement IOdiEntity

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.domain.topology

Classes in oracle.odi.domain.topology that implement IOdiEntity
 class AbstractOdiDataServer
          Abstract root class for OdiDataServer and OdiRepositoryServer.
 class OdiContext
          An ODI Context.
 class OdiContextualAgentMapping
          Agent mapping between a physical agent and a logical agent applying for an ODI context.
 class OdiContextualSchemaMapping
          Schema mapping between physical schema and logical schema applying for an ODI context.
 class OdiDataServer
          An OdiDataServer is a data server that is defined for a technology into the physical topology of ODI.
 class OdiDataType
          An OdiDataType is a domain entity describing a single data type defined for an ODI technology.
 class OdiEnterpriseScheduler
          ODI domain object representing an ODI enterprise scheduler.
 class OdiFlexField
          An ODI Flex Field enabling generic/flexible definition of custom informations for an ODI entity (aka IOdiEntity).
 class OdiIndexType
          An OdiIndexType is a domain entity describing a single type of SGBDR index for an ODI technology.
 class OdiLogicalAgent
          An ODI logical agent to be used as reference to an OdiPhysicalAgent for a given OdiContext.
 class OdiLogicalSchema
          An ODI logical schema.
 class OdiMasterRepositoryInfo
          Metadata about an ODI Master Repository.
 class OdiPhysicalAgent
          An ODI physical agent, holding metadata about a deployed runtime agent.
 class OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource
          OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource allows to override connection settings of an AbstractOdiDataServer with J2EE DataSource settings for an ODI agent deployed into a J2EE server.
 class OdiPhysicalSchema
          An OdiPhysicalSchema is a physical schema defined for a data server into the physical topology of ODI.
 class OdiRepositoryServer
          An OdiRepositoryServer.
 class OdiTechnology
          A technology that is defined within the physical topology provided by ODI.
 class OdiWorkRepositoryInfo
          Metadata about an ODI Work Repository.

Method parameters in oracle.odi.domain.topology with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 boolean OdiTechnology.supportsImport(java.lang.Class<IOdiEntity> pChildClass)
          Only OdiDataServers can be imported under an OdiTechnology.

Uses of IOdiEntity in oracle.odi.missingref

Method parameters in oracle.odi.missingref with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> IMissingRefService.findMissingReferences(java.lang.Class<? extends IOdiEntity> pOdiEntityClass, pOdiEntityId, boolean pApplyToChildren)
          Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.

Uses of IOdiEntity in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IOdiEntity
 java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> MissingRefServiceDwgImpl.findMissingReferences(java.lang.Class<? extends IOdiEntity> pOdiEntityClass, pOdiEntityId, boolean pApplyToChildren)
 java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> MissingRefServiceImpl.findMissingReferences(java.lang.Class<? extends IOdiEntity> pOdiEntityClass, pOdiEntityId, boolean pApplyToChildren)
          Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.

Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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