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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Site Studio for External Applications Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.stellent.wcm.server.content.spi

Interface Summary
ContentAdapter Content adapter; handles all requests for content and its associated metadata.
Provider Main provider interface for loading information from the Content Server.
SecurityAdapter Handle security for SPI content
ServiceAdapter Adapter to handle service commands via the SPI


Class Summary
ContentAdapter.DataFileParams Data file parameters
ContentAdapter.RenditionParams Rendition parameters
ContentID An identifier for a piece of content within the provider.
ContentStream Simple wrapper bean around a stream and associated metadata
ProjectAdapter.ProjectStream Return wrapper class that holds the InputStream and the token
SPIEventProcessor Attach to the IdcServerPoller and fire events as content changes


Enum Summary
ContentID.Revision Available content revisions
Provider.Type The types of providers
RetrievalMode The mode used to retrieve content from the provider.
Type The types of provider content, based on their internal metadata name.


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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Site Studio for External Applications Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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