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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Content Integration Suite (CIS) Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Interface ISCSObject

All Superinterfaces:
ICISObject, ICISObjectInitializable,
All Known Subinterfaces:
ISCSActionContent, ISCSCheckedOutListResponse, ISCSCheckinFlags, ISCSCheckinInfoResponse, ISCSCheckinSimilarInfoResponse, ISCSCheckinValidateResponse, ISCSCISDocInfoResponse, ISCSCISFileLocationResponse, ISCSCISGetFileResponse, ISCSContent, ISCSContentID, ISCSContentSubscription, ISCSConvertedDisplayInfo, ISCSConvertedFileInfo, ISCSCredentialValidateResponse, ISCSDocFormat, ISCSDocMetaDefinition, ISCSDocType, ISCSDocTypesResponse, ISCSDocumentActionResponse, ISCSDocumentCheckinResponse, ISCSDocumentConfigurationResponse, ISCSDocumentEventData, ISCSDocumentID, ISCSDocumentInformationResponse, ISCSDynamicConversionResponse, ISCSDynamicConvertedContent, ISCSDynamicConverterConfigResponse, ISCSDynamicConverterTemplate, ISCSFileInfo, ISCSFileLocation, ISCSFileRetrievalInfo, ISCSFolder, ISCSFolderAddLinkResponse, ISCSFolderContent, ISCSFolderDeleteContentResponse, ISCSFolderDisplayResponse, ISCSFolderHierarchyResponse, ISCSFolderID, ISCSFolderInfoResponse, ISCSFolderListContentsResponse, ISCSFolderListFoldersResponse, ISCSFolderMovedContent, ISCSFolderMovedFolder, ISCSFolderMultiNodeResponse, ISCSFolderPathID, ISCSFolderReferenceResponse, ISCSFolderSearchResponse, ISCSFolderSingleNodeResponse, ISCSID, ISCSInfoContent, ISCSInternalID, ISCSItem, ISCSLinkID, ISCSLocaleConfig, ISCSLocaleGetDataResponse, ISCSLocaleISOMapping, ISCSLocaleTimeZone, ISCSMetaDataEditResponse, ISCSMultisortSearchQuery, ISCSOptionList, ISCSPingResponse, ISCSQueryDocumentEventsResponse, ISCSQueryUserAttributesResponse, ISCSRevisionHistory, ISCSRevisionNode, ISCSRoleListResponse, ISCSSavedLink, ISCSSavedSearch, ISCSSchemaField, ISCSSchemaFieldDefinition, ISCSSchemaFieldsResponse, ISCSSchemaFragmentResponse, ISCSSearchNavigationPage, ISCSSearchQuery, ISCSSearchResponse, ISCSSearchResult, ISCSServerBinder, ISCSServerComponent, ISCSServerComponentsResponse, ISCSServerFilterInfo, ISCSServerResponse, ISCSSQLQuery, ISCSSubscribeResponse, ISCSSubscription, ISCSSubscriptionBasicID, ISCSSubscriptionContentItemsResponse, ISCSSubscriptionContentListResponse, ISCSSubscriptionCriteriaID, ISCSSubscriptionID, ISCSSubscriptionNotifyUpdateResponse, ISCSSubscriptionUserListResponse, ISCSUnsubscribeResponse, ISCSUserAccount, ISCSUserActionResponse, ISCSUserAlias, ISCSUserAliasActionResponse, ISCSUserAliasMapping, ISCSUserAttributeInfo, ISCSUserListAliasesResponse, ISCSUserListResponse, ISCSUserMetaDefinition, ISCSUserObject, ISCSUserPNEObject, ISCSUserPNEResponse, ISCSUserRole, ISCSUserRoleActionResponse, ISCSUserSecurityGroup, ISCSUserSecurityObject, ISCSWorkflow, ISCSWorkflowAction, ISCSWorkflowActionResponse, ISCSWorkflowApproveRejectResponse, ISCSWorkflowDocument, ISCSWorkflowDocumentRevisionsResponse, ISCSWorkflowDocumentsResponse, ISCSWorkflowID, ISCSWorkflowQueryResponse, ISCSWorkflowQueueItem, ISCSWorkflowQueueResponse, ISCSWorkflowResponse, ISCSWorkflowScriptJump, ISCSWorkflowStartResponse, ISCSWorkflowStep, ISCSWorkflowStepEvent, ISCSWorkflowStepID, ISCSWorkflowStepInfoResponse, ISCSWorkflowTemplate, ISCSWorkflowTemplateResponse, ISCSWorkflowTemplatesResponse

public interface ISCSObject
extends ICISObject, ICISObjectInitializable

Represents a unified set of attributes returned from a call to the content server

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.stellent.cis.client.api.common.ICISObjectInitializable


Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface com.stellent.cis.client.api.common.ICISObject


Method Summary
 ISCSObject castObject(java.lang.Class type)
          Apply another ISCSObject wrapper to the internal data structure of this object.
 void clearPropertyFilter()
          Remove the property filter
 ISCSObject copyObject(java.lang.Class type)
          Create a new object and make a copy of this object data.
 ISCSNativePropertyFilter getPropertyFilter()
 java.lang.String getSourceAdapter()
 java.lang.Object getSourceObject()
          Get the object that was used for initialization.
 java.lang.String getSourceObjectPropertyType(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Get the source object property type
 void mergeObject(ISCSObject object)
          Merge the data from the given object to this object
 void mergeObject(ISCSObject object, java.util.Collection properties)
          Add the data from the given object to this object.
 ICISPropertyValue removeProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Remove a property from this object
 void setPropertyFilter(ISCSNativePropertyFilter nativePropertyFilter)
          Set the native property filter.
 void setRestrictedPropertyFilter()
          Sets a property filter that only allows access to the properties which it exposes on its interface.
 void setSourceObjectPropertyType(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String type)
          Set the source object property type


Methods inherited from interface com.stellent.cis.client.api.common.ICISObject
getProperties, getPropertiesWithValue, getProperty, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyDescriptors, hasProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty


Methods inherited from interface com.stellent.cis.client.api.common.ICISObjectInitializable


Method Detail


ISCSNativePropertyFilter getPropertyFilter()
retrieve the currently active property filter


void setPropertyFilter(ISCSNativePropertyFilter nativePropertyFilter)
Set the native property filter. The property filter is used to provide limited access to the properties in the underlying data object. As one data object can be hosted by many property objects, this is useful to make sure one object is not modifying data needed by another object.
nativePropertyFilter - the active filter or null if no filter is set


void setRestrictedPropertyFilter()
Sets a property filter that only allows access to the properties which it exposes on its interface. This means you cannot set an arbitrary property unless there is a "setter" method exposed. This allows objects to only manage a small number of properties (for example, content ID) and allow these objects to be reused without binder pollution issues.


void clearPropertyFilter()
Remove the property filter


java.lang.Object getSourceObject()
Get the object that was used for initialization. This is typically an implementation of a backing data object that stores the information in a content server specific format.
Note: this method is intended for use internally in the API
the source object


java.lang.String getSourceObjectPropertyType(java.lang.String propertyName)
Get the source object property type
propertyName - The name of the property
The property type


void setSourceObjectPropertyType(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                 java.lang.String type)
Set the source object property type
propertyName - The property name to associate with the type
type - The property type


ICISPropertyValue removeProperty(java.lang.String name)
Remove a property from this object
name - the property name
the value of the property


java.lang.String getSourceAdapter()
the adapter name where the item originated


void mergeObject(ISCSObject object)
Merge the data from the given object to this object
object - the data to copy


void mergeObject(ISCSObject object,
                 java.util.Collection properties)
Add the data from the given object to this object. Merges only the properties defined in the property collection.
object - the data to copy
properties - a list of String representing the property names to copy


ISCSObject copyObject(java.lang.Class type)
Create a new object and make a copy of this object data. Note that when this object is of type ISCSServerBinder and the supplied type is not a binder, the copy will happen against the local data of the source binder. The data copied will be only what the resulting object is interested in, not all the data.
type - the class type to convert; interface should extend ISCSObject
the implementation class with a new copy of the data


ISCSObject castObject(java.lang.Class type)
Apply another ISCSObject wrapper to the internal data structure of this object. Allows the user to manipulate the internal data using another interface. Note the returned object will modify the same data as the current object.
type - the class type to convert; interface should extend ISCSObject
the implementation class pointed at this objects internal data structure

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Content Integration Suite (CIS) Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


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