
This function can be used to set an absolute time for an expiration of a page. This is best used for pages with a long life that may be requested frequently. Due to problems in time synchronization between the client and the server, it is not totally reliable, especially for short-lived caches. The data must follow one of the acceptable HTTP date formats.

Refer to the W3 Protocols for more information:

Type and Usage


The only parameter is an absolute date, formatted in the manner HTTP requires, after which this page should be refreshed


  • Returns TRUE if the function is successful.

  • Returns FALSE if the function fails.


This will cause the page to expire at the given absolute time. Note that all time stamps must be in the GMT time zone.

<$setExpires("Sat, 02 Aug 2003 24:00:00 GMT")$> 

This is a way to use other IdocScript functions to set the expiration date to 14 days from the current date.

<$date=formatDateWithPattern(dateCurrent(14), "EEE, dd MMM yyyy")$>
<$setExpires(date & " 24:00:00 GMT"))$> >

See Also