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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Package oracle.iam.rm.client

Provides the classes and interfaces for the Oracle Role Manager client.


Interface Summary
Argument A definition and placeholder interface for values used in invoking operations.
ArgumentSet Interface for a collection of arguments.
AuditSummary AuditSummary interface returned from an Entity.
BusinessTransaction A handle interface that can be used to inspect and operate on running business transactions.
BusinessTransactionOperation Interface for an operation specific to starting a business transaction.
ChangeSummary AuditSummary interface returned from an Entity.
Client A handle interface to the server, bound to a particular user.
ConstraintViolation Interface for a violation of a (typically asynchronously determined) constraint.
Entity Interface for a generified object.
EntityAttribute Interface for an attribute of an entity.
HierarchyNode Interface for representatioon of a node in a hierarchy.
Interactable Interface for an object that allows interaction.
LookupOperation Interface for an operation used to look up an object.
Operation A general mechanism interface to interact with the server.
PageRow Interface for a row from a page in a PaginatedResultSet.
PaginatedResultSet Interface for a set of results that is handled in a paginated form.
SearchOperation Interface for an operation used for searching.
SupplementalOperation Interface for an operation that is invoked on a business transaction to do further work.


Class Summary
ClientFactory The source for clients for the Web Client API.


Enum Summary
Operation.Type Gets an enumeration of possible operation types.


Exception Summary
ServerCommunicationException A general runtime exception indicating that server communication failed.


Package oracle.iam.rm.client Description

Provides the classes and interfaces for the Oracle Role Manager client.

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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