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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectKey
oracle.iam.rm.authentication Provides the interfaces for authentication with Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent Provides the classes and interfaces for Oracle Role Manager entities, their mappings, and audit handling. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel Provides the interfaces for the users and identities in Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource Provides the interfaces for the privileges, permissions, resources, and their mappings to roles. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role Provides the interfaces for business roles, approver roles, system roles, and their grants and mappings. 
oracle.iam.rm.resolution Provides the classes and interfaces for role resolution. 
oracle.iam.rm.temporal Provides the interfaces and classes used for interacting with the business data of Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model Provides the interfaces used for describing the deployed business data model of Oracle Role Manager. 


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.authentication


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.authentication that return ObjectKey
 ObjectKey RoleManagerPrincipal.getObjectKey()
          Gets the ObjectKey of this RoleManagerPrincipal.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.inherent


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent that return ObjectKey
 ObjectKey HierarchyNode.getParentId()
          Gets the object key of the parent object of this HierarchyNode.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel with parameters of type ObjectKey
 Person InteractivePersonnelManager.getEditablePerson(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the person identified by the provided object key if the person is editable.
 SystemIdentity InteractivePersonnelManager.getEditableSystemIdentity(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the system identity idenditifed by the provided object key if it is editable.
 Person PersonnelManager.getPerson(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the person identified by the provided key.
 SystemIdentity PersonnelManager.getSystemIdentity(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the systemIdentity identified by the provided key.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource that return ObjectKey
 ObjectKey ITRolePrivilegeMapping.getITPrivilege()
          Gets the object key of the Entitlement in this ITRolePrivilegeMapping.
 ObjectKey ITRolePrivilegeMapping.getITRole()
          Gets the object key of the ITRole in this ITRolePrivilegeMapping.
 ObjectKey Privilege.getPermission()
          Returns the ObjectKey of the permission that may be applied to the associated resource.
 ObjectKey PermissionAssociation.getPermission()
          Returns the ObjectKey of a permission that can be applied to the associated resource type.
 ObjectKey SysRolePrivilegeMapping.getPrivilege()
          Gets the object key of the SystemPrivilege in this mapping.
 ObjectKey Privilege.getResource()
          Returns the ObjectKey of the resource to which the associated permission may be applied.
 ObjectKey PermissionAssociation.getResourceType()
          Returns the ObjectKey of the resource type to which the associated permission can be applied.
 ObjectKey Resource.getResourceType()
          Gets the object key of the related ResourceType.
 ObjectKey SysRolePrivilegeMapping.getRole()
          Gets the object key of the SystemRole in this mapping.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role that return ObjectKey
 ObjectKey UserRoleAssignment.getAssignee()
          Gets object key representing the assignee or user.
 ObjectKey RoleMapping.getBusinessRole()
          Gets the object key representing the business role in this mapping.
 ObjectKey RoleGrant.getGrantee()
          Gets the object key of the identity who was granted the role.
 ObjectKey RoleMapping.getITRole()
          Gets the object key representing the IT role in this mapping.
 ObjectKey RoleGrant.getOriginalGrantee()
          Gets the object key of the identity who was originally granted the role (if this is a delegated role grant).
 ObjectKey RoleGrant.getRole()
          Gets the object key of the granted role.
 ObjectKey UserRoleAssignment.getRole()
          Gets the object key representing the role.
 ObjectKey Role.getSocHierarchy()
          Gets the hierarchy to which this role relates.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role with parameters of type ObjectKey
 BusinessRole RoleManager.getBusinessRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the BusinessRole identified by the provided object key.
 Role InteractiveRoleManager.getEditableRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the editable version of a Role based on its object key.
 ITRole RoleManager.getITRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the ITRole identified by the provided object key.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.resolution


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.resolution that return types with arguments of type ObjectKey
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getAllRolesForUser(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of ObjectKeys of all the Roles a User has.
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getUsersAssignedRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via the UserRoleAssignment cache (all complex roles).
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getUsersGrantedRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via RoleGrants.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.resolution with parameters of type ObjectKey
 UserRoleAssignment ResolutionEngine.getUserRoleAssignment(SnapshotSession session, ObjectKey assigneeKey, Role role)
          Returns the UserRoleAssignment for a given Role and User's ObjectKey, or null if none is found.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.temporal


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal that return ObjectKey
 ObjectKey SnapshotObject.getObjectKey()
          Gets the pantemporal object identifier for this object.
 ObjectKey RelationshipPathChange.getSourceObjectKey()
          Gets the ObjectKey that the relationship path is from.
 ObjectKey ObjectChangeEvent.getSubjectKey()
          Gets the identifier for the object that the event occurred to.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal that return types with arguments of type ObjectKey
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet<ObjectKey> SnapshotSession.findObjectKeys(Query query)
          Gets a paginated result set of object object keys based on a query.
 java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> RelationshipPathChange.getCreatedTargetObjectKeys()
          Gets the ObjectKeys of objects that created relationship paths now join to.
 java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> RelationshipPathChange.getDeletedTargetObjectKeys()
          Gets the ObjectKeys of objects that removed relationship paths used to join to.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal with parameters of type ObjectKey
 boolean SnapshotSession.canEdit(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Determines whether a particular object can be edited by its object key.
 SnapshotObject InteractiveSnapshotSession.getEditableSnapshotObject(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets an editable version of a particular snapshot object by its object key.
 ObjectType SnapshotSession.getObjectType(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the object type for the provided object key.
 SnapshotObject SnapshotSession.getSnapshotObject(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets a particular snapshot object from its object key at a particular time.


Method parameters in oracle.iam.rm.temporal with type arguments of type ObjectKey
 SnapshotObject InteractiveSnapshotSession.createObject(java.lang.String structuralType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> attributes)
          Creates a new snapshot object.


Constructors in oracle.iam.rm.temporal with parameters of type ObjectKey
ObjectChangeEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession session, ObjectKey subjectKey, java.lang.String subjectType, AttributeChangeSet attributeChangeSet, StateChange stateChange)
          Creates an ObjectChangeEvent instance.
ObjectCreationEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession session, ObjectKey subjectKey, java.lang.String subjectType, AttributeChangeSet attributeChangeSet, StateChange stateChange)
          Creates an ObjectCreationEvent instance with the provided parameters.
ObjectUpdateEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession session, ObjectKey subjectKey, java.lang.String subjectType, AttributeChangeSet attributeChangeSet, StateChange stateChange)
          Creates an ObjectChangeEvent instance with the provided parameters.
RelationshipPathChange(java.lang.String relationshipPathId, ObjectKey sourceObjectKey, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> createdTargetObjectKeys, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> deletedTargetObjectKeys)
          Creates a RelationshipPathChange instance with the provided parameters.


Constructor parameters in oracle.iam.rm.temporal with type arguments of type ObjectKey
RelationshipPathChange(java.lang.String relationshipPathId, ObjectKey sourceObjectKey, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> createdTargetObjectKeys, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> deletedTargetObjectKeys)
          Creates a RelationshipPathChange instance with the provided parameters.
RelationshipPathChange(java.lang.String relationshipPathId, ObjectKey sourceObjectKey, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> createdTargetObjectKeys, java.util.Collection<ObjectKey> deletedTargetObjectKeys)
          Creates a RelationshipPathChange instance with the provided parameters.


Uses of ObjectKey in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model


Method parameters in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model with type arguments of type ObjectKey
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable ObjectType.validateCreate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributes)
          Runs object-scope validation for creating an object of this type with particular attributes.


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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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