Annotation Type EBXMLControl.EbXML

public static @interface EBXMLControl.EbXML

Specifies class-level annotations for the ebXML Control.

Note: For most attributes, annotations can also be specified at the instance and method level.The order of precedence is:
1. Control method level
2. Control instance level
3. Control class level

Required Element Summary
 String serviceName
          Name of an ebXML Service.
Optional Element Summary
 String cpaId
          CPAId for the ebXML Message.
 EBXMLControl.EbXML.ActionMode ebXMLActionMode
          Action Mode for the ebXML Message.Determines the value specified in the eb:Action element in the message header of the ebXML message, which becomes important in cases where multiple message exchanges occur within the same conversation.
 String from
          Business ID of the Initiator.
 String fromRole
          Role of the Initiator.
 String serviceType
          Service type for the ebXML service.
 String to
          Business ID of the Participant.
 String toRole
          Role of the Participant.
 XQuery.Version xqueryVersion

Element Detail


public abstract String serviceName
Name of an ebXML Service. For initiator and participant business processes that participate in the same conversation, the name must be identical.This service name corresponds to the eb:Service entry in the ebXML message envelope.


public abstract String from
Business ID of the Initiator. This Id must match the business ID for the trading partner as defined in the Trading Partner Management Repository

"Not Specified"


public abstract String fromRole
Role of the Initiator.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String to
Business ID of the Participant. This Id must match the business ID for the trading partner as defined in the Trading Partner Management Repository

"Not Specified"


public abstract String toRole
Role of the Participant.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String serviceType
Service type for the ebXML service. This goes as the the value of service type in the ebxml header. Use it to override the default value( which is "text" ).



public abstract EBXMLControl.EbXML.ActionMode ebXMLActionMode
Action Mode for the ebXML Message.Determines the value specified in the eb:Action element in the message header of the ebXML message, which becomes important in cases where multiple message exchanges occur within the same conversation.

DEFAULT - Sets the eb:Action element to SendMessage(default name)
NON_DEFAULT - Sets the eb:Action element name to the name of the method(on the ebXML control) that sends the message in the initiator business process. For sending a message from the participant to the initiator, the method name in the callback interface for the client callback node in the participant business process must match the method name (on the ebXML control) in the control callback interface in the initiator business process. Using NON_DEFAULT is recommended to ensure recovery and high availability.

If unspecified, the default action mode is set to NON_DEFAULT.



public abstract XQuery.Version xqueryVersion


public abstract String cpaId
CPAId for the ebXML Message.

If unspecified, system will generate a default value.

"Not Specified"