Annotation Type FileControl.SFtp

public static @interface FileControl.SFtp

Required Element Summary
 String hostName
          This option specifies the name of the SFTP host, for example, s
 String localDirectory
          This option specifies the directory used for transferring files between the remote file system and the local file system.
Optional Element Summary
 SFtpAuthMethod authMethod
          This option specifies the authentication method to use for authentication to SFTP server
 FileControl.SFtpCustomProperties customProperties
          This option specifies additional SFTP properties as a list of name/value pairs for making connection/authenticating to the SFTP server
 String passphrase
          This option specfies pass phrase for the private key specified through 'privateKey' attribute If you specify this attribute, you cannot specify the passphraseAlias attribute
 String passphraseAlias
          This option specifies the alias for the private key's passphrase.
 String password
          This option specifies the SFTP user's password.
 String passwordAlias
          This option specifies the alias for a user's password.
 int port
          This option specifies the port number of the SFTP server
 String privateKey
          This option specifies path to the private key file to be used for authenticating to SFTP server This is used in case of both HOST_BASED_AUTHENTICATION as well as PUBLIC_KEY_BASED_AUTHENTICATION
 String userName
          This option specifies the login name of the SFTP user.

Element Detail


public abstract String hostName
This option specifies the name of the SFTP host, for example, s


public abstract String localDirectory
This option specifies the directory used for transferring files between the remote file system and the local file system. When reading a remote file, the file is copied from the remote system to the local directory and then read. Similarly, when writing to a remote file system, the file is written to the local directory and then copied to the remote system.


public abstract int port
This option specifies the port number of the SFTP server



public abstract SFtpAuthMethod authMethod
This option specifies the authentication method to use for authentication to SFTP server



public abstract String userName
This option specifies the login name of the SFTP user.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String password
This option specifies the SFTP user's password. Applicable in case of PASSWORD_BASED_AUTHENTICATION If you specify this attribute, you cannot specify the sftp-password-alias attribute.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String passwordAlias
This option specifies the alias for a user's password. The alias is used to look up a password in a password store. If you specify this attribute, you cannot specify the sftp-password attribute.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String privateKey
This option specifies path to the private key file to be used for authenticating to SFTP server This is used in case of both HOST_BASED_AUTHENTICATION as well as PUBLIC_KEY_BASED_AUTHENTICATION

"Not Specified"


public abstract String passphrase
This option specfies pass phrase for the private key specified through 'privateKey' attribute If you specify this attribute, you cannot specify the passphraseAlias attribute

"Not Specified"


public abstract String passphraseAlias
This option specifies the alias for the private key's passphrase. The alias is used to look up a password in a password store. If you specify this attribute, you cannot specify the passphrase attribute

"Not Specified"


public abstract FileControl.SFtpCustomProperties customProperties
This option specifies additional SFTP properties as a list of name/value pairs for making connection/authenticating to the SFTP server
