Annotation Type RosettaNetControl.RosettaNet

public static @interface RosettaNetControl.RosettaNet

Specifies the class-level annotations for the RosettaNet Control.
Note:Annotations can be specified at the control class level, at the control instance level, and at the control method level, in increasing order of precedence.

Required Element Summary
 String fromRole
          This attriute specifies RosettaNet role name for the sender as defined in the PIP specification, such as Buyer, Seller, Supplier, Receiver, Shipper, and so on.
 String pip
          This attribute specifies RosettaNet PIP code, such as 3B2.
 String pipVersion
          This attribte specifies RosettaNet PIP version.
 RosettaNetControl.RNIF_VERSION rnifVersion
          Version of the RosettaNet Implementation Framework.
 String toRole
          This attribute specifies RosettaNet role name for the recipient as defined in the PIP specification, such as Buyer, Seller, Supplier, Receiver, Shipper, and so on.
Optional Element Summary
 String from
          This will specify the DUNS of the initiator.
 String to
          This will specify DUNS of the participant.This must match the business ID for the trading partner as defined in the TPM repository.
 XQuery.Version xqueryVersion
          XQuery version to use.

Element Detail


public abstract RosettaNetControl.RNIF_VERSION rnifVersion
Version of the RosettaNet Implementation Framework. Must be either 1.1 or 2.0.


public abstract String pip
This attribute specifies RosettaNet PIP code, such as 3B2. Must be a valid PIP code as defined in


public abstract String pipVersion
This attribte specifies RosettaNet PIP version. Must be a valid version number associated with the PIP.


public abstract String fromRole
This attriute specifies RosettaNet role name for the sender as defined in the PIP specification, such as Buyer, Seller, Supplier, Receiver, Shipper, and so on. A PIP request might be rejected if an incorrect value is specified.


public abstract String toRole
This attribute specifies RosettaNet role name for the recipient as defined in the PIP specification, such as Buyer, Seller, Supplier, Receiver, Shipper, and so on. A PIP request might be rejected if an incorrect value is specified.


public abstract String from
This will specify the DUNS of the initiator. This must match the business ID for the trading partner as defined in the TPM repository.

"Not Specified"


public abstract String to
This will specify DUNS of the participant.This must match the business ID for the trading partner as defined in the TPM repository.

"Not Specified"


public abstract XQuery.Version xqueryVersion
XQuery version to use. Default is XQuery.Version.v2004
