Annotation Type Handler

public @interface Handler

Optional Element Summary
 String[] callback
          The callback() attribute specifies which handlers to run on outbound SOAP callbacks.
 String file
          The handler config file to use, if handler chain is not specified inline.
 String[] operation
          The operation() attribute specifies which handlers to run on incoming SOAP messages.


public abstract String[] operation
The operation() attribute specifies which handlers to run on incoming SOAP messages. If file is supplied, value indicates which chain name in the supplied handler config file. If file is not supplied, value indicates the list of classnames to execute as the handler chain.



public abstract String[] callback
The callback() attribute specifies which handlers to run on outbound SOAP callbacks. If file is supplied, value indicates which chain name in the supplied handler config file. If file is not supplied, value indicates the list of classnames to execute as the handler chain.



public abstract String file
The handler config file to use, if handler chain is not specified inline. If defined, values for operation and callback indicate which chain name in the supplied handler config file.
