Annotation Type MQSeries.TCPSettings

public static @interface MQSeries.TCPSettings

Specifies the TCP connection settings for the MQSeries control

Required Element Summary
 String ccsid
          This represents the Coded Character Set Id to be used while connecting to the queue manager.
 String channel
          This represents the server connection channel of the queue manager through which the connection is to be obtained.
 String host
          This represents the host name of the machine where the queue manager is running.
 String password
          This represents the password of the user connecting to the queue manager.
 String port
          This represents the port number of the queue manager.
 String receiveExit
          This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQReceiveExit interface.
 String securityExit
          This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQSecurityExit interface.
 String sendExit
          This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQSendExit interface.
 String user
          This represents the user who is connecting to the queue manager.

Element Detail


public abstract String host
This represents the host name of the machine where the queue manager is running.


public abstract String port
This represents the port number of the queue manager.


public abstract String channel
This represents the server connection channel of the queue manager through which the connection is to be obtained.


public abstract String ccsid
This represents the Coded Character Set Id to be used while connecting to the queue manager.


public abstract String user
This represents the user who is connecting to the queue manager.


public abstract String password
This represents the password of the user connecting to the queue manager.


public abstract String sendExit
This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQSendExit interface.


public abstract String receiveExit
This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQReceiveExit interface.


public abstract String securityExit
This represents the fully qualified name of the class implementing the MQSeries MQSecurityExit interface.