Annotation Type EbXML

public @interface EbXML

Replacement for jpd:ebxml annotation defined in 8.1. This annotation specifies the participant business processes involved in exchanging ebXML business messages.

Required Element Summary
 String ebxmlServiceName
          This attribute speciifies the name of the ebXML service associated with this business process.
 EbXML.PROTOCOL protocolName
          This attribute specifies the protcol name, which is ebXML always.
Optional Element Summary
 String ebxmlActionMode
          Action Mode for the ebXML Message.If the Action mode is not set the defalut action mode is non-default.

Element Detail


public abstract EbXML.PROTOCOL protocolName
This attribute specifies the protcol name, which is ebXML always.


public abstract String ebxmlServiceName
This attribute speciifies the name of the ebXML service associated with this business process. Note that this must match the service name specified on the initiator side.


public abstract String ebxmlActionMode
Action Mode for the ebXML Message.If the Action mode is not set the defalut action mode is non-default.
