
Interface Summary
AuthenticationMBean The class represents the authentication properties of the client trading partner.
BindingMBean The class is an base interface for all the binding types supported by WLI for Trading Partner Management.
BulkLoaderMBean This class provides an interface for importing, exporting and deleting trading partner management configuration data using XML.
CertificateMBean The class represents the reference for the certificate along with the private key associated with it imported, into the Keystore for WLI.
EBXMLBindingMBean The class represents the EBXML Binding type supported by WLI for Trading Partners.
ExtendedPropertySetMBean This class represents a named set of user-defined extensions represented by XML that can be associated with a trading partner
FailureMBean This class represents configuration for RosettaNet PIP Failures(PIP0A1).
RosettaNetBindingMBean The class represents the RosettaNet Binding type supported by WLI for Trading Partners.
RosettaNetServiceDefaultMBean This class specifies RosettaNet protocol-specific configuration attributes for a service.
ServiceMBean This class represents a service for a business process that is either offered by a local trading partner, or a business process that is being called via a control on a remote trading partner.
ServiceProfileMBean The class represents a service profile, which can be defined for a service.
TPMBaseMBean This class represents the base for all the MBeans.
TradingPartnerMBean This class represents a business entity that is authorized to send and receive business messages for a defined service.
TradingPartnerMgmtMBean The class represents the factory for all Services and Trading Partner.
TransportMBean This class configuration attributes for transport level properties and receiving endpoint for a binding
WebServiceBindingMBean No description provided.

Exception Summary
ManagementException A ManagementException is thrown if an error occurred in a WebLogic Collaborate management application.