Annotation Type XQueryTransform

public @interface XQueryTransform

This annotation annotates the XQuery abstract methods in a DTF file. During run time, a business process (JPD) invokes the abstract method which in turn invokes the associated query (written in the XQuery language.)

Required Element Summary
 XQueryTransform.TransformMethodType transformType
          This attribute specifies whether this XQueryTransform method uses inline xquery or xquery from an external xq file
 String value
          This attribute specifies the inline xquery if the tranformType is XQUERY or the xq file name if the transformType is XQUERY_REF.
Optional Element Summary
 XQueryTransform.SchemaValidate schemaValidate
          This attribute specifies whether parameter and/or return value should be schema validated.

Element Detail


public abstract XQueryTransform.TransformMethodType transformType
This attribute specifies whether this XQueryTransform method uses inline xquery or xquery from an external xq file


public abstract String value
This attribute specifies the inline xquery if the tranformType is XQUERY or the xq file name if the transformType is XQUERY_REF.


public abstract XQueryTransform.SchemaValidate schemaValidate
This attribute specifies whether parameter and/or return value should be schema validated. This is an optional attribute, the default value for returnValue and parameters are false.

@com.bea.wli.transform.XQueryTransform.SchemaValidate(returnValue=false, parameters=false)