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Oracle Communications Service Broker
Module MBean Java API Reference
Release 5.0


Interface SsuLocalSubSystemRuntimeMBean

public interface SsuLocalSubSystemRuntimeMBean

SSU Sub-System Number Management Interface

Method Summary
 short getSSN()
          Returns the current Sub System Number value
 boolean isInService()
          Returns SubSystem status.
 void statusCongestionLevel(short level)
          Request to inform the SCCP management that Sub-System state changed to congested (issue N-STATE request towards the SCCP Management)
 void statusInService()
          Request to inform the SCCP management that Sub-System state changed to in-service (issue N-STATE request towards the SSU Management)
 void statusOutOfService()
          Request to inform the SCCP management that Sub-System state changed to out-of-service (issue N-STATE request towards the SCCP Management)


Method Detail


boolean isInService()
Returns SubSystem status. <lu>