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Oracle Communications Service Broker
Module MBean Java API Reference
Release 5.0


Interface Cs1PlusRuntimeMBean

public interface Cs1PlusRuntimeMBean

Cs1PlusRuntimeMBean serves as the root MBean for INAP CS1+ interface monitoring. It is used to retrieve CS1+ message and dialog counters.

Method Summary getDialogBySkRuntimeMBean()
          Provides access point to CS1+ dialog counters and gauges.[] getErbByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans()
          Provides access point to EventReportBCSM (ERB) message counters: Different counters are provided for different Event Types, each counts the number of EventReportBCSM messages arriving with this Event Type.[] getInitialDpByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans()
          Provides access point to InitialDP (IDP) message counters: Different counters are provided for different Event Types, each counts the number of InitialDP messages arriving with this Event Type.[] getInitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBeans()
          Returns a list of qualified ObjectNames of InitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBeans.[] getMessageByOpRuntimeMBeans()
          Provides access point to some CS1+ message counters: counters that count the number of messages for a each operation code. getMessageRuntimeMBean()
          Provides access point to some CS1+ message counters: counters that count the total CS1+ messages received/sent from/to the network.


Method Detail

getDialogBySkRuntimeMBean getDialogBySkRuntimeMBean()
Provides access point to CS1+ dialog counters and gauges. Separate set of dialog counters and gauges is available for each service key.
the qualified ObjectName of a DialogBySkRuntimeMBean

getMessageRuntimeMBean getMessageRuntimeMBean()
Provides access point to some CS1+ message counters: counters that count the total CS1+ messages received/sent from/to the network.
a qualified ObjectName of a MessageRuntimeMBean

getMessageByOpRuntimeMBeans[] getMessageByOpRuntimeMBeans()
Provides access point to some CS1+ message counters: counters that count the number of messages for a each operation code. For example: a counter for InitialDP messages, a counter for RequestReportBCSMEvent messages etc. Operation code number are defined at INAP CS1+, Operation and Parameter Description, Detailed Operation Procedures

signallingInformation : -8
releaseCallPartyConnection : -6
reconnect : -5
holdCallPartyConnection : -4
handOver : -3
dialogueUserInformation : -2
callLimit : -1
initialDP Code : 0
assistRequestInstructions Code : 16
establishTemporaryConnection Code : 17
disconnectForwardConnection Code : 18
connectToResource Code : 19
connect Code : 20
update : 21
releaseCall Code : 22
requestReportBCSMEvent : 23
eventReportBCSM : 24
requestNotificationChargingEvent : 25
eventNotificationCharging : 26
collectInformation : 27
continue : 31
initiateCallAttempt : 32
resetTimer : 33
furnishChargingInformation : 34
applyCharging : 35
applyChargingReport : 36
callGap : 41
activateServiceFiltering : 42
serviceFilteringResponse : 43
callInformationReport : 44
callInformationRequest : 45
sendChargingInformation : 46
playAnnouncement : 47
promptAndCollectUserInformation : 48
specializedResourceReport : 49
cancel : 53
activityTest : 55
continueWithArgument : 88
Note: the Retrieve operation code is not supported
a list of qualified ObjectNames of a MessageByOpRuntimeMBeans

getInitialDpByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans[] getInitialDpByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans()
Provides access point to InitialDP (IDP) message counters: Different counters are provided for different Event Types, each counts the number of InitialDP messages arriving with this Event Type. Possible Event Type numbers in InitialDP messages are defined in INAP CS1+, Operation and Parameter Description, Detailed Operation Procedures

origAttemptauthorized (1),
collectedInfo (2),
analyzedInformation (3)
routeSelectFailure (4)
oCalledPartyBusy (5)
oAlerting (-1)
oCalledPartyNotReachable (-2)
oNoAnswer (6)
oAnswer (7)
oMidCall (8)
oSuspended (-3)
oReAnswer (-4)
oDisconnect (9)
oAbandon (10)
termAttemptauthorized (12)
tRouteSelectFailure (-5)
tCalledPartyBusy (13)
tAlerting (-6)
tCalledPartyNotReachable (-7)
tNoAnswer (14)
tAnswer (15)
tMidCall (16)
tSuspended (-8)
tReAnswer (-9)
tDisconnect (17)
tAbandon (18)
a list of qualified ObjectNames of InitialDpByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans

getErbByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans[] getErbByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans()
Provides access point to EventReportBCSM (ERB) message counters: Different counters are provided for different Event Types, each counts the number of EventReportBCSM messages arriving with this Event Type. Possible Event Type numbers in InitialDP messages are defined in INAP CS1+, Abstract Syntax (Function SPECIFICATION 171/155 17)

collectedInfo (2),
analyzedInformation (3)
routeSelectFailure (4)
oCalledPartyBusy (5)
oAlerting (-1)
oCalledPartyNotReachable (-2)
oNoAnswer (6)
oAnswer (7)
oMidCall (8)
oSuspended (-3)
oReAnswer (-4)
oDisconnect (9)
oAbandon (10)
tRouteSelectFailure (-5)
tCalledPartyBusy (13)
tAlerting (-6)
tCalledPartyNotReachable (-7)
tNoAnswer (14)
tAnswer (15)
tMidCall (16)
tSuspended (-8)
tReAnswer (-9)
tDisconnect (17)
tAbandon (18)
a list of qualified ObjectNames of ErbByEventTypeRuntimeMBeans

getInitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBeans[] getInitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBeans()
Returns a list of qualified ObjectNames of InitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBeans. Each instance of InitialDpByServiceKeyRuntimeMBean is created for a specific service key and provides counters of InitialDP messages arriving with this service key.

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Oracle Communications Service Broker
Module MBean Java API Reference
Release 5.0


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