3.6 Configuring MBeans

Java Management Beans, called MBeans, are part of the greater Java Management eXtensions (JMX) standard which defines ways for administration applications to configure and control Java applications externally. At installation, Oracle I/PM registers its MBeans with the hosting application server's MBean server. This allows other applications to interact with Oracle I/PM's configuration data. This includes WebLogic Scripting Tools (WLST) and Oracle Enterprise Manager MBean browser.

3.6.1 Oracle I/PM MBeans

The following table describes MBeans specific to Oracle I/PM.

MBean Description
AgentUser Specifies account used by all Oracle I/PM agents use to login. Requires a restart.

Value limits: Any String field that security store can handle.

Default: None (empty string)

CacheAgeLimit Render page-cache timeout duration (used to set the JOC IdleTime). Takes effect at server restart.

Value limits: Cache idle time in minutes

Default: 60 minutes

CacheLocation Render page-cache temp file location. Takes effect at server restart.

Value limits: Value is used as third parameter to File.createTempFile; a valid system file path spec.

Default: If value is not supplied, system temp location is used.

CheckInterval Configures how often (in minutes) input agent checks for work. Takes effect on the next check cycle.

Value limits: Min=1, Max=60

Default: 15 minutes

DefaultColorSet Name of default skin used by UI if user has not set a preference. If blank, the default is blafplus-rich. String values that are skin names found in the UI are valid. Takes effect on next login.

Value limits: Any valid skin names on the install

Default: blafplus-rich

DefaultSecurityGroup The default security group to use for document security when creating an application. If blank the user must specify the group during application creation. Takes effect on next application creation.

Value limits: Any valid security group name.

Default: None (empty string)

GDFontPath Path referencing a location containing TTF font files for use by OIT rendering package. Takes effect on session bean initialization.

Value limits: This value is specifically for LINUX and is ignored on Windows systems. It is an OIT requirement.

Default: No default provided - this must be explicitly defined.

InputAgentRetryCount Controls how many times a job can be retried. The default is 3; on the 4th try the job is placed in the failed directory.

Default: 3

InputDirectories Provides list of directories stored as CSV strings where input sources should look for work. Takes effect immediately.

Value limits: Any valid directory path the server can access with a minimum of 1 entry and maximum of 10.

Default: IPM/InputAgent/Input

IPMVersion String file of the I/PM version number.
JpegImageQuality Specifies desired compression level used when creating JPG images. Takes effect each image rendering.

Value limits: Value in range 0-100

Default: 75

LogDetailedTimes Provides detailed logging of UI activity with durations of many of the UI activities. Takes effect at server restart. Turn on LogDetailedTimes only when you are experiencing long delays with the UI because it floods the log with entries which you generally only need to identify slowdowns.

Value limits: True - Turns on the logging; False - Turns off the logging

Default: False

MaxSearchResults Maximum number of rows a search is allowed to return. After this value is reached, the search is stopped. Takes effect on next search.

Value limits: Min = 1, Max = 10000

Default: 1000

RequireBasicAuthSSL Forces the use of SSL in all web service communication when set to true. By default, it is false. Note that the RequireBasicAuthSSL setting only applies when no HTTP Basic Authentication is in use because no OWSM security policies have been applied.
SampleDirectory Specifies which directory holds the sample data for the input UI. Takes effect immediately.

Value limits: Any valid directory path to which the server has access.

Default: IPM/InputAgent/Input/Samples

TiffCompressionType Compression algorithm used when creating TIFF images. Takes effect each time a TIFF is generated.

Value limits: Allowable values are: LZW and FAX4

Default: LZW

UseAdvancedAsDefaultViewerMode Causes the advanced viewer to be used as the default viewer mode if a user has not set a preference. Takes effect at next login.

Value limits: True - Makes the advanced viewer the default; False - Makes the basic viewer the default

Default: True

3.6.2 Using WLST to Change MBeans

WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command line scripting environment that you can use to create, manage, and monitor WebLogic server domains including Oracle I/PM MBeans. For a list of custom Oracle I/PM MBeans, see "Oracle I/PM MBeans". WLST commands are issued on a command line and provide a way to navigate through WebLogic Server domains into MBean servers and down to specific application MBeans. From there, you can change Oracle I/PM MBean settings. To view or change these settings, you can use the WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) provided with WebLogic server. To learn more about the WLST commands and command line protocol, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Figure 3-1 WebLogic Scripting Tool Use Within Oracle I/PM Architecture

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .

Note that:

  • Strings must be surrounded by single quotation marks (')

  • Boolean must be entered as: Boolean(true) or Boolean(false)

  • MBean settings are case-sensitive

  • Long must be entered as: Long(123456)

The following procedure describes how to use WLST to view Oracle I/PM MBean settings.

  1. Log in to the target system on which the Oracle I/PM installation resides.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. Change directories to Middleware Home.

    For Windows systems, enter:

    >cd ('%MW_HOME%/wlserver_10.3/common/bin')

    For Linux systems, enter:

    >cd ('$MW_HOME/wlserever_10.3/common/bin')
  4. Start WebLogic Server Scripting Tool.

    For Windows systems, enter:

    wls> wlst.cmd

    For Linux systems, enter:

    wls> ./wlst.sh

    This starts the WLST shell in a disconnected mode.

  5. Connect to the WebLogic administration server using the correct I/PM managed server port. For example:

    wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> connect()
    Please enter your username [weblogic]: <enter>
    Please enter your password [welcome1]: <enter>
    Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001]:t3://localhost:16000
    Connecting to t3://localhost:16000 with userid weblogic...
    Successfully connected to managed Server 'IPM_server1' that belongs to domain 'base_domain'.

    Note that the port listed in the above example is the default listing port of the I/PM managed server and not that of the WLS administration server.

  6. Switch to the custom MBean server where the Oracle I/PM MBean is exposed.

    wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> custom()

    Location changed to custom tree. This is a writable tree with no root.

    wls:/base_domain/custom> ls()
    drw-   EMDomain
    drw-   JMImplementation
    drw-   com.oracle.igf
    drw-   com.oracle.jdbc
    drw-   com.oracle.jps
    drw-   oracle.adf.share.config
    drw-   oracle.adf.share.connections
    drw-   oracle.as.util
    drw-   oracle.dfw
    drw-   oracle.dms
    drw-   oracle.dms.event.config
    drw-   oracle.imaging
    drw-   oracle.j2ee.config
    drw-   oracle.joc
    drw-   oracle.jocssl
    drw-   oracle.jrf.server
    drw-   oracle.logging

    The ls() command in this example lists the contents of the custom directory. Locate the oracle.imaging entry. Note that if the oracle.imaging MBean is not listed, you are not connected to the correct I/PM managed server port and should disconnect and then reconnect using the correct port.

  7. The MBeans are arranged in a directory structure, so change to the directory that contains the Oracle I/PM settings.

    wls:/base_domain/custom> cd('oracle.imaging')
    wls:/base_domain/custom/oracle.imaging> cd('oracle.imaging:type=config')
  8. Now you are in the directory that contains all of the Oracle I/PM settings. Enter the ls() command to see all of the configuration options and their settings, or the get('<name>') function to get a specific value.

    wls:/base_domain/.../> ls()
    wls:/base_domain/.../> get('TiffCompressionType')
  9. Use the set(name, value) function to change a value. See "Oracle I/PM MBeans" for information about when the change will take effect because it differs for each MBean.

    wls:/base_domain/.../> set('CheckInterval', 5)

3.6.3 Using Enterprise Manager to Set an MBean Value

If you use Enterprise Manager (EM) to monitor server performance, you may want to also use the Enterprise Manager System MBean Browser to view and change Oracle I/PM MBean values. To use the System MBean Browser, following this procedure:

  1. Log on to Enterprise Manager.

  2. Under Deployments, click the appropriate target (such as IPM_server1). The Summary page displays.

  3. To view MBeans, select System MBean Browser on the WebLogic Server menu. On the left navigation pane, under Application Defined MBeans, expand oracle.imaging. Select the appropriate server.

  4. Expand the appropriate server.

  5. Expand config.

  6. Double-click config to display the list of Oracle I/PM MBeans and their settings.

  7. Change the appropriate MBean setting and click Apply. See "Oracle I/PM MBeans" for information about when the change will take effect because it differs for each MBean.