A.34 Input Field Mapping Page

This page facilitates mapping of the columns of data from input files into the correct fields of the target application. Access the Create Input Field Mapping page by clicking Next on the Input Identify and Parse File Parameters Page.

Surrounding text describes create_input_field_map.gif.

The following table describes the elements available on the page.

Element Description
Application Fields column List of field names that are specific to the selected application.
Input Column A green check mark in the radio button indicates that the mapping is good. A red X indicates that the mapping will not work and you must specify a different column. The picklist lets you choose the column in the input file that will be mapped to the specified data in the application.
Sample Data After you select a column, the corresponding data from the sample input file will be displayed in the Sample Data column. Click the Show Previous Line or Show Next Line icon to see more data from the sample file.
Use Application Default Enable to use the default value specified in the application if this value is blank in the input file. The check box is only displayed if the application defines a default value.
Date Format Click the Add or Edit icons to access the date mask editing dialog. This dialog allows you to create a custom date mask for deciphering nonstandard date values in the input file. Click the Delete icon to remove the custom date mask.

A.34.1 Define Date Format Page

The Define Date Format Page is displayed when clicking the Add a Date Format or Edit a Date Format icon in the Date Format column of the Input Field Mapping Page. Use the Define Date Format page to specify how the date is displayed. If no date format is specified, the default is to the format of the input agent server locale.

Define Date Format

The following table describes the elements available on the page.

Element Description
Add Click to add the selected format value to the to the Format Value field. Once added, an example is displayed in the Sample Date section.
Format Values Select format values to add to the Format Value field to determine how a date will be displayed. Only one value can be selected at a time. Values are displayed in the order they are added to the Format Value field. Format value options are:
  • Era: GG - Sample: AD

  • Year (4 digit): yyyy - Sample: 2010

  • Year (2 digit): yy - Sample: 10

  • Month (number in year): MM - Sample: 01

  • Month (abbreviated month name): MMM - Sample: Jan

  • Month (full month name): MMMM - Sample: January

  • Day: dd - Sample: 01

  • Hour (24 hour): HH - Sample: 17

  • Hour (12 hour): hh - Sample: 05

  • Minute: mm - Sample:16

  • Second: ss - Sample: 59

  • / separator: Separates values with a forward slash

  • - separator: Separates values with a dash

  • _ separator: Separates values with an underscore

  • : separator: Separates values with a colon

  • . separator: Separates values with a period

  • space: Adds a space to the string

For example, if the Format Value field were populated with yyMMMdd - HH:mm:ss, the Sample Date would display 10Jan01 - 15:16:59 for a date and time of January 10th, 2010 at 5:16 and 59 seconds PM, based on the following Format Values being added in the following order:

  1. Year (2 digit)

  2. Month (abbreviated month name)

  3. Day

  4. space

  5. - separator

  6. space

  7. Hour (24 hour)

  8. : separator

  9. Minute

  10. : separator

  11. Second