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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class CheckClassAdapter

  extended by oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassAdapter
      extended by oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.util.CheckClassAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CheckClassAdapter
extends ClassAdapter

A ClassAdapter that checks that its methods are properly used. More precisely this class adapter checks each method call individually, based only on its arguments, but does not check the sequence of method calls. For example, the invalid sequence visitField(ACC_PUBLIC, "i", "I", null) visitField(ACC_PUBLIC, "i", "D", null) will not be detected by this class adapter.

Constructor Summary
CheckClassAdapter(ClassVisitor cv)
          Constructs a new CheckClassAdapter object.


Method Summary
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Checks a given class.
 void visit(int version, int access, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String superName, java.lang.String[] interfaces, java.lang.String sourceFile)
          Visits the header of the class.
 void visitAttribute(Attribute attr)
          Visits a non standard attribute of the class.
 void visitEnd()
          Visits the end of the class.
 void visitField(int access, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.Object value, Attribute attrs)
          Visits a field of the class.
 void visitInnerClass(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String outerName, java.lang.String innerName, int access)
          Visits information about an inner class.
 CodeVisitor visitMethod(int access, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String[] exceptions, Attribute attrs)
          Visits a method of the class.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public CheckClassAdapter(ClassVisitor cv)
Constructs a new CheckClassAdapter object.
cv - the class visitor to which this adapter must delegate calls.

Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Checks a given class.

Usage: CheckClassAdapter <fully qualified class name or class file name>

args - the command line arguments.
java.lang.Exception - if the class cannot be found, or if an IO exception occurs.


public void visit(int version,
                  int access,
                  java.lang.String name,
                  java.lang.String superName,
                  java.lang.String[] interfaces,
                  java.lang.String sourceFile)
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the header of the class.
Specified by:
visit in interface ClassVisitor
visit in class ClassAdapter
version - the class version.
access - the class's access flags (see Constants). This parameter also indicates if the class is deprecated.
name - the internal name of the class (see getInternalName).
superName - the internal of name of the super class (see getInternalName). For interfaces, the super class is Object. May be null, but only for the java.lang.Object class.
interfaces - the internal names of the class's interfaces (see getInternalName). May be null.
sourceFile - the name of the source file from which this class was compiled. May be null.


public void visitInnerClass(java.lang.String name,
                            java.lang.String outerName,
                            java.lang.String innerName,
                            int access)
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits information about an inner class. This inner class is not necessarily a member of the class being visited.
Specified by:
visitInnerClass in interface ClassVisitor
visitInnerClass in class ClassAdapter
name - the internal name of an inner class (see getInternalName).
outerName - the internal name of the class to which the inner class belongs (see getInternalName). May be null.
innerName - the (simple) name of the inner class inside its enclosing class. May be null for anonymous inner classes.
access - the access flags of the inner class as originally declared in the enclosing class.


public void visitField(int access,
                       java.lang.String name,
                       java.lang.String desc,
                       java.lang.Object value,
                       Attribute attrs)
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a field of the class.
Specified by:
visitField in interface ClassVisitor
visitField in class ClassAdapter
access - the field's access flags (see Constants). This parameter also indicates if the field is synthetic and/or deprecated.
name - the field's name.
desc - the field's descriptor (see Type).
value - the field's initial value. This parameter, which may be null if the field does not have an initial value, must be an Integer, a Float, a Long, a Double or a String (for int, float, long or String fields respectively). This parameter is only used for static fields. Its value is ignored for non static fields, which must be initialized through bytecode instructions in constructors or methods.
attrs - the non standard method attributes, linked together by their next field. May be null.


public CodeVisitor visitMethod(int access,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String desc,
                               java.lang.String[] exceptions,
                               Attribute attrs)
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a method of the class. This method must return a new CodeVisitor instance (or null) each time it is called, i.e., it should not return a previously returned visitor.
Specified by:
visitMethod in interface ClassVisitor
visitMethod in class ClassAdapter
access - the method's access flags (see Constants). This parameter also indicates if the method is synthetic and/or deprecated.
name - the method's name.
desc - the method's descriptor (see Type).
exceptions - the internal names of the method's exception classes (see getInternalName). May be null.
attrs - the non standard method attributes, linked together by their next field. May be null.
an object to visit the byte code of the method, or null if this class visitor is not interested in visiting the code of this method.


public void visitAttribute(Attribute attr)
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a non standard attribute of the class. This method must visit only the first attribute in the given attribute list.
Specified by:
visitAttribute in interface ClassVisitor
visitAttribute in class ClassAdapter
attr - a non standard class attribute. Must not be null.


public void visitEnd()
Description copied from interface: oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the end of the class. This method, which is the last one to be called, is used to inform the visitor that all the fields and methods of the class have been visited.
Specified by:
visitEnd in interface ClassVisitor
visitEnd in class ClassAdapter

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