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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class CollectionMapping

  extended by oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping
      extended by oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping
          extended by oracle.toplink.mappings.CollectionMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, ContainerMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:
AggregateCollectionMapping, DirectCollectionMapping, EISOneToManyMapping, ManyToManyMapping, NestedTableMapping, OneToManyMapping, SDKObjectCollectionMapping

public abstract class CollectionMapping
extends ForeignReferenceMapping
implements ContainerMapping

Purpose: Abstract class for relationship mappings which store collection of objects

TOPLink/Java 1.0
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping


Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.


Method Summary
 void addAggregateOrderBy(java.lang.String aggregateName, java.lang.String queryKeyName, boolean isDescending)
          Provide order support for queryKeyName in ascending order.
 void addAscendingOrdering(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
          Provide order support for queryKeyName in ascending order
 void addDescendingOrdering(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
          Provide order support for queryKeyName in descending order.
 void addOrderBy(java.lang.String queryKeyName, boolean isDescending)
          Provide order support for queryKeyName in descending or ascending order.
 java.lang.Object getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(java.lang.Object object, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          Convenience method.
 void setContainerPolicy(oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.ContainerPolicy containerPolicy)
          ADVANCED: Configure the mapping to use a container policy.
 void setCustomDeleteAllQuery(ModifyQuery query)
          The default delete all query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
 void setDeleteAllCall(Call call)
          Set the receiver's delete all call.
 void setDeleteAllSQLString(java.lang.String sqlString)
          Set the receiver's delete all SQL string.
 void setSessionName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name of the session to execute the mapping's queries under.
 void simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord(java.lang.Object referenceKey, java.lang.Object changeSetToAdd, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object add to a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.
 void simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord(java.lang.Object referenceKey, java.lang.Object changeSetToRemove, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object removed from a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.
 void useCollectionClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass)
          Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
 void useMapClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass)
          Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
 void useMapClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass, java.lang.String keyName)
          Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
 void useSortedSetClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass, java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
 void useTransparentCollection()
          If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute.
 void useTransparentList()
          If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute.
 void useTransparentMap(java.lang.String methodName)
          If transparent indirection is used, a special map will be placed in the source object's attribute.
 void useTransparentSet()
          If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute.


Methods inherited from class oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping
dontUseBatchReading, dontUseIndirection, getJoinFetch, getReferenceClass, getRelationshipPartnerAttributeName, isCascadeMerge, isCascadePersist, isCascadeRefresh, isCascadeRemove, isInnerJoinFetched, isJoinFetched, isOuterJoinFetched, isPrivateOwned, privateOwnedRelationship, setCascadeAll, setCascadeMerge, setCascadePersist, setCascadeRefresh, setCascadeRemove, setCustomSelectionQuery, setIndirectionPolicy, setIsPrivateOwned, setJoinFetch, setReferenceClass, setRelationshipPartnerAttributeName, setSelectionCall, setSelectionCriteria, setSelectionSQLString, setUsesBatchReading, setUsesIndirection, shouldUseBatchReading, useBasicIndirection, useBatchReading, useContainerIndirection, useInnerJoinFetch, useOuterJoinFetch, usesIndirection


Methods inherited from class oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping
getAttributeAccessor, getAttributeClassification, getAttributeName, getGetMethodName, getProperty, getSetMethodName, isLazy, isOptional, isUsingMethodAccess, readOnly, readWrite, setAttributeAccessor, setAttributeName, setGetMethodName, setIsLazy, setIsOptional, setIsReadOnly, setProperty, setSetMethodName, setWeight


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public CollectionMapping()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void addAscendingOrdering(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
Provide order support for queryKeyName in ascending order


public void addDescendingOrdering(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
Provide order support for queryKeyName in descending order.


public void addOrderBy(java.lang.String queryKeyName,
                       boolean isDescending)
Provide order support for queryKeyName in descending or ascending order. Called from the EJBAnnotationsProcessor when an @OrderBy is found.


public void addAggregateOrderBy(java.lang.String aggregateName,
                                java.lang.String queryKeyName,
                                boolean isDescending)
Provide order support for queryKeyName in ascending order. Called from the EJBAnnotationsProcessor when an @OrderBy on an aggregate is found.


public java.lang.Object getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(java.lang.Object object,
                                                                  oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                                                           throws DescriptorException
Convenience method. Return the value of an attribute, unwrapping value holders if necessary. If the value is null, build a new container.
getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject in class DatabaseMapping


public void setContainerPolicy(oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.ContainerPolicy containerPolicy)
ADVANCED: Configure the mapping to use a container policy. The policy manages the access to the collection.
Specified by:
setContainerPolicy in interface ContainerMapping


public void setCustomDeleteAllQuery(ModifyQuery query)
The default delete all query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query. This query is responsible for doing the deletion required by the mapping, such as deletion of all the rows from join table for M-M, or optimized delete all of target objects for 1-M.


public void setDeleteAllSQLString(java.lang.String sqlString)
Set the receiver's delete all SQL string. This allows the user to override the SQL generated by TopLink, with there own SQL or procedure call. The arguments are translated from the fields of the source row, through replacing the field names marked by '#' with the values for those fields. This SQL is responsible for doing the deletion required by the mapping, such as deletion of all the rows from join table for M-M, or optimized delete all of target objects for 1-M. Example, 'delete from PROJ_EMP where EMP_ID = #EMP_ID'.


public void setDeleteAllCall(Call call)
Set the receiver's delete all call. This allows the user to override the SQL generated by TopLink, with there own SQL or procedure call. The arguments are translated from the fields of the source row. This call is responsible for doing the deletion required by the mapping, such as deletion of all the rows from join table for M-M, or optimized delete all of target objects for 1-M. Example, 'new SQLCall("delete from PROJ_EMP where EMP_ID = #EMP_ID")'.


public void setSessionName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name of the session to execute the mapping's queries under. This can be used by the session broker to override the default session to be used for the target class.


public void simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord(java.lang.Object referenceKey,
                                              java.lang.Object changeSetToAdd,
                                              oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet,
                                              oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object add to a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.
simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord in class DatabaseMapping


public void simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord(java.lang.Object referenceKey,
                                                   java.lang.Object changeSetToRemove,
                                                   oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet,
                                                   oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object removed from a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.
simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord in class DatabaseMapping


public void useCollectionClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass)
Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.

The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Collection interface.

Specified by:
useCollectionClass in interface ContainerMapping


public void useSortedSetClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass,
                              java.util.Comparator comparator)
Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.

The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.SortedSet interface.


public void useMapClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass,
                        java.lang.String keyName)
Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects. The key used to index a value in the Map is the value returned by a call to the specified zero-argument method. The method must be implemented by the class (or a superclass) of any value to be inserted into the Map.

The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Map interface.

To facilitate resolving the method, the mapping's referenceClass must set before calling this method.

Specified by:
useMapClass in interface ContainerMapping


public void useMapClass(java.lang.Class concreteClass)
Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects. The key used to index a value in the Map is an instance of the composite primary key class.

To facilitate resolving the primary key class, the mapping's referenceClass must set before calling this method.

The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Map interface.


public void useTransparentCollection()
If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute. Fetching of the contents of the collection from the database will be delayed until absolutely necessary. (Any message sent to the collection will cause the contents to be faulted in from the database.) This can result in rather significant performance gains, without having to change the source object's attribute from Collection (or List or Vector) to ValueHolderInterface.


public void useTransparentSet()
If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute. Fetching of the contents of the collection from the database will be delayed until absolutely necessary. (Any message sent to the collection will cause the contents to be faulted in from the database.) This can result in rather significant performance gains, without having to change the source object's attribute from Set to ValueHolderInterface.


public void useTransparentList()
If transparent indirection is used, a special collection will be placed in the source object's attribute. Fetching of the contents of the collection from the database will be delayed until absolutely necessary. (Any message sent to the collection will cause the contents to be faulted in from the database.) This can result in rather significant performance gains, without having to change the source object's attribute from List to ValueHolderInterface.


public void useTransparentMap(java.lang.String methodName)
If transparent indirection is used, a special map will be placed in the source object's attribute. Fetching of the contents of the map from the database will be delayed until absolutely necessary. (Any message sent to the map will cause the contents to be faulted in from the database.) This can result in rather significant performance gains, without having to change the source object's attribute from Map (or Dictionary or Hashtable) to ValueHolderInterface.

The key used in the Map is the value returned by a call to the zero parameter method named methodName. The method should be a zero argument method implemented (or inherited) by the value to be inserted into the Map.

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