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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class License

  extended by oracle.irm.engine.types.core.license.License

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class License
extends Object
implements Serializable

License type. A license defines the what you can do, with what classifications and when criteria. The criteria of a license are stored in the Criteria property. This property contains all the data that defines the what you can do, with what classifications and when. When licenses are requested by the desktop (for example, when content is opened) additional properties on the license are altered to reflect where the license is delivered. This process is called serving a license and is processed by the serveLicenses operation. The serving process sets additional properties on the license such as the RequestTime, RefreshTime and attached Device. If the license can be refreshed from the server these properties are also recorded in persistent storage. If the same license is requested, these properties are restored and checked, to ensure the license is not already in use.

XML Serialization

License instances can be serialized as an XML document. This XML document can also be used to recreate a License object. The following XML document shows an example License in XML form.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<core:License xmlns:classifications="" xmlns:core="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <timeSpans xsi:type="core:AbsoluteTimeSpan">
        <classifications xsi:type="core:XPathClassificationFilter">
                <value>classifications:ContextCookie/[context[uuid='588403f9-9cff-4cce-88e4-e030cc57282a'] and itemCode='item1.sdoc']</value>
        <destinations xsi:type="core:XPathClassificationFilter">

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class License.Availability
          Availability enumeration.
static class License.ExpiryType
          Expiry Type enumeration.


Constructor Summary
          No argument constructor.
License(UUID uuid, LicenseCriteria criteria, KeySetRef[] keys, Date licenseTime, Date requestTime, UUID serveUuid, Date refreshTime)


Method Summary
 LicenseCriteria getCriteria()
          The license criteria.
 KeySetRef[] getKeys()
          The related key sets.
 Date getLicenseTime()
          License time.
 Date getRefreshTime()
          Refresh time.
 Date getRequestTime()
          Request time.
 UUID getServeUuid()
          Serve UUID.
 UUID getUuid()
          An unique identity for a license.
 void setCriteria(LicenseCriteria value)
          The license criteria.
 void setKeys(KeySetRef[] value)
          The related key sets.
 void setLicenseTime(Date value)
          License time.
 void setRefreshTime(Date value)
          Refresh time.
 void setRequestTime(Date value)
          Request time.
 void setServeUuid(UUID value)
          Serve UUID.
 void setUuid(UUID value)
          An unique identity for a license.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public License()
No argument constructor.


public License(UUID uuid,
               LicenseCriteria criteria,
               KeySetRef[] keys,
               Date licenseTime,
               Date requestTime,
               UUID serveUuid,
               Date refreshTime)

Method Detail


public UUID getUuid()
An unique identity for a license. A globally unique identity for a license. The license UUID logically identifies a license. The UUID is used during the serveLicenses to record where the license was delivered. Maintaining the same UUID for logically equivalent licenses is important when tracking of a license's use is important.

It is valid for the Criteria to change over time for the same UUID.
the value of the property.


public void setUuid(UUID value)
An unique identity for a license. A globally unique identity for a license. The license UUID logically identifies a license. The UUID is used during the serveLicenses to record where the license was delivered. Maintaining the same UUID for logically equivalent licenses is important when tracking of a license's use is important.

It is valid for the Criteria to change over time for the same UUID.
value - the new value for the property.


public LicenseCriteria getCriteria()
The license criteria. The license criteria defines the what you can do, with what classifications and when criteria.
the value of the property.


public void setCriteria(LicenseCriteria value)
The license criteria. The license criteria defines the what you can do, with what classifications and when criteria.
value - the new value for the property.


public KeySetRef[] getKeys()
The related key sets. The key sets that relate to this license. As this license may be applicable to multiple classifications, it may also be applicable to multiple key sets. This relationship is used to ensure that key sets are discarded when a license is no longer valid.
the value of the property.


public void setKeys(KeySetRef[] value)
The related key sets. The key sets that relate to this license. As this license may be applicable to multiple classifications, it may also be applicable to multiple key sets. This relationship is used to ensure that key sets are discarded when a license is no longer valid.
value - the new value for the property.


public Date getLicenseTime()
License time. The time the license was created, issued, bought or assigned.
the value of the property.


public void setLicenseTime(Date value)
License time. The time the license was created, issued, bought or assigned.
value - the new value for the property.


public Date getRequestTime()
Request time. The time the license was served to a device. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
the value of the property.


public void setRequestTime(Date value)
Request time. The time the license was served to a device. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
value - the new value for the property.


public UUID getServeUuid()
Serve UUID. When a set of licenses are served to a device a unique UUID will be set on the license. This value can be used to identify the set of licenses served at the same time. This value can also be used with the check in operation to filter the check in based on the serve UUID value. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
the value of the property.


public void setServeUuid(UUID value)
Serve UUID. When a set of licenses are served to a device a unique UUID will be set on the license. This value can be used to identify the set of licenses served at the same time. This value can also be used with the check in operation to filter the check in based on the serve UUID value. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
value - the new value for the property.


public Date getRefreshTime()
Refresh time. The time at which the license must be refreshed. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
the value of the property.


public void setRefreshTime(Date value)
Refresh time. The time at which the license must be refreshed. If the license has not been served this property will have a null value.
value - the new value for the property.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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