Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class MigrationManager

  extended by oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager

public abstract class MigrationManager
extends java.lang.Object

The MigrationManager class provides access to the registered Migrator implementations available. The lifespan of the MigrationManager is limited to the point immediately after IDE notification of addins loaded.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void finishMigration()
          Perform any final migration after all addins have been loaded.
static MigrationManager getMigrationManager()
          Gets the MigrationMananger instance.
abstract  Migrator getMigrator(java.lang.Class migratorCls)
          Get the Migrator instance of the given Class.
abstract  java.util.List getMigrators()
          Get a List of all Migrator implementations.
abstract getOracleHomeDirectory( systemDir)
          Get the Oracle products install directory used by the version of the IDE whose 'System' directory is provided.
abstract  void migrate()
          Deprecated. as of use @link #migrate(boolean, boolean) instead.
abstract  java.lang.String migrate(boolean userDirectoryCreated, boolean systemDirectoryCreated)
          Migrate user settings from a previous install, optionally deleting the given location.
abstract  void registerMigrator(java.lang.String name, Extension desc)
          Register a Migrator implementation for use when migrating a given extension.
static void setMigrationManager(MigrationManager migrationManager)
          Set teh MigrationManager instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MigrationManager()
Method Detail


public static MigrationManager getMigrationManager()
Gets the MigrationMananger instance. The lifespan of the MigrationManager is limited to the startup process. The MigrationManager instance is disposed of immediately after the IdeEvent.IDE_ADDINS_LOADED event is sent.


public static void setMigrationManager(MigrationManager migrationManager)
Set teh MigrationManager instance.


public abstract java.lang.String migrate(boolean userDirectoryCreated,
                                         boolean systemDirectoryCreated)
Migrate user settings from a previous install, optionally deleting the given location. Normally this method should only ever be called a single time, and only by the IdeCore.

userDirectoryCreated - if true the UserDirectory (where System.x.x.x is located) was created during this session. This variable can be used to determine if this is the first-time install of JDev.
systemDirectoryCreated - if true the System directory (System.x.x.x) was created during this session. This variable can be used to determine if the migration dialog should be shown.


public abstract void migrate()
Deprecated. as of use @link #migrate(boolean, boolean) instead.


public abstract void finishMigration()
Perform any final migration after all addins have been loaded. Normally this method should only ever be called a single time, and only by the IdeCore.


public abstract java.util.List getMigrators()
Get a List of all Migrator implementations.


public abstract Migrator getMigrator(java.lang.Class migratorCls)
Get the Migrator instance of the given Class.


public abstract getOracleHomeDirectory( systemDir)
Get the Oracle products install directory used by the version of the IDE whose 'System' directory is provided.

the result that would have been obtained by calling Ide.getOracleHomeDirectory() on the version of the IDE whose 'System' directory is provided.


public abstract void registerMigrator(java.lang.String name,
                                      Extension desc)
Register a Migrator implementation for use when migrating a given extension.

name - fully qualified class name of a Migrator implementation.
desc - extension.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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