Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface SourceElement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
SourceAnnotation, SourceAnnotationExpression, SourceArrayAccessExpression, SourceAssertStatement, SourceAssignmentExpression, SourceBlock, SourceBlockElement, SourceBlockStatement, SourceBreakStatement, SourceCatchClause, SourceClass, SourceClassBody, SourceClassInitializer, SourceCompoundStatement, SourceConditionalStatement, SourceContinueStatement, SourceDereferenceExpression, SourceDocBlockTag, SourceDocComment, SourceDocDescription, SourceDocElement, SourceDocHasDescription, SourceDocInlineTag, SourceDocReference, SourceDocTag, SourceDocTagName, SourceDocTextFragment, SourceDoStatement, SourceDotExpression, SourceElseClause, SourceEmptyStatement, SourceEnumConstant, SourceError, SourceExpression, SourceExpressionStatement, SourceFieldDeclaration, SourceFieldVariable, SourceFile, SourceFinallyClause, SourceFormalParameter, SourceFormalParameterList, SourceForStatement, SourceHasBlock, SourceHasModifiers, SourceHasName, SourceHasType, SourceIfStatement, SourceImport, SourceInfixExpression, SourceInterfacesClause, SourceInvokeExpression, SourceLexicalBlankline, SourceLexicalComment, SourceLexicalElement, SourceLexicalSqlj, SourceListExpression, SourceLiteralExpression, SourceLocalVariable, SourceLocalVariableDeclaration, SourceMember, SourceMemberVariable, SourceMethod, SourceMethodCallExpression, SourceName, SourceNewArrayExpression, SourceNewClassExpression, SourceOperatorExpression, SourcePackage, SourceQuestionExpression, SourceReturnStatement, SourceSimpleNameExpression, SourceSimpleStatement, SourceStatement, SourceStatementLabel, SourceSuperclassClause, SourceSwitchLabel, SourceSwitchStatement, SourceSynchStatement, SourceThrowsClause, SourceThrowStatement, SourceTryStatement, SourceTypeArgument, SourceTypecastExpression, SourceTypeExpression, SourceTypeParameter, SourceTypeReference, SourceUnaryExpression, SourceVariable, SourceVariableDeclaration, SourceWhileStatement, SourceWrapperExpression

public interface SourceElement
extends Element

Every node in the java parse tree is a subinterface of a SourceElement. From each SourceElement, you can retrieve start and end offsets.


A SourceElement may only have one parent. An attempt to cause a SourceElement to have multiple parents will result in a runtime exception.

Compilation of a SourceElement involves determination of a compiler context. A parented SourceElement derives its compiler context from its parent chain and owning SourceFile. An unparented SourceElement may be compiled only if it has a valid CallerContext cookie.

In order to prevent collisions, a SourceElement may either have a single parent OR a valid CallerContext cookie, but not both. An attempt to set the CallerContext on a parented SourceElement will result in a runtime exception. Likewise, an attempt to set the parent on a SourceElement with a valid CallerContext will result in a runtime exception.

The most typical scenario is that a SourceElement is parented and will therefore use its parent chain and owning SourceFile, as stated above. An example of a compilation involving an unparented SourceElement is the client Go to Declaration. This client may seek to resolve an arbitrary input string for an expression. The text of the input string does not have to come from the owning SourceFile's text buffer. Because the input text is not a part of the SourceFile, there is no existing SourceElement that represents the input string and the client must construct one via the SourceFactory. The new SourceElement is not part of the SourceFile and therefore regular compilation doesn't work (because regular compilation requires a parent chain and an owning SourceFile). At this point, the client constructs a CallerContext based on the SourceElement (called the "source scope") to be used as the compiler scope. The SourceElement can then be resolved/compiled using the source scope as its parent chain.

Field Summary
static int CHILDREN_ALL
          Includes every type of child currently supported.
static int CHILDREN_default
          The default used by getChildren(), getSiblings(), and getElementAt().
static int CHILDREN_none
          Masks for getChildren(I), getSiblings(I), and getElementAt(I).
          (extends SourceElement, does not extend SourceLexicalElement).
static SourceElement[] EMPTY_ARRAY
static int PRINT_ALL
          Prints everything out.
static int REFORMAT_ALL
          Redoes formatting on this subtree.
          Redoes indentation on this subtree.
Method Summary
 void addSelf(SourceElement parent)
          Performs an add (usually append) of this element to the parent.
 void addSelf(SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Performs an add of this element to the parent of the input sibling.
 void addSelfAfter(SourceElement sibling)
 void addSelfBefore(SourceElement sibling)
 void clearBinding(int key)
          Clears the NodeBinding instance that returns the given type id.
 SourceElement cloneSelf(SourceFile targetFile)
          Performs a deep-copy of this SourceElement but attached to the input SourceFile.
 void compile()
          Recursively compiles the sub-tree rooted at this element.
 NodeBinding getBinding(int key)
          Gets the NodeBinding bound with the given key.
 java.util.List getChildren()
          Gets the list of children SourceElement.
 java.util.List getChildren(int mask)
          Gets the list of children SourceElement.
 JavaElement getCompiledObject()
          Gets the compiled object associated with this element.
 SourceElement[] getContainedElements()
          This method is equivalent to getChildren() except that it returns an array.
 int getEndOffset()
          Gets the (exclusive) end offset into the TextBuffer.
 SourceFile getOwningFile()
          Deprecated. Use getOwningSourceFile().
 SourceFile getOwningSourceFile()
          Gets the owning SourceFile.
 SourceElement getParent()
          Gets the parent SourceElement to this.
 SourceElement getSiblingAfter()
          Gets the sibling after this.
 SourceElement getSiblingBefore()
          Gets the sibling before this.
 java.util.ListIterator getSiblings()
          Gets a ListIterator for this SourceElement's siblings.
 java.util.ListIterator getSiblings(int mask)
          Gets a ListIterator for this SourceElement's siblings.
 int getStartOffset()
          Gets the (inclusive) start offset into the TextBuffer.
 int getSymbolKind()
          Identifies what kind of SourceElement this is.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Gets the raw text for this SourceElement.
 void print( out)
          Prints a complete representation of this node to the PrintWriter instance.
 void print( out, int format)
          Prints a representation of this node to the PrintWriter instance.
 void reformatSelf(int mask)
          Attempts to format this subtree based on the mask argument.
 void removeSelf()
          Performs a remove of this element from its parent.
 void replaceSelf(SourceElement newElement)
          Performs a set of this element with the newElement.
 void resolve()
          Performs name and type resolution on this element.
 void setBinding(NodeBinding data)
          Stores the NodeBinding instance.
 void setContext(CallerContext context)
          Gets the compiler context.
 void visitSelf(SourceVisitor visitor)
          Traverses the subtree rooted at this element with the given visitor.

Field Detail


static final SourceElement[] EMPTY_ARRAY


static final int CHILDREN_none
Masks for getChildren(I), getSiblings(I), and getElementAt(I).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHILDREN_REGULAR
(extends SourceElement, does not extend SourceLexicalElement). Everything that is not a SourceLexicalElement or a child of a SourceLexicalElement.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHILDREN_COMMENTS
(SourceLexicalComment). Single-line, multi-line, unattached doc, and attached doc comments.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHILDREN_BLANKLINES
(SourceLexicalBlankline). Blank lines.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHILDREN_ALL
Includes every type of child currently supported.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHILDREN_default
The default used by getChildren(), getSiblings(), and getElementAt().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int REFORMAT_ALL
Redoes formatting on this subtree. Note: This will clobber the existing formatting on this subtree.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int REFORMAT_INDENT
Redoes indentation on this subtree.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int PRINT_ALL
Prints everything out.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getStartOffset()
Gets the (inclusive) start offset into the TextBuffer.

The start offset into the ReadTextBuffer for this symbol.


int getEndOffset()
Gets the (exclusive) end offset into the TextBuffer.

The end offset into the ReadTextBuffer for this symbol.


int getSymbolKind()
Identifies what kind of SourceElement this is.

The syntax code of this SourceElement. Valid values are JavaConstants.SRC_*.


java.lang.String getText()
Gets the raw text for this SourceElement.

The raw text characters from the text buffer for the given start and end offsets. If no text buffer could be found, then "" is returned.


SourceFile getOwningFile()
Deprecated. Use getOwningSourceFile().

The owning SourceFile for this node.


SourceFile getOwningSourceFile()
Gets the owning SourceFile.

The owning SourceFile for this node.


SourceElement getParent()
Gets the parent SourceElement to this.

The parent of this node.


void setContext(CallerContext context)
Gets the compiler context. See class javadoc comments for discussion of what this context means.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this element already has a parent.


java.util.List getChildren()
Gets the list of children SourceElement.

The array of non-token children linked to this element. Returns a collection of SourceElements that are not SourceLexicalElement.


java.util.List getChildren(int mask)
Gets the list of children SourceElement. Same as getChildren except that the array of children is determined by the input bit mask.

mask - A bit mask determining what input to use.


java.util.ListIterator getSiblings()
Gets a ListIterator for this SourceElement's siblings.

The same behavior as ListIterator. This element will be returned via an initial call to next(). If the initial call is prev(), then the previous element will be returned.

Note: Unlike ListIterator, next() and previous() will return null instead of throwing NoSuchElementException's. That allows the client to safely call getSiblings().previous() and getSiblings().next().


java.util.ListIterator getSiblings(int mask)
Gets a ListIterator for this SourceElement's siblings. Same as getSiblings() except that the array of children is determined by the input bit mask.

mask - A bit mask determining what input ot use.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this element does not match the input bit mask.


SourceElement getSiblingBefore()
Gets the sibling before this.

This operation currently performs in time proportional to the number of siblings this element has. That is, this is not a fast operation.

This element's sibling with an earlier start offset. Null if none.


SourceElement getSiblingAfter()
Gets the sibling after this.

This operation currently performs in time proportional to the number of siblings this element has. That is, this is not a fast operation.

This element's sibling with a later start offset. Null if none.


void visitSelf(SourceVisitor visitor)
Traverses the subtree rooted at this element with the given visitor.


SourceElement cloneSelf(SourceFile targetFile)
Performs a deep-copy of this SourceElement but attached to the input SourceFile. If this element has children, then the clone of this element will have, as its children, clones of this element's children.

Non-transient data fields (such as access mask, array dimensions, expression codes) are copied. "Data" means anything that can be safely copied, e.g. int, String, char. An example of a "transient" field is an internal bit mask storing the compiled state of this SourceElement. Mostly, that means that compilation and formatting flags are not copied.

Node bindings are not copied.

For details on what happens when you call SourceFile.cloneSelf(), please see SourceFile.cloneSelf().

An unattached deep-copy of this SourceElement. "Deep copy" is explained above. "Unattached" means unparented.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a SourceFile. If you want to clone a SourceFile, you should use SourceFile.cloneSelf( TextBuffer ).


void addSelf(SourceElement parent)
Performs an add (usually append) of this element to the parent. Insertion point is left to the discretion of the implementation.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this element may not be added.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this element already has a parent.


void addSelf(SourceElement sibling,
             boolean before)
Performs an add of this element to the parent of the input sibling.

before - If true, this element will be added before the sibling. If false, this element will be added after the sibling.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if addSelf does same.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if addSelf does same or if sibling does not have a parent.


void addSelfBefore(SourceElement sibling)


void addSelfAfter(SourceElement sibling)


void replaceSelf(SourceElement newElement)
Performs a set of this element with the newElement.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this element may not be removed or the new element may not be added.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this element does not have a parent or if the new element already has a parent.


void removeSelf()
Performs a remove of this element from its parent.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this element may not be removed.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the element does not have a parent.


JavaElement getCompiledObject()
Gets the compiled object associated with this element. Implicitly calls resolve().

This method doesn't actually have much use until we get generics. Once we get generics, this method becomes a powerful tool because each SourceElement subinterface will know what type its compiled object is.

The compiled object associated with this element, if any.

Declarations compile to become themselves. SourceClass, SourceField, SourceMethod, and SourceImport all return themselves.

Expressions compile to become value or variable references. In all cases, expressions compile to become a JavaHasType. A method call expression will compile to become a JavaMethod. A simple name or a dot expression will compile to become either a JavaType or a JavaVariable. Most other expressions compile to become a typed value or a temporary variables.

In all other cases, the compiled object has no meaning.


void resolve()
Performs name and type resolution on this element.


void compile()
Recursively compiles the sub-tree rooted at this element. Compilation includes name and type resolution.



NodeBinding getBinding(int key)
Gets the NodeBinding bound with the given key.

The NodeBinding instance of the given type that is stored in this node. Null if none.


void setBinding(NodeBinding data)
Stores the NodeBinding instance. Overwrites any stored NodeBinding that returns the same type id.


void clearBinding(int key)
Clears the NodeBinding instance that returns the given type id.


void reformatSelf(int mask)
Attempts to format this subtree based on the mask argument. If this SourceElement is not writeable, an exception is generated.

mask - Valid values are REFORMAT_*.


void print( out,
           int format)
Prints a representation of this node to the PrintWriter instance.

format - Meaning depends on each particular node type.


void print( out)
Prints a complete representation of this node to the PrintWriter instance.


SourceElement[] getContainedElements()
This method is equivalent to getChildren() except that it returns an array. This method is provided only to make it easier to port the existing clients of the old to the new JOT.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Copyright © 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.