Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02
Interface SAML2IdentityAsserterMBean

All Superinterfaces:
AuthenticationProviderMBean, ExportMBean, IdentityAsserterMBean, ImportMBean, ListerMBean, NameListerMBean, ProviderMBean, SAML2IdPPartnerRegistryMBean, SAML2PartnerRegistryMBean, ServletAuthenticationFilterMBean

public interface SAML2IdentityAsserterMBean
extends IdentityAsserterMBean, SAML2IdPPartnerRegistryMBean, ImportMBean, ExportMBean, ServletAuthenticationFilterMBean

This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at run time.

Method Summary
 String[] getActiveTypes()
          The token types active for this SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.
 boolean getBase64DecodingRequired()
          Returns whether the assertions that are passed to the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider are base64 decoded first.
 String getDescription()
          A short description of the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.
 String getName()
          The name of this configuration.
 String getNameMapperClassName()
          The custom Java class that overrides the default SAML 2.0 assertion name mapper class, which maps identity information contained in assertions to local Subjects.
 String getProviderClassName()
          The Java class used to load the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.
 boolean getReplicatedCacheEnabled()
          Specifies whether the replicated cache is used.
 String[] getSupportedExportConstraints()
          The security data that you want to be exported from this Identity Assertion provider's data store.
 String[] getSupportedExportFormats()
          The format of the file to export.
 String[] getSupportedImportConstraints()
          The security data that you want to be imported into this Identity Assertion provider's data store.
 String[] getSupportedImportFormats()
          The format of the file to import.
 String[] getSupportedTypes()
          The token types supported by this SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.
 String getVersion()
          The version number of the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.
 void setNameMapperClassName(String newValue)
          The custom Java class that overrides the default SAML 2.0 assertion name mapper class, which maps identity information contained in assertions to local Subjects.
 void setReplicatedCacheEnabled(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether the replicated cache is used.
Methods inherited from interface
setActiveTypes, setBase64DecodingRequired
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
addIdPPartner, consumeIdPPartnerMetadata, getIdPPartner, idPPartnerExists, listIdPPartners, newEndpoint, newIndexedEndpoint, newWebSSOIdPPartner, newWSSIdPPartner, removeIdPPartner, updateIdPPartner
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


String getProviderClassName()

The Java class used to load the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Default Value:


String getDescription()

A short description of the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:
"SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion Provider. Supports Security Assertion Markup Language v2.0."


String getVersion()

The version number of the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedImportFormats()

The format of the file to import. The list of supported import formats is determined by the Identity Asserter provider from which the security data were originally exported.

Specified by:
getSupportedImportFormats in interface ImportMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedImportConstraints()

The security data that you want to be imported into this Identity Assertion provider's data store. A SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider can import all partners(Partner=all), enabled partners(Partner=enabled) or only disabled partners(Partner=disabled).

Specified by:
getSupportedImportConstraints in interface ImportMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedExportFormats()

The format of the file to export. The list of supported export formats is determined by this Identity Asserter provider.

Specified by:
getSupportedExportFormats in interface ExportMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedExportConstraints()

The security data that you want to be exported from this Identity Assertion provider's data store. A SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider can export all partners(Partner=all), enabled partners(Partner=enabled), or only disabled partners(Partner=disabled). The password placed in the exported file can be encrypted or plain text(Passwords=cleartext).

Specified by:
getSupportedExportConstraints in interface ExportMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedTypes()

The token types supported by this SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Specified by:
getSupportedTypes in interface IdentityAsserterMBean
Default Value:,


String[] getActiveTypes()

The token types active for this SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider.

Specified by:
getActiveTypes in interface IdentityAsserterMBean
Default Value:,


boolean getBase64DecodingRequired()

Returns whether the assertions that are passed to the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider are base64 decoded first. If false, the server does not base64 decode the assertion before passing it to the SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion provider. Base64 decoding is not required for SAML 2.0 Identity Assertion providers.

Specified by:
getBase64DecodingRequired in interface IdentityAsserterMBean
Default Value:


String getNameMapperClassName()

The custom Java class that overrides the default SAML 2.0 assertion name mapper class, which maps identity information contained in assertions to local Subjects.

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setNameMapperClassName(String newValue)
                            throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The custom Java class that overrides the default SAML 2.0 assertion name mapper class, which maps identity information contained in assertions to local Subjects.

newValue - - new value for attribute NameMapperClassName
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


boolean getReplicatedCacheEnabled()

Specifies whether the replicated cache is used.

Default Value:


void setReplicatedCacheEnabled(boolean newValue)
                               throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Specifies whether the replicated cache is used.

newValue - - new value for attribute ReplicatedCacheEnabled
Default Value:


String getName()
Description copied from interface: ProviderMBean
The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Specified by:
getName in interface ProviderMBean
Specified by:
getName in interface SAML2IdPPartnerRegistryMBean
Specified by:
getName in interface SAML2PartnerRegistryMBean
Default Value:

Documentation is available at
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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02